Clean eating; what is it really?



  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Clean eating = eat all the food on the plate = no waste = think of the little children starving around the world = clean your plate ?!

    Unless you also lick the plate, you're doing it wrong. :)
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Nothing wrong with giving it a try, but I'd highly recommend keeping your fat intake higher-a lot of the clean eating advocates push foods that are low fat and I think that was a big reason why I got so messed up.

    I believe it is the opposite. The focus is on eating a good amount of fats but not trans or sat fats that are found in pre-packaged foods with long shelf lives.

    The consumption of olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut oil for baking and cooking, are highly encouraged. All this as well as fatty fish like salmon and having a good level of Omega 3.

    Fats are not bad; it is the type of fats we consume that could be a problem health-wise.

    What focus? There is no clean eating focus. It might be the focus of the plan that you are following but certainly not all that tout "clean eating". That is the point a ton of us have been making.

    That poster was talking about the Dr. Furhman et al type "clean eating" which does not focus on fats but does focus on grains and veggies, no animal products.
    Nor did the "clean eating" al la Tosca Reno. It focused on animal products, certain grains and fruits and veggies. But the emphasis was not on fats.
    Paleo/primal style "clean eating" does focus on a lot of fats but avoids grains.

    I believe this is a perfect example of the problem of the label of "clean eating".

    Exactly this-I was following a 'clean' eating style that was very low fat, as advocated by several doctors-authors. This is the opposite of primal 'clean'. Both camps of course claim that their version of 'clean' is the correct/only way.
  • Restriction. For me, at least :tongue:

    Tried "clean eating", mostly raw fruit and veggies, lost my period (TMI?) and become borderline anemic/vitamin deficient despite taking vitamins every day. Now, like a lot of people here, I just try to do IIFYM. Still haven't gotten my period back, but at least my sanity is now intact.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Restriction. For me, at least :tongue:

    Tried "clean eating", mostly raw fruit and veggies, lost my period (TMI?) and become borderline anemic/vitamin deficient despite taking vitamins every day. Now, like a lot of people here, I just try to do IIFYM. Still haven't gotten my period back, but at least my sanity is now intact.
    Good info. Sounds like the takeaway is if you restrict your diet to just one food group, you end up with nutritional deficiencies. It's as if those balanced meals people have been eating for decades were on the right track or something...

    That's why I'm on the taco diet. You got your grains, your meat, your cheese, and your veggies. Nature's perfect food. Also... tacos. :tongue:

    edit because my intention and my grammar conflicted.
  • clean eating is basically eating whole natural foods. no processed junk, added sugars or artificial ingredients
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Food you've washed.

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It means you freely admit you know next to nothing about nutrition, science is too hard and you'd rather just make stuff up as you go along.

    Obviously, limiting processed food is a good idea for both health and weight management, but don't pretend it's something it's not. Demonising food often leads to an 'all or nothing' approach to diet.
    Pretty much this.
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Short simple answer: Shop the outside walls of your grocery store and cook it.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Short simple answer: Shop the outside walls of your grocery store and cook it.

    That's fantastic! The ice cream, bread and baked goods are all on the outside walls of my supermarket. Plus the frozen pizzas and frozen dinners. And bacon. And hotdogs.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Short simple answer: Shop the outside walls of your grocery store and cook it.

    That's fantastic! The ice cream, bread and baked goods are all on the outside walls of my supermarket. Plus the frozen pizzas and frozen dinners. And bacon. And hotdogs.

    So is the beer in mine. But beer built civilization so it can't be all that bad.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Short simple answer: Shop the outside walls of your grocery store and cook it.

    That's fantastic! The ice cream, bread and baked goods are all on the outside walls of my supermarket. Plus the frozen pizzas and frozen dinners. And bacon. And hotdogs.

    So is the beer in mine. But beer built civilization so it can't be all that bad.


    You can't sell liquor in grocery stores here, you have to go to a government run liquor store. Although, it is attached to my favorite grocery store so technically if I followed the wall I would go through the door and I could shop the wall of the liquor store too.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Short simple answer: Shop the outside walls of your grocery store and cook it.

    That's fantastic! The ice cream, bread and baked goods are all on the outside walls of my supermarket. Plus the frozen pizzas and frozen dinners. And bacon. And hotdogs.

    So is the beer in mine. But beer built civilization so it can't be all that bad.


    You can't sell liquor in grocery stores here, you have to go to a government run liquor store. Although, it is attached to my favorite grocery store so technically if I followed the wall I would go through the door and I could shop the wall of the liquor store too.

    Is it the whiskey wall or the vodka wall? These things matter!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Short simple answer: Shop the outside walls of your grocery store and cook it.

    That's fantastic! The ice cream, bread and baked goods are all on the outside walls of my supermarket. Plus the frozen pizzas and frozen dinners. And bacon. And hotdogs.

    So is the beer in mine. But beer built civilization so it can't be all that bad.


    You can't sell liquor in grocery stores here, you have to go to a government run liquor store. Although, it is attached to my favorite grocery store so technically if I followed the wall I would go through the door and I could shop the wall of the liquor store too.

    Is it the whiskey wall or the vodka wall? These things matter!

    It is! The inner aisles are mostly wine. I'll miss that but with beer and hard liquids I think I can manage.

    Ya know, sacrifices and all.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Short simple answer: Shop the outside walls of your grocery store and cook it.

    That's fantastic! The ice cream, bread and baked goods are all on the outside walls of my supermarket. Plus the frozen pizzas and frozen dinners. And bacon. And hotdogs.

    So is the beer in mine. But beer built civilization so it can't be all that bad.


    You can't sell liquor in grocery stores here, you have to go to a government run liquor store. Although, it is attached to my favorite grocery store so technically if I followed the wall I would go through the door and I could shop the wall of the liquor store too.

    Is it the whiskey wall or the vodka wall? These things matter!

    It is! The inner aisles are mostly wine. I'll miss that but with beer and hard liquids I think I can manage.

    Ya know, sacrifices and all.

    Good luck to you! I'm sure you can tough it out
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Short simple answer: Shop the outside walls of your grocery store and cook it.

    That's fantastic! The ice cream, bread and baked goods are all on the outside walls of my supermarket. Plus the frozen pizzas and frozen dinners. And bacon. And hotdogs.

    So is the beer in mine. But beer built civilization so it can't be all that bad.


    You can't sell liquor in grocery stores here, you have to go to a government run liquor store. Although, it is attached to my favorite grocery store so technically if I followed the wall I would go through the door and I could shop the wall of the liquor store too.

    Is it the whiskey wall or the vodka wall? These things matter!

    It is! The inner aisles are mostly wine. I'll miss that but with beer and hard liquids I think I can manage.

    You guys are derailing this thread. Please stay on the original topic, which is.....

    hey.. just a random question.. does anyone know if canned tuna alone is good weight loss? i do have a snack or two here n there.. and have alot of veges along with it and fruits yahh... alot ...but i survive... on just two can of tuna a day.. is that good?

  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Short simple answer: Shop the outside walls of your grocery store and cook it.

    Omg I started something... :laugh: :laugh: If it's in a box and has ingredients with words you have to goggle unless you're a biochemist, skip it. Yeah nothing wrong with Beer, everything in moderation, especially the MFP forums!

    That's fantastic! The ice cream, bread and baked goods are all on the outside walls of my supermarket. Plus the frozen pizzas and frozen dinners. And bacon. And hotdogs.

    So is the beer in mine. But beer built civilization so it can't be all that bad.


    You can't sell liquor in grocery stores here, you have to go to a government run liquor store. Although, it is attached to my favorite grocery store so technically if I followed the wall I would go through the door and I could shop the wall of the liquor store too.

    Is it the whiskey wall or the vodka wall? These things matter!

    It is! The inner aisles are mostly wine. I'll miss that but with beer and hard liquids I think I can manage.

    You guys are derailing this thread. Please stay on the original topic, which is.....

    hey.. just a random question.. does anyone know if canned tuna alone is good weight loss? i do have a snack or two here n there.. and have alot of veges along with it and fruits yahh... alot ...but i survive... on just two can of tuna a day.. is that good?

  • Restriction. For me, at least :tongue:

    Tried "clean eating", mostly raw fruit and veggies, lost my period (TMI?) and become borderline anemic/vitamin deficient despite taking vitamins every day. Now, like a lot of people here, I just try to do IIFYM. Still haven't gotten my period back, but at least my sanity is now intact.
    Good info. Sounds like the takeaway is if you restrict your diet to just one food group, you end up with nutritional deficiencies. It's as if those balanced meals people have been eating for decades were on the right track or something...

    That's why I'm on the taco diet. You got your grains, your meat, your cheese, and your veggies. Nature's perfect food. Also... tacos. :tongue:

    edit because my intention and my grammar conflicted.

    Oh, did I say I ate ONLY fruits and vegetables? No, I said mostly, like most people who advocate "clean eating" say is the right way to eat. What I didn't say (but implied) was that I also ate complex carbs, lean protein, healthy fats, etc.
    Taco diet :drinker: Now I'm on the seafood diet.... see food, eat it :bigsmile:
  • clean eating = eatin all the foods that I think are healthy and avoiding all the foods that I think are bad. What I think must be correct whether I know anything about nutrition or not and includes all my irrational phobias about foods.

    Not everyone who is into clean eating has a stupid definition of it though. For some it just means eating more fresh foods and less processed foods (and they're not phobic about processed foods either). But for others it includes all kinds of irrational beliefs about food. And when it comes to your question, the answer is unfortunately "whatever the person who's using the term happens to define as clean eating".

    This is what I believe as well.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    what does being wealthy mean?

    Wealthy, and a clean eater.

  • When I hear the term "clean" I think of minimally processed foods and items that don't have a ton of ingredients, added sugar, added garbage, added anything really.