go-to foods to keep hunger at bay...

I'm curious to find out what healthy alternatives people use to stave their hunger. I've been making a big pot of vegetable soup lately, and just drinking and eating that when I get hungry. Also, I keep a handful of raw nuts and goji berries in my purse so I don't get caught unawares out. (ie in the mall, close to a Starbucks, and smelling the lusty smell of baked goods)

Any other low sugar, good-calorie hunger busters? Anyone? :)



  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
  • Allieballie
    heh. thanks for the bump ;)
  • MBSoles
    I keep a pack of sugar free gum with me at all times - chewing a piece will usually help. I also like raw carrots, almonds, and rice cakes. A friend of mine keeps 100 calorie packs of snacks in her car for portion control.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I love Quaker Cocoa Choc mint bars. Easy to keep in your purse!
    Also Gala apples are my fav and also easy to carry around.

    If you're at home, laughing cow cheese wedges and special k crackers!

    Celery and pb w/ raisins are fabulous as well! :)
  • sblowes
    sblowes Posts: 66 Member
    I find that as long as I eat every three hours, it keeps my metabolism up, and I don't get hungry (or tired in the afternoon). Also, drinking LOTS of water keeps my stomach full.
  • nubreeze33
    That's a great question and here's what I choose to do. Because i'm an over eater and I enjoy food (hence the reason i'm a big chick) I know it's not realistic for me to go to an extreme that won't be the way I eat forever. I don't want to feel like i'm on a diet, so when i'm hungry I eat. I make sure i'm within my caloric intake, but I eat. I make better choices, but I don't say no to foods i've loved in the past I just alter them. Now instead of fried chicken I take the skin off and don't fry it, I eat ice cream just nonfat, frozen yogurt now, I buy 100 calorie snacks for those binging moments so I now exactly what's going in. I keep fruit and nuts around and no unhealthy junk foods, I don't drink sodas or alcohol anymore so I enjoy alot of hot tea, I hope this helps someone.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I like cheese here and there like the 2% string cheese. The protein is sometimes just what i need. Also raw coconut. Yes it is higher in fat but it is the good fat: the sugar content is relatively low but just a small piece is high in fiber and actually makes me feel full. i think because you can chew it forever!!!!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Banana in the morning, apples are great!! I try to look for anything that has high fiber. That usually keeps me. Don't forget to drink up that water! From what i hear that helps with feeling hungry at night.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I'm on this chocolate rice cake (60 calories) half cup of fat free milk (40 calories) kick. It holds me over for whatever meal is coming next.

    If i'm on the road, I take the rice cake with some water and that does the trick also. I used to always have peanut butter crackers in my purse, but having trouble finding them under 180 calories.
  • johnthefatman
    Carrots and parsnips - I can't stand them raw but I keep a box of cooked roots in the fridge for those moments - I really like them cold!!

  • Allieballie
    wow. such great ideas. thank you :):)
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    I like Quaker Oat True Delights. The blueberry ones or blackberry pomegranate. You can have 13 crisps for 110 calories. I like to lay them out and munch on them slowly while I watch TV or play on the gadget (laptop). I quit smoking 9 months ago. At night I feel the urge to do something with my hands. I used to eat M&M's or cereal straight from the box. I found this a very good subsitude and it makes me feel full.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    If I'm genuinely hungry in my body, I eat. If my body isn't hungry and my brain is having a craving, my go to consumables are:

    - Black coffee (keeps me out of the bread basket when dining out)
    - Calorie-free beverages (carbonated or not)
    - Klaussen pickles (when I'm craving something salty and crunchy)

  • lainey137
    great question. My habit is the worst one though- I drink coffee!
    CORTNEY5 Posts: 87 Member
    I like Kefir, plus it's rich in antioxidants, and all those good naturally occurring live and active cultures that are oh so good for your digestive system! I have it every day for breakfast and as a snack if I'm feeling hungry.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Cottage cheese is amazing for sustaining because it contains casein which is a slow absorbed protein.
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    great question. My habit is the worst one though- I drink coffee!

    Me too....I must get some decaffinated stuff tho, I was up last night until after midnight buzzing around!
  • kitkat415
    Oatmeal is my go-to breakfast. It usually keeps me feeling totally full and satisfied throughout the morning.
    I found 90 calorie chewy granola bars that give me an energy boost and keep me feeling full until my next meal.
    Sometimes, I'm ravenous after a workout, so I drink a glass of milk which also knocks my hunger out.
  • sgeorgia
    sgeorgia Posts: 66 Member
    If i'm out and getting hungry i will usually get a big decaf ice coffee with a shot of french vanilla and skim. This seems to keep me from buying the first thing i see :-)
    at home - i need to have a constant supply of strawberries with light whipped cream or rasberries and like to have almonds on hand too. I was always getting a few scoops of cottage cheese but i started getting bored of that.

    good luck
  • iwantmyskinnyjeans
    I make these mini-crustless quiches with egg whites, spinach, onion, goat cheese or feta (or whatever veggie/cheese I have in the fridge). They are supper fillng because of the egg and there is veggies in there for fiber as well. I calculated them to be about 60 calories each. Yum!