What "childish" fears do you still have?



  • None. I used to freak out my mother because of it.
  • hotjodels
    hotjodels Posts: 118 Member
    Clowns scare the crap out of me!
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm creeped out by mirrors. Especially sleeping in front them..I cover the one in my bedroom with a blanket before bed each night. I'm terrified Bloody Mary is in there waiting to get me....
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Specifically, syringes, injections, blood drawing devices.

    This is crazy because if I have an ingrown hair, I can unflinchingly dig it out with a 2" safety pin, no problemo. I have a large tattoo that I was excited to acquire. So the stabbing sensation of vibrating needle(s) when attached to a tattoo gun is easy peasy.

    So it's not just as basic as "needles."

    But if the needle is attached to a syringe so it can put something into me, or if it is going to be drawing out my blood, I want to die. Huge horror-filled panic is induced. Similarly, that evil sharp hook that the dentist uses to probe my gums (WHY!!?!?) is a tool of the debil.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    spiders. Spiders are @ssholes. They hang above you, taunting you. @ssholes! If there is a spider in the room I cannot sleep until i get it out of the room, or get someone else to. I honestly, childishly fear spiders killing me in my sleep. :embarassed:
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    Mice, snakes & spiders (mostly when I walk into a web, eww!). I also couldn't sleep in our house when my husband removed the cover on the crawlspace. He made fun of me, but who knows what coulda came out of there to get me??
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Mice, snakes & spiders (mostly when I walk into a web, eww!). I also couldn't sleep in our house when my husband removed the cover on the crawlspace. He made fun of me, but who knows what coulda came out of there to get me??

    once I had to crawl under our house when I was a teenager, to use a hairdryer to unfreeze our pipes. My dad had just had surgery and couldn't get down there. I could just FEEL the spiders and webs. I was so scared I just closed me eyes and pretended I was somewhere else. I will never forget that to this day! so awful. :sad:
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member


    And these...


    Eugh... god, I hate those things. One crawled into my house once (the potato bug, not the crab), and I could hear it walking around on the tile from the next room.

  • ameltingprism
    Not sure if you would consider these 'childish' or not but I am afraid of heights more than anything and the dark, of course.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    The dark. I do not even sleep in the dark. Like literally sleep with a lamp on...
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Any extreme weather...high wind, heavy rain, lots of snow, but especially thunderstorms. I get a little anxious when there's lightening, but someone help me when there's thunder.

    I don't like lightning much either, I'm scared I'll get electrocuted, probably not likely but still.
  • UndoneTwo
    Bees. Absolutely terrified of them.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Like many also have a fear of heights. There is this bridge that overlooks a dual carriageway below, I can never go over it. About a metre or two below is this pathway and that's to the side of the bridge so you can still see and hear the cars going past down below, and see basically to the end of my town lol. It's scary and sometimes I have to walk across it with my mum, scariest moment of my life lol. Also, there is stairs leading up to it, so they're steep and going up and that's scary as well. If you go down them though it's not bad. I think how the heck can people walk this path by themselves, and also how can they walk the bridge by themselves?
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    I've got ranidaphobia still too.
  • kdb247
    kdb247 Posts: 326 Member
    I saw the movie "Jaws" when I was little and it traumatized me. Now I will not go beach swimming unless other swimmers are out a little further. The Shark will get them first is my dumb rationale.
  • wowladie
    wowladie Posts: 34 Member
    I hate being in the total dark, I can't see and then I feel as if someone is near me. I am claustrophobic and I have a touch of vertigo - but worst I can't swim so I don't go too far into the water, I am afraid that I might drown.
  • I think guys are the worst. No matter how old. Guys seem to NEVER change. I STILL get nasty emails about killing me and burning me and crippling me yada yda if I make ANY comments about how pretty a girl is or congrats on her progress and usually these girls are like in other COUNTRIES. Its like they think the girls gonna drop her whole life and come running to me just because I WAS KIND and showed my SUPPORT of her weight loss.

    Ill probably NEVER understand that one, do they want NOONE to respond to their girls progress, why else has the girl posted the pics?
  • AestheticStar
    AestheticStar Posts: 447 Member
    I still don't like the idea of Freddy Krueger. He doesn't scare me anymore like he used to when I was little, but the thought of being killed in your sleep, freaks me out more than anything.
    And clowns still weird me out..
  • PeanutButter4me
    The dark still creeps me out, whenever i go downstairs in the kitchen, i start imagining what could come after. Brb take cellphone out and dial the police number just in case. Haha i really need to stop doing that
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Being ripped apart by wolves or coyotes in the dark, wasps, bees, and werewolves (specifically the glowing eyes).