How Many of You Have Been Told You Were Obsessive?



  • chelsiem87
    chelsiem87 Posts: 316 Member
    It's always discouraging and irritating when someone makes defensive comments like that, especially when it's family. I have no problem with "thin" people Loosing/toning their weight. I actually work with a woman that is VERY healthy, overall. But she KEEPS her body looking good and is concientous about living a healthy lifestyle. That's what this is all about leading and living a healthy lifestyle, right? You're doing good, girl! Just come here to vent and you can FR me if you want. I'm always looking for new friends to motivate and encourage :bigsmile:
  • Rachlovesfitness
    Rachlovesfitness Posts: 219 Member
    well since I clinically have OCD all the time :D lol
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Wrong? About what, that it's okay to be obsessive, or that you are obsessive?

    Anyone who "freaks out" about minor slip-ups is probably obsessive. Getting one A- and crying about it? Yeah... that'd be obsessive, too.

    To err is human. To be unwilling to err even slightly, be it intentional or not, sounds...

    At what point did I say I freaked out about it? I grumbled about it. TBH, I did not have any slip ups. My weight is probably due to water and whatever else.

    To everyone else, yea, I understand what you all are saying. I haven't changed, I'm my same goofy self. But I guess that I'm just going to have to shut up about it completely if that makes her feel better about herself and keeps her mind at ease. And I'm ok with that. I have a whole community hear that is willing to listen :flowerforyou:

    Are general questions posted to the forum meant to be taken personally? I didn't say "you" did any of that?

    A bit... obsessive in analyzing my response, are we? (I'M KIDDING).

    You're playing words games. I would assume that since you were responding to a post I created talking about ME, that you were talking to/about me. But that's cute though :flowerforyou:

    I'm sorry Ms. Jackson. I didn't mean to to make your daughter cry.

    I apologize a trillion times.:drinker:

    And yea seriously, that is annoying. Trying to do this the right way! But I agree, I had to dive head first into this, otherwise, I just wouldn't do it at all. And i've had enough of that lol
  • 98777
    98777 Posts: 108 Member
    Ask them why they are so obsessive about ruining their health and being overweight.
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I lost about 96 pounds in a year and now that i'm 5'4" and 138 pounds, my mom keeps telling me that my goal to lose another about 10 pounds is crazy and I should just be happy where I am. She's also 5'4" and she's been plateau'd at a 156-158 weight for years.. I was at 234 pounds at my heaviest.. I know for my height I should be a little less than where I am. Right now I'm mostly trying to build some muscle and tone/definition... She just scoffs and rolls her eyes. Its discouraging most of the time..
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    Ask them why they are so obsessive about ruining their health and being overweight.

  • april1445
    I get this, it feels like from everyone. My husband is very cerebral, and I think he finds this shallow. My older sister is 150 lbs overweight and gives me tons of grief (I guess everyone needs a hobby...). I want to tell them all to f off if you want the truth. Tired of trying to explain it...
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    Yes, I have been told that I'm being obsessive. It's often from the same people who ask me my secret and then don't like the answer when I say hard work.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    :explode: So I'm soooooo crabby right now. Talking on the phone with my sister this morning and I was griping about how hard I had been working all week and that I had actually put on two pounds. At which point she responds "You are starting to get obsessed, and honestly, it's a little scary".

    OK so here's what I have a problem with. I don't go around yakking to people (besides my friends here) about weight loss. I talk to her about it every so often because she is my sister, and she struggles with weight.

    At 5'4 and 134lbs (i've lost 4lbs so far), I get that people don't think I need to lose weight, but I would like to firm and tone and drop about 5lbs. What's wrong with that? The only thing I have done differently is change my diet and I have been working out.I still go out and have a good time, I go out to eat when i'm asked, I don't talk to people about what they're eating because I know this is MY journey, not theirs. I keep most of this to myself. I say something to her about it because I figured she wouldn't get all "your behavior is scary" on me.

    I had to ask her, what if I were in school trying to make straight A's and I studied SO hard and worked my butt off, and I didn't. If that made me upset, would that still make me obsessive? If I was obsessive, I would be doing this the wrong way and probably develop an eating disorder. But i'm doing this the right way- watching what goes in my mouth and working out to get toned and strong.

    I am so cranky. Has anyone ever been told this? Am I totally and completely wrong? It makes me scared to open up to even family members on the rare occasions that I do..:grumble:

    TL; DR.

    Who cares? It's your body and health. Do what makes you happy.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Me. Because I work out on a regular basis. Which, for me, is a maximum of four times a week. People are just that lazy, I guess.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I am always told that I am either "obsessed" or that I am "Too much into myself", ect. People that do not have what you have will always try to pull you down. It is like the bucket of crabs... Once one is starting to get out the others pull on him so that they can get out but end up pulling that one back in and the cycle continues.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I can see it both ways and there is a fine line when it comes to dedication vs obsession. Vacillating over what amounts to natural body weight fluctuations, especially when you have very little to lose isn't really a very healthy mindset. You should also understand that with you being at a healthy weight and BF% it is going to be really slow and that natural body weight fluctuations are likely to mask fat loss on a pretty routine basis. You'd be best served to not focus so much on some arbitrary scale value and focus more on body re-comp...losing 5 Lbs isn't going to make you look all that your body will even if your weight were to stay exactly the same.

    I have been told I was obsessed before...and they were right...I had crossed the line and little things related to my weight, etc started to consume me. For me, it was a good thing to just chill out a little. I started doing a lot of research and discovered I was indeed making mountains out of molehills with a lot of this stuff.
  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    Obsession is only measured against something. Am I obsessive against Usain Bolt or Mo Farah? Hardly. What about my 38-stone brother in law? Well, maybe.

    If something makes you happy, then keep doing it. There will ALWAYS be people trying to pull you down because they can't/won't do it themselves. My wife goes on about how I am obsessive over exercise. If onyl she did some she'd see that I'm not and in actual fact, I do less than I used to.

    My general definition to obsession is doing something single-mindedly without a justified reasoning. Except I'm a qualified sport scientist, nutritionist and former athlete who works in IT. So I'm obsessed...:grumble:
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I can see it both ways and there is a fine line when it comes to dedication vs obsession. Vacillating over what amounts to natural body weight fluctuations, especially when you have very little to lose isn't really a very healthy mindset. You should also understand that with you being at a healthy weight and BF% it is going to be really slow and that natural body weight fluctuations are likely to mask fat loss on a pretty routine basis. You'd be best served to not focus so much on some arbitrary scale value and focus more on body re-comp...losing 5 Lbs isn't going to make you look all that your body will even if your weight were to stay exactly the same.

    I have been told I was obsessed before...and they were right...I had crossed the line and little things related to my weight, etc started to consume me. For me, it was a good thing to just chill out a little. I started doing a lot of research and discovered I was indeed making mountains out of molehills with a lot of this stuff.

    That's a good way to put it. That's for your input. It's just so easy to get frustrated. A friend of mine suggested that I leave the scale alone for a bit, and I think that's a good way for me to go.

    That being said, I am still going to keep going. I just find it irritating that I say very little already, and someone suggests that I'm obsessive when I do say something. I'm over it. I just wanted to vent. It's annoying to have people constantly telling you that "you don't need to lose any weight" when I'm not doing it for them in the first place :)
  • rostraqueen
    My immediate family know I am trying to lose weight - my 15-year-old sister told me I wasn't eating enough (she's a bit of a worrier) until I showed her my food diary and that seemed to placate her!
    I'll still go out to eat, but just try to choose the lower calorie option off the menu. I notice that if I'm eating with friends and say no to that second biscuit or 3rd slice of pizza they don't even notice, but if I say I'm trying to lose weight they start saying "But you're not overweight" (I might not look obese, but I am carrying too much weight for my height!) or "Oh, I really need to go on a diet too" and asking "does it fill you up?". Not really a conversation I want to have whilst eating so it's easier not to say anything in the first place when out. The only time I might mention it is if we're having a general in-depth girly chat. I do feel like they support me though luckily.
    Perhaps don't mention it again - if you're losing weight for yourself, does it matter if other people know about it? If anyone questions whether you're healthy or says you're looking too skinny, show them your BMI is normal using a scale like this one:
    And if they're still not convinced, show them your food diary - tell them MFP will tell you if you're not eating enough!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I really don't consider myself even remotely obsessive...I'm still trying to reign in my eating and work out MORE. But my Mom did say once "It's like you are on a mission or something." I knoew she meant it critically but I just smiled and said "I am!"
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I really don't consider myself even remotely obsessive...I'm still trying to reign in my eating and work out MORE. But my Mom did say once "It's like you are on a mission or something." I knoew she meant it critically but I just smiled and said "I am!"

    Lol, well of course you are!! haha:laugh: Oh moms :)
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    I've noticed in my own life that even family cannot provide the encouragement we need based on THEIR OWN ISSUES! The comments I get from family range from compliments all the way down to asking why I'm wearing certain clothing... the truth is they can't handle me looking good and feeling great, when they are miserable.
    I come from a family with an overweight majority so this is something we've dealt with for years.
    I hope your sister can let you open up without judgement and let you be who you are on this journey to get fit and healthy.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    My co-workers think I'm bat$hit insane, I'm constantly logging and double checking things(currently looking at healthy options for tomorrow staff christmas lunch) and I know I talk about it a lot. A few of my friends get annoyed with me when I turn down going out for drinsk ect for the sake of my calories. Other than that I have some very supportive friends and family that root for me and sometimes question my sanity lol