What do you like to do in the holidays to keep from gaining?

Other than the obvious like working out regularly (really every day for me), and trying to eat balance and healthy as always, in the holidays I log everything I want to eat, including snacks, dessert, everything I think I will eat, but leave a margin of a couple hundred calories so that if I have a little extra something it's still in there, I also lower my calories a bit so when I meet it on MFP i actually still have a little wiggle room because I always have extra little bites of things in the holidays.


  • NovaLee12
    I just make sure I don't eat much and stay under my calorie limit. If I get hungry, I drink a bottle of water and I'm good! :)
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I step up my workouts and try to avoid eating crappy food when NOT at parties or get-togethers!
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I'm just accepting that a slight bump in weight this week may be inevitable.

    Last night we went out to be with my son's family (including our toddler aged granddaughter) where we had a cookie and cupcake decorating party. Wife decided we should take pizza out there. I didn't eat any cookies or cupcakes, but for dinner, pretty much pizza was the only choice. (limited myself to 3 pieces)

    Then on XMAS day, one of the ONLY days during recent months I won't be able to get into the gym (which is closed as it should be on that day so the staff can enjoy their holiday with loved ones), and we'll be visiting my parents and the wife's parents and it may be tough to stick with all healthy choices. At the very least, I'll try to be very careful on the really unhealthy foods (like cheese balls, chips, candy, baked goods, etc) and nibble on fresh fruits/veggies when possible.

    But this time of the year is special so I'm going to enjoy time with family and friends and won't fret over gaining a couple of pounds and once the holidays are over, will be back to my regular plan.
  • zchastain
    zchastain Posts: 55 Member
    For me it's very important that I:
    a) DO NOT go back for seconds
    b) Stay away from the grazing/appetizer spread
    c) Not try EVERY dessert available. Pick one or two.

    This limits things to just a moderate gain (if any)
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I was actively losing weight last year at this time and I wasn't exercising at all. I continued to lose by sticking with the plan I was on (alternate day IF/JUDDD). This year I'm maintaining and no longer doing IF (I'm not doing anything right now-no tracking etc, but I am working out 5 days a week now); so far I've gotten through 4 parties with no weight gain (including a steak dinner and a pizza buffet). I just eat lighter before the events and while at the parties only eat what I actually want. I used to 'sympathy' eat at get togethers (eat that nasty looking piece of fruit cake because Aunt so and so made it etc). Now I'm very choosy about what I take.
  • lillivewire87
    lillivewire87 Posts: 103 Member
    So I set the goal for myself this month to just maintain...I did not expect to lose anything but here I am down another two pounds. I haven't been going to the gym regularly with parties, and shopping to do, but I have been walking 2-3 times daily for about 15-20 minute stretches with my dog. Other than that I have been allowing myself to have treats but have been watching my portions...and at potlucks and holiday dinners if I want seconds I only go back for veggies. Somehow even with cutting down on the gym, and allowing myself delicious goodies I have managed to still drop some lbs. :)
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Exercise my *kitten* off. I pay for classes that go into January. I feel obligated to go so I won't lose money. Keeps me sane.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't do anything differently. I enjoy the actual days themselves but I don't treat the entire 2-3 months as some reason to suddenly stop getting my nutrition and fitness on. I will definitely eat on Christmas but I don't eat until I feel like I'm going to explode...I've never enjoyed that feeling.
  • KatiexKat
    What I do is I give myself rather SMALL portions of things that I want, that way I can have another plate of small portions, and I feel like I ate more than I should of (which in reality, I ate a normal amount). That plus exercise works out well for me. I either maintain the same weight, or lose weight.