A word to all about sexism.

So I checked up a Hump Day vine on youtube (yeah logical in my book), and of course 6 seconds later the video ended. I figured I could go for a good laugh and watch "Best Vines of 2013 Compilation", so I clicked on it. But youtube has commercials. I actually appreciate the commercials, because it is why I am allowed to use this free service of youtube and google and such things (so from a fan thank you), and the commercial had one of my favorite songs (I feel something every time I hear it) "Mad World" by Tears of Fears (the song in the commercial was sung by a woman I cannot find the name of, but lovely voice). And I watched this little minute and a second long commercial, and man it broke my heart. (Yeah it is a Pantene commercial of all things lol)

I am one, that if you know me, you will know that I have very strong opinions against racism and people who are prejudice for any reason. I truly see all of us as Humans first, and (if you are good at heart) gorgeous people second.

One of the things I hate the most is sexism, whenever I hear about "But I am a girl" I call that person sexist, when I hear a man saying "Well of course she was able to convince that guy, she has boobs", I get so annoyed (unless I know they joking, cause hey, even I joke about those things, its good to have a sense of humor, but you get what I am saying). And yes I know there are things that are not sexist, but are just facts (such as women naturally have more empathy, men have more testosterone and makes it easier for muscle building and such, and let us not forget the big plus of being a woman, child birth, yeah it hurts but no man will ever understand the power you women hold in that field, NOT EVER)

But seeing this commercial (LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOjNcZvwjxI) I just felt so bad, because it is so damn true.

Women, I love you, I do, I appreciate everything you all can and will do.

Sorry if I rambled on, and if I went on too long, but I don't know this video got to me a bit.


  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Lovely sentiment. The women in your life are lucky.
  • W0rthless_Her0

  • jmparkins4387
    So, first of all, I love where you're coming from. Yes yes yes. Thank you for truly making an effort to see women as people who do deal with very real discrimination on a regular basis and are often subject to criticisms and pressures that men are not (though men have a different set of pressures and criticisms, of course).

    But I just want to make mention of the "facts" you mentioned: Women do not naturally have "more empathy." Women are socialized to be more empathetic and social and accommodating to others in our culture. It's learned behavior, not a biological fact. Also, I am, and generally advise others to be, wary of scientific "truths" about gender and sex (two different things) that attempt to define the differences between men and women. As objective as scientists try to be, they're still mostly men from Western countries who apply the frameworks they learned their entire lives that shape their perspectives. The impact that this has had on science throughout history has been immense, and the entry of more and more women into scientific fields has done much to challenge the assumptions and conclusions of many of their male predecessors and colleagues.

    With that said, thank you again for recognizing us as people. I only ask that now you go forth into the world and educate your sons, brothers, friends, etc about this revolutionary concept. Because we need more men like you :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    So, first of all, I love where you're coming from. Yes yes yes. Thank you for truly making an effort to see women as people who do deal with very real discrimination on a regular basis and are often subject to criticisms and pressures that men are not (though men have a different set of pressures and criticisms, of course).

    But I just want to make mention of the "facts" you mentioned: Women do not naturally have "more empathy." Women are socialized to be more empathetic and social and accommodating to others in our culture. It's learned behavior, not a biological fact. Also, I am, and generally advise others to be, wary of scientific "truths" about gender and sex (two different things) that attempt to define the differences between men and women. As objective as scientists try to be, they're still mostly men from Western countries who apply the frameworks they learned their entire lives that shape their perspectives. The impact that this has had on science throughout history has been immense, and the entry of more and more women into scientific fields has done much to challenge the assumptions and conclusions of many of their male predecessors and colleagues.

    With that said, thank you again for recognizing us as people. I only ask that now you go forth into the world and educate your sons, brothers, friends, etc about this revolutionary concept. Because we need more men like you :)

    exactly. women are socialized to be more consensus builders and empathetic whereas boys are socialized to be more assertive. there are also studies that show differences in how parents play with their kids might effect how they deal with risks and things (for instance , parents of boy babies are more apt to do stuff like throw them in the air and catch them whereas girl babies are more often coddled).

    it's very dangerous to attribute any personality or behavioral examples on biology, just stick with the physical ones :tongue: and even then there's a spectrum of possibilities.

    i'm also old enough to remember how one of the biggest assumptions was that girls (naturally) sucked at science and math whereas we did better at english and social studies. as a girl (who was socialized as a girl and i'm fairly "girly" as an adult) i've always been far better at math and science than the other stuff and i was treated as an oddity as a kid and it wasnt until i reached high school and college where i met other girls who rocked at science and math that we all realized that it wasnt that odd and that maybe the real obstacle to girls doing well in math and science was because we had too many adults in our ear setting the expectations so low
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    As much as I don't want to discourage someone who is trying to do something nice....... but you don't seem to understand sexism at all. I got the impression that you still view women as female first, human second. Benevolence does not disqualify you from misogyny.
    No one likes to be patronized. Don't thank women for what women do, treat each person with the respect they are due as humans, and appreciate their human contributions to the human race.
    P.S. Sexist jokes are still sexist and annoying. Claiming humor makes it ok to saying offensive things or condone narrow stereotypes is a tactic as old as time.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
  • huntndox
    huntndox Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Your heart is in the right place, OP.

    Solid attempt.
  • britta14
    As much as I don't want to discourage someone who is trying to do something nice....... but you don't seem to understand sexism at all. I got the impression that you still view women as female first, human second. Benevolence does not disqualify you from misogyny.
    No one likes to be patronized. Don't thank women for what women do, treat each person with the respect they are due as humans, and appreciate their human contributions to the human race.
    P.S. Sexist jokes are still sexist and annoying. Claiming humor makes it ok to saying offensive things or condone narrow stereotypes is a tactic as old as time.
    I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you for pointing that out.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    cool post OP!
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    As much as I don't want to discourage someone who is trying to do something nice....... but you don't seem to understand sexism at all. I got the impression that you still view women as female first, human second. Benevolence does not disqualify you from misogyny.
    No one likes to be patronized. Don't thank women for what women do, treat each person with the respect they are due as humans, and appreciate their human contributions to the human race.
    P.S. Sexist jokes are still sexist and annoying. Claiming humor makes it ok to saying offensive things or condone narrow stereotypes is a tactic as old as time.

    This. So much this. If a man ever thanked me for the things I do "as a woman" I'd slap him.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I didn't watch the commercial, but ladies, the only thing that differentiates you, in my opinion, is your vaginas. Keep on rock in' equality in 2014! You hold those things up high and don't put just anything in there. You have my support!!!
  • mthr2
    mthr2 Posts: 158 Member
    OP, that was a good ad and a nice post and you seem to be a good person. Somehow your kind sentiment will not be good enough because I don't think it is PC to notice that women are women or generalize us in any way, shape, or form.

    Have fun and don't get your feelings hurt with all that may follow. :laugh:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I didn't watch the commercial, but ladies, the only thing that differentiates you, in my opinion, is your vaginas. Keep on rock in' equality in 2014! You hold those things up high and don't put just anything in there. You have my support!!!
    wait hold what things up high? our vaginas? :laugh:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I didn't watch the commercial, but ladies, the only thing that differentiates you, in my opinion, is your vaginas. Keep on rock in' equality in 2014! You hold those things up high and don't put just anything in there. You have my support!!!
    wait hold what things up high? our vaginas? :laugh:

  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I didn't watch the commercial, but ladies, the only thing that differentiates you, in my opinion, is your vaginas. Keep on rock in' equality in 2014! You hold those things up high and don't put just anything in there. You have my support!!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I didn't watch the commercial, but ladies, the only thing that differentiates you, in my opinion, is your vaginas. Keep on rock in' equality in 2014! You hold those things up high and don't put just anything in there. You have my support!!!
    wait hold what things up high? our vaginas? :laugh:

    's my vagina ill put wte i want in it even if it is 99 luftballoons
  • subsonicbassist
    subsonicbassist Posts: 117 Member
    Sounds like OP is gonna be having a "Hump Day" erry day, if you know what I mean ;)
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    How do you get your vagina high? Dip your vibrator in cocaine?