Binge Eating

can dehydration cause binge eating??
I've been everyday binging for almost 2weeks now & that has never happened to me before. I don't know what's happening. Can someone explain it or give me any advice please. I would really appreciate it


  • gandysweet
    gandysweet Posts: 15 Member
    your likely restricting your self too much or not eating frequently enought. This often happens to me when i start a very restricted diet or are under a lot of stress. try snacking more frequently and drinking lots of fluids to avoid burts of extreeme hunger.
  • megan_elizabeth8
    megan_elizabeth8 Posts: 216 Member
    A while ago I was really restricting what I was eating - I wasn't eating enough for my body. I would restrict heavily, then suddenly I'd be in the pantry eating and eating like my life depended on it. I've since upped how much I'm eating, and I haven't binged once since. Although my calorie goal was higher, I lost a lot more weight than I had previously when I was restricting and binging.
    Because of this I would tend to agree that not eating enough is often the cause of binging. However, if you aren't drinking enough you could be mistaking thirst for hunger and this could be contributing. Try to get at least 8 glasses of water a day!

    I'm not sure what your usual eating habits are, but personally I'd agree that eating smaller meals more often is the way to go. I know doing this along with upping my daily calorie allowance (I was still at a deficit) really helped me.

    Good luck! :smile: