Need motivation.. My 1st week in my weight loss journey.

Hello. I am so happy to finally start my weight loss journey. This is my first post, and i'm writing to ask for friends who i can stay in touch with and motivated. Please help me in my journey and i'll be glad :)!


  • slimjame
    slimjame Posts: 128 Member
    Hello! My name is Jamie :). I'm 21 years old, 5'1, and have about 88 more lbs to lose. I started MFP five months ago and have lost 53.5lbs, making my current weight down from 271lbs to 217.5lbs. I was definitely excited to start my weight loss journey. Feel free to add me and good luck on your journey!!
  • michellegraham34
    Hi i'm Michelle I am also just starting mfp going on day 2 starting at 223lbs wanting to lose 80lbs would love to keep in touch and we could keep each other motivated! Good luck hope to hear from you:flowerforyou:
  • staveshabr
    staveshabr Posts: 74 Member
    hello my name is Vesha i dowloaded MFP in August but started logging in November, i weigh 246 pounds and would like to lose close to 60 pounds or get down to a size 10 jeans im a size 16 right now, anyone can feel free to add me :bigsmile:
  • xoxtiffeh
    My name is Tiffany I'm just starting out too. I weigh around 153 and I'm hoping to get down to about 130. You can feel free to add me. :)
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    What's up. I've been here for a while...but I still remember what it was like to start. For me, the idea of "Slow and steady wins the race" has really been reinforced and proven. As I've found to be true with distance running, picking a "pace" I can maintain over an extended period of time is the key to my success. I encourage you to "set a good pace" and then knuckle down for the duration. Good luck! You can do it. :smile:
  • vintagebeauty24
    Hello! I just joined MFP as a supplement to another weight loss support group i attend. I'm looking for encouragement from others like me: women in their 20s who either started at 300+ lbs, or are currently somewhere in the 200-300 range. Its difficult to find sympathetic people who know what its like to deal with ignorance and negative social stereotyping from society. I'm new to this forum/website and how it feel free to add me as a friend, send a kind word my way, etc. peace and blessings to you!
  • kedwards111
    I am also just starting out (again) in trying to lose weight, this year has been rough in some ways and I've made some great strides in parts of my life I needed to fix and now the time has come to dedicate myself to being, looking and feeling better physically.

    I just joined this site about a week ago and would LOVE any supportive friends to encourage and be encouraged by.

    Feel free to add me if you like!