
I am thinking of giving C25K a go. I normally do circuit training, weights and hiking but as far as endurance whilst running, I suck. Who has had success with this app? Anyone made it to the end? How hard was it to be motivated?

Awesome, thanks :) X


  • brianlyne
    My wife did the c25k program and was very successful with it. She wasn't a runner really that I've ever known and is now training for a half marathon this spring. She's done several 5k and 10k runs, including some virtual runs organized on Facebook. I'm going to start the c25k app as well as soon as the ice isn't all over the roads here. Seeing her success is definitely a motivator for me.
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    The C25K forum here is a great place to start, with really helpful members http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/47-couch-to-5k-running-program-c25k-

    I'm in Week 4 of C25K and I've never been a runner. I'm running on a treadmill at the moment until I get the confidence to run outdoors, but I'm really liking the challenge. The program eases you into running, so each week it is a little harder but manageable. I never imagined I'd be able to run! I also like that the commitment is only half an hour three times a week, because I prefer lifting weights over cardio.
  • Gilla22
    I have started running on my own about a week ago.im gonna start this program today.I have downloaded the app...feel Free to add me.I want ppl so we can motivate each other. xx
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    Giving this a go from Jan 6th (once holiday season over).

    Have looked at it having seen several friends go through the process. Haven't ran in years though so slightly nervous about the whole thing. App downloaded to phone and as using treadmill initially, program changing on fob next week.

    Good luck.
  • candicelh79
    candicelh79 Posts: 42 Member
    I completed the Active C25k earlier this month. I was not a runner at all. Now I run 3miles 3 times a week, and miss it if I don't. Especially for the amount of calories you burn running. :) I have also started training for a 10k.
  • youtubeworkouter
    youtubeworkouter Posts: 19 Member
    I started the C25K 2 months ago. I stuck with week 2 for 1 month, it was hard getting started. Now i'm on week 7 day 3. The crazy part is, I know I can make it the whole 30 minutes now. I never imagined myself as a runner, but now I prefer it over any other exercise. Now because of this app and myfitnesspal, I can have the energy I need to play with my young two kids. Keep up the good work everyone and don't feel discouraged because you start slow. I started slow and now and able to finish this app. :)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I used c25k - made a runner out of me at the age of 43, having HATED running most of my life! :bigsmile:

    I don't know what clicked that made me want to give it a shot, but click it did, challenge was accepted and off I went. I used c25kFREE by Zen Labs and it worked great. I stuck to the program, going out 3 days a week, and managed to complete each day's plan, and went on to complete the entire program as it was written, and with zero injuries!

    Two years later I am still running and enjoying it. If I can do it, anyone can.

    Stick to the plan, even if it feels easy in the early weeks and you feel like you can go farther or do more days per week. Get good shoes! Fitted in an actual running store if possible. Go slow. S L O W - as slow as you need to in order to complete each day. Slow running is still running! Speed will come later, just focus on completing the time. Repeat days/weeks if necessary, but don't look at the next week and decide it's too much until you give it a shot. You'll be amazed at what you CAN do. But no shame if a repeat is necessary! Find a race in your area that's happening sometime after you'll be through the program and register - nothing motivates you to stick with the program like having a 5k race on the horizon. It's a great goal, it's a ton of fun, and a great way to celebrate having completed the program.

    Good luck!
  • saoulbete

    I don't know what clicked that made me want to give it a shot, but click it did, challenge was accepted and off I went. I used c25kFREE by Zen Labs and it worked great.

    Just a heads up, the android version of this app hates when I use the music player app for music and it at the same time, and likes to freeze/crash when i do so. That said, I'm on the third workout for it, and honestly love the heck out of it so far. I hated the 5 minute warmup runs in gym class, but for whatever reason, I'm enjoying this and looking forward to see how far i can push myself each week.
  • domnut
    domnut Posts: 32 Member
    I started doing this a few weeks ago, then had travel commitments (both holiday and work related) xmas snuck up and I totally bailed. I am starting from the beginning again tomorrow! Saw some pictures of myself recently and was horrified, I think that's pretty good motivation to stick to it :)

    When I did use it, I loved the app and it worked well with Spotify. I also used it with Nike+ app to track my route and all worked well on my iPhone 5.

    Good luck to all! You can do it!
  • rie_q
    rie_q Posts: 73
    I'm doing the Zombies, Run version of C25K... It mixes instructions and story up with your own playlist and I'm in love with it. After this, I'm going to start on the full versions of Zombies, Run!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I did a C25K with a running club but the app is very similar. You will kill it, just take your time. I'm guessing (very sweeping broad guess) the reason you are not good at running is because you are tackling it as if you are circuit training. circuit training you are most probably pushing your body past its lactic threshold - where your muscles are producing more lactic acid than your body can process. This is great for circuits because you have a break in between when your body can flush the acid out of your muscles. With running you are constantly producing energy so you need to go slow enough to keep the lactic acid in equilibrium ... i.e. going slow enough to allow your body to remove the lactic acid (and burn fat as a higher percentage of energy instead of mainly glycogen). They are different energy systems and you need to train at a lower intensity. Saying that if you circuit train I bet you are already quite fit.

    Have you got a HRM ? If you want to run it may be worth getting one, working out, working out what your lactic threshold is and making sure you keep well below this. I think you may be surprised at how far you can go in a few weeks time :-)
  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    Had to answer this because I finally feel I have the right to comment on this program.

    I started in October and remember thinking I could not finish day 1 (1.5 min runs x5 with 3 min walking intervals if I recall correctly). This memory is very distant and foggy as I write this having completed Week 7 Day 2 today (25 mins solid).

    Here is what I have learned:
    - This program is perfect for those of us who never did a sport at school or were in any way athletic. If, like me, you always 'forgot' your gymclass gear this app has the ability to make you something you never dreamt of - a running addict!

    - It is ok to fail: I mean this in several respects.
    1) This is my 3rd attempt at a C25K program. The difference? The App (I use Get Running). The first 2 times I did this I used about.com's daily email plan. I had to set my phone timer to go off after the required time and I couldn't really visualise my progress. This time could not be more different

    2) I have had 2 lapses this time around. One in which I went on a business trip and bailed on my running for 2 weeks. The second just this week where I had a strop with my plateau and gave up for 6 days. Yet despite my lack of sportiness, in both instances there came a point where I just found myself NEEDING TO RUN. ME! The lazy couch-potato. Today was a particular triumph in this regard as I went straight back to a full 25 minute run despite my 6 day lapse and my rotund Xmas tummy. I had a whole different type of runners high when I realised I had not set myself back as I expect - Maybe I am really a runner now?!

    3) When I went from 3 minute running intervals to 5, the jump nearly killed me. Every other jump has been fine, I have been astounded at how the program has readied my body for the next advance. But 3 to 5 was horrid and I nearly dropped to my knees in the park. I did 3/4 of the suggested runs and went right back to try it the next day. It was hard but achieveable.

    - Next, Watching your posture, stetching and running at a steady, managable pace. I will never be a sprinter but I am getting through those Kilometers and that is all that matters

    - HRM is essential as MFP calories are completey off

    - This program is for everyone. My slim friend who walks regularly and jogs once a month is feeling the difference, my 47yo mom is loving it and my 26yo butt is looking better than ever

    - The programs rest days are there for a reason. Rest, feel the burn and get right back to it!

    I'm running a 5k in 4 weeks. To think that in October I got puffed walking up stairs. I still have a way to go but at least I will always have trainers and music to accompany me!

    GOOD LUCK :-)

    EDIT: P.S use Nike+ too to show you your distances and keep a spreadsheet of your achievements
  • Blamber21
    Blamber21 Posts: 29 Member
    I used Run Double. It gives you a couple of weeks free.. then its something like $3 for ALL the plans. Did the 5k, will be doing the 10k one, and the 5k improver this year. I love love loved it. Hope you decide to go for it, its WORTH it.