Horse People, where are you? Whinny if you can hear me!



  • CoachLeah1965
    I found the horse people!! yay!!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    Probably not what you Argh, not sure why the picture isn't showing...
  • cajun_qt
    I miss horseback riding so much :(
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Waves. I've got a 6 year old TB. We do dressage, jumping, and trail riding for fun.
  • CoachLeah1965
    So let's get this barnyard party going!

    What is everyone doing for fitness today? After fighting the flu for 11 days I was able to get my workout in today! I chose one of my favorites! TurboFire 45EZ.

    Chalene and TurboFire are my happy workouts! She is so positive and makes me feel BEAUTIFUL! LOL! So the perfect choice for first day back in.

    Next stop is riding my furry pony and doing some ground work on the second one!

    Let's go peeps! Get some motivation going!

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I'm loving all the pictures. I love to ride but have never owned my own horse. I rode loads when I was younger but stopped when I was around 15 or so. I have started again recently as a friend of mine owns two horses but we don't get out as often as I would like.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Very cool, do it. I will say one thing though. Don't set a deadline, just set a weight goal and be diligent about working to it. Hopefully you'll get there sooner rather than later, but once you're there you won't give a damn how long it did or didn't take.
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    I miss horses. I rode constantly until I went to college 3 years ago (eventing, but more dressage than anything). Of course, I never gained any weight until college-- which I attribute partly to not doing work in the barn every day.
  • appygirl84
    appygirl84 Posts: 105 Member
  • CoachLeah1965
    Today is raining :-( So no pony rides for me. I just finished a T25 workout instead!

    Still get some extra weight training with putting out bales of hay!

    What are you doing today for fitness?

    For those of you looking for a some extra horsey photos, follow me on Instagram! Lots of horsey photos for you!
  • nasska16
    nasska16 Posts: 8 Member
    Any other competitive barrel racers in this group? I just joined MFP. Got two barrel horses running, a project going, and a beginner's lesson business I'm running. I'm very busy, get plenty of excercise, but I swear I'm ADDICTED to eating. Hopefully this will be the start to changing that.

    Grr, I have better technique as a rider than I did as a 17 year old, but I'd sure love that body really made staying with these powerhouses a lot easier coming out of the barrel! I really want to get in shape for many reasons, but I'd love to get back into some tight blingy Ariat jeans and blow everyone into the 2D cuz I'm so light my horse doesn't know I'm on it ;) Anyone else find it difficult to workout for the sake of working out when you know you still have stalls, shelters, and pens to muck out?
  • firegirley
    firegirley Posts: 86 Member
    LOL I'm sure we all have broken, dislocated, bruised and bitten stories. We could probably have a board of just that!! I hope you've been healing well and are back in the saddle in no time :)
  • firegirley
    firegirley Posts: 86 Member
    LOL, I'm right there with you! I would love to have mules, but I'm happy with my horses for now. When I get a farm someday...
    Also have no interest in showing. I just like to be out on the trails :)
  • foxtrax
    foxtrax Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there! I flit in and out of MFP at random but I'm going to try sticking around this time! I am a semi-equestrian I guess, lol. My friend owns a horse and teaches at a local barn. Due to the awesomeness of the barn owner I get to hang out there, grooming/tacking/visiting. Once in a while I'll have a chance to get on my friend's beautiful OTTB mare, but that's just to walk around and cool her out. She's too spirited for me to handle when she's fresh, lol. In spring/summer/fall I work pony parties for the barn owner. For this I get free lessons for my girls who are 10 and 11. Occasionally I will get a lesson for myself or the owner will let me take a property ride on a schoolie. Its been 2 years since I started helping at the barn and I'm still very much a beginners walk/trot/canter and took my first jump in October! I'll try to upload a pic of myself from August on my favorite made, Queenie, but I don't know if I can from my cell phone...
  • foxtrax
    foxtrax Posts: 13 Member
    Nope, I guess no pics from phones lol. Or else I'm blind and don't see where you add it!
  • EviLizVet
    I've got 3 horses and my main motivation is to get back in my show jacket this summer, However, I fell off 2 weeks ago and fractured my ankle! Now stuck inside and not exercising is hell and I'm dreaming about mucking out!
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm just glad I don't have to look for a rock or a hill in order to get back in the saddle when I drop something when on the trail!
  • baby_valiant
    baby_valiant Posts: 86 Member
    Hi all Dressage rider here! Got to a point in my riding where I knew the hirse was fit - I just couldnt help him! So Ive been improving my health and my fitness to assist with my riding.

    Currently im sidelined with an achilles injury and hoping my reassessment tomorrow will give me tge green light to ramp up the workload again! :)
  • fuego84
    fuego84 Posts: 35 Member
    I haven't rode in about 4 years. Losing weight and being able to take my boy out on the trail again is a big motivator.
  • gydwhoa
    gydwhoa Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all - My two horses have been snow bound and haven't been ridden since December. We are all getting chubby. I am now going to track what I eat and drop a few lbs. It's all good until night time when the chip drawer haunts me.