Crosstrainer or Treadmill??

I'm after a bit of advice. I can't really afford to go to the gym multiple times a week or do I have people to babysit while I go! So I was thinking of buying a piece of equipment for home. I was thinking either a treadmill or cross trainer as we only have room for one of them! or maybe an exercise bike. I would want to use it to aid weight loss and increase fitness. Which would you buy and why? Thank you :-)


  • CoachLeah1965
    You will probably be slammed with advice...but I will offer it anyway. Have you considered in home workout program? I will admit right up from I love Beachbody programs so am most familiar with them...but really any program that you like that motivates you would be great.

    A machine is going to get old-you can only do so much and especially with any kind of cardio machine. A complete fitness program that combines cardio and strength training (even if it only uses your body) is going to give you more bang for your buck.

    Two of the programs Focus T25 and P90X are 25/30 minutes long and bit hits with moms...I don't know many moms that have much more time than that~!

    As i said, I admit to being bias to Beachbody but I am sure there are other programs. I would research those so you can have more variety for less money!

    Good luck and have fun shopping for your new fitness fun!

  • Rogerfr63
    Very good advice from CoaachLeah. You could also combine it with a machine if you have room. I personally would go with the stationary bike as running is hard on the knees but it does burn calories faster then a bike does and I did injure my ankle a couple of years ago and haven't been the same since in the running department.
  • lisst87
    lisst87 Posts: 26 Member
    I found I get a better work out on the treadmill but am more likely to do it regularly on the cross trainer as its not so hard on the knees and generally feels a bit easier!! I hate cycling so not a bike fan :/

    Know you cycle a lot already 2xrta4xm so would you need an indoor one? Having something different indoors would mix up your work outs a bit. x
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I'm after a bit of advice. I can't really afford to go to the gym multiple times a week or do I have people to babysit while I go! So I was thinking of buying a piece of equipment for home. I was thinking either a treadmill or cross trainer as we only have room for one of them! or maybe an exercise bike. I would want to use it to aid weight loss and increase fitness. Which would you buy and why? Thank you :-)

    My primary form of aerobic exercise is running. That being said of your 3 options (treadmill, cross trainer elliptical or exercise bike) I would choose the exercise bike. My reasoning is that you can run outside year round (even in below freezing temps with snow on the ground). Depending on where you live, cycling outside may not be so practical in the winter.

    Don't forget the strength training! Some weights for your home gym could be helpful as well:)
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Crosstrainer or bike would be my choice as its a good workout but less tough on the joints. Plus you don't need a treadmill to walk or run - you just step out the front door and go for it.
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379
    Run outside when the weather permits, cross train inside when the weather is being a pain. You could also try a rowing machine, or even just a skipping rope.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Whatever you get, make sure it is something you will enjoy doing.

    That being said, I would think the crosstrainer. You can go for walks outside or you can ride a bike outside...which pretty much negates the need for a stationary bike or treadmill and honestly makes them a waste of money imo.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Skipping rope - save a fortune and get a better workout.

    In fact, skipping rope and a kettlebell or two and you're sorted!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Neither, especially not a treadmill. Running outside much better.
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I love my elliptical. I would invest in some weights too and some fitness videos to keep you motivated. You can always google workout videos online or get them from the library for free until you can afford them. I agree that you can always walk/run outside and ride a bike in good weather. My sister runs year round. She just started her official training for the Boston marathon. Good luck on your journey!