HELLO EVERYONE!!! Please include Name (if you don't feel comfortable, just your screen name), current weight, team color & two of the following three choices: 1 thing you struggled with this week (can be anything that is anyway related to your success here on MFP), 1 thing you a grateful for in your life, and 1 tip (something you do that helps you, whether it be diet related or exercise related).



  • molew
    molew Posts: 1
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    How do you decide what color your on?
  • AmandaR910
    HELLO EVERYONE!!! Please include Name (if you don't feel comfortable, just your screen name), current weight, team color & two of the following three choices: 1 thing you struggled with this week (can be anything that is anyway related to your success here on MFP), 1 thing you a grateful for in your life, and 1 tip (something you do that helps you, whether it be diet related or exercise related).


    I'm on the Green Team.
    My name is Amanda. Current weight is 216.4lbs.
    This week I struggled with Halloween candy and my son's birthday cake, but I managed to net a (very) small loss anyways. One thing I'm grateful for is my two great kids and one on the way. :)
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    The teams are already decided.... Maybe you guys can join us next time?
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Okay CW: 256 even!
    I struggled this week with my eating habits around dinner time. I can control myself during breakfast and at lunch because its just me, but then when I get home at night I have a hard time controlling what I eat because my boyfriend influences me and my portions.
    My tip for people would be set goals and make them realistic. Set goals that are two weeks apart or weekly goals, its easier to see success that way!! :)
  • lfafnis
    lfafnis Posts: 35 Member
    My screen name is lfafnis, my current weight is 253. I believe I am on the green team. Off to exercise off some weight. GL everyone!!:wink:
  • silveryflutterby
    My name is Tosha
    CW: 222.5
    Something I struggled with this week is eating out. My husband is home on leave so he wants to eat at our favorite restaurants and we had a date night with alcohol. Instead of trying to find the healthiest thing, I have been letting myself slack because he is eating good stuff. Only twice, but still not happy with that. I still managed to lose two pounds since my weigh-in on Tuesday, but after our date last night I am up from 221 yesterday. :( One thing I have found that helps me is to keep the house void of bad stuff. It's much easier to pass it up in the grocery store than to not eat it when it's right there in the cabinet or fridge and you've had a bad day. If you only have healthy options available, that's what you'll eat! :)

    Hope everyone had a great week!
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Nov. 7/10 - Official start weight: 282.0 lbs

    This week I struggled with working out. I had a short work out one day and convinced myself I'd "finish" the next day in addition to what I was already doing. Repeat. I got caught up but holy crap it sucked!
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    I'm Liz and I'm team green wooooooo! Current weight 228
    I struggled this week this with finding time to cook HOT meals instead of cold stuff all the time. One tip I have is everything little step you take in the direction of being healthy is going to count :) good luck everyone!!!!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Name: Liz
    Current Weight: 189.8
    Team: Purple
    This week I'm struggling solely because it's TOM and I start feeling really lazy. One tip I have is to avoid eating out, it cuts the sodium intake drastically.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Nov. 7/10 - Official start weight: 282.0 lbs

    This week I struggled with working out. I had a short work out one day and convinced myself I'd "finish" the next day in addition to what I was already doing. Repeat. I got caught up but holy crap it sucked!

    I can't edit my post, so to add: TEAM GREEN!
  • MrsUnderwood
    Name: Kat
    Current Weight: 308.6
    Team: GREEN
    Struggle: Water intake. I always have a hard time taking in the right amount of water. It's a daily struggle but I'm working on it.
    Tip: If you mess up make a better choice the next time. Don't beat yourself up but don't allow yourself to mess up all day just because of one mistake.

    *Happy Note: I lost 3.2 pounds last week and that brings me to a 22 pound loss in just over 2 months. It's a great accomplishment for me, I'm definitely happy!!
  • penne356
    Name: Yusrie
    Current Weight: 133 lbs
    Team: Purple
    This week I struggled with scheduling my working out. I, for some reason, cannot workout at all in the morning. It makes me dizzy. So to compensate that, I workout late at night - like REALLY late. (I'm an evening student and late night is the only time I'm free since morning is out of question.) I really wish to workout in the morning. GUH.

    I don't really have a tip but if you're following a weight-loss program like Insanity or anything similar, and you miss a day or two of workout because you felt lazy, I recommend you restart that week again. This way, you'll be scared to miss your workout the next time ;) That's what I do and it works for me.
  • Luckie712

    Name: Joanna
    Current Weight: 243 lbs

    My struggle was 3 words of evil in a box: Girl Scout Cookies! I don't even think it is GS Cookie season, so I don't know why they had them. I walked out of the grocery store with healthy options, and the girl scouts were selling my weaknesses of delicious Thin Mints and Tagalongs. I had the giddy OMG TAGALONGS! moment. Then, I smiled at the girls and walked right past them. Victory!

    Tip: Get in a routine for working out. I set aside a specific time everyday to exercise. This works for me because I feel guilty if I try to procrastinate.
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    The teams are already decided.... Maybe you guys can join us next time?
    i had responded to the other post about this but i never heard what team i was i on a team or did i get sent home before making it to the ranch? ;) lol
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    HELLO EVERYONE!!! Please include Name (if you don't feel comfortable, just your screen name), current weight, team color & two of the following three choices: 1 thing you struggled with this week (can be anything that is anyway related to your success here on MFP), 1 thing you a grateful for in your life, and 1 tip (something you do that helps you, whether it be diet related or exercise related).


    Oops! I almost forgot! :) I didn't think it was so soon!

    Name: Emily
    Current Weight: 204 pounds
    Team Color: Green
    1 Thing I Struggled With: Making room for left-over Halloween candy AND my dinner. I've got a thing for sweets lately for some odd reason. I've been having to eat light for lunch or dinner, so that I can have a treat... Like that powdered sugar donut this afternoon. :) Yum! Haha, don't judge me! I promise I won't let the Green Team down.
    1 Tip: So, in order for me to have the will power to lose weight, I use my calories however I'd like. You don't have to eat 100% green or vegan or healthy to lose weight. (Thought it's nice if you do! I should really try. :P) If you want pizza, have some. If you want ice-cream, have some! Go light on the cheese and toppings, try the low fat skinny cow ice-cream, etc. It's all about not "depriving" yourself. Otherwise, you'll binge eat... Like I did the in the very beginning because I was making myself miserable eating only lean cuisines. :) Today, I've had pizza and a donut, and you know what? I'll still lose weight next week, because a calorie is a calorie. Use them on whatever you'd like, but remember: Once they're gone for the day, they're gone! And, you don't get any more until you exercise or just wait until tomorrow. So, don't blow all your calories away by lunch, but eat whatever and however much you'd like. AS LONG AS IT FITS in your calorie goals.

    Are we going to have "challenges?" I think it'd be interesting to have like weekly goals to work toward... Like maybe drinking more water, having a healthy, home-cooked meal instead of going out, exercise an extra hour, etc.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Ohhh sorry about that!! You are on the purple team!!!! :)
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    howdy names lance reppin purple weigh 203.8 ish haha
    one thing i struggled with was not binging at my moms wedding i had gained back all the weight from the week before but i was still able to lose that 2 plus another 3 so im proud of that

    um my tip is dont drive around the gym looking for a close parking spot near the fron if your just going to go to the treadmill :)
  • Sammy_k715
    Sammy_k715 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello!! My names Sam, Im 180 , on the green team YAY!!!. One thing I struggled with this week is not eating the halloween candy. =P I'll admit I had a couple pieces. One thing I'm grateful for in my life is my family. Something that helps me when I'm trying to lose weight is competing with people. So, this helps me a lot. Thank You =]
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    i'm on the purple team, my name is sandra. i'm at 237 as of now (down 123 from highest weight already) as for struggle....this past week was pretty was a fluke week where i lost like 7 lbs but if i have to pick's actually having the desire to get on my treadmill at night. i've been so sleepy lately.