Do you ever get cravings for foods you don't even like?

Yeah, I get these intense green vegetable cravings. Lately all I have in the fridge is kale so have been eating like two bunches a day. I don't even like the taste!!

But obviously my body is craving the nutrients? Or something else?
I do feel better after eating it though not in love with the taste in my mouth.

Honestly my life would be a lot cheaper without these dark greens cravings. I do really enjoy some varieties but the amount quotient my body calls for is embarrassingly large! And really hard on my food budget.

Any and all suggestions insight advice ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Can you relate at all?

I know greens have iron and calcium and some other stuff. I do get plenty of calcium cause eat embarrassingly large amounts of Greek yogurt (but not as much as greens!)
I was eating more stevia sweetened super dark chocolate bars but haven't been forking over the cash for those much lately. I know those have magnesium which is a very calming supplement. I do struggle with anxiety and wonder if this is at all related to the which nutrients the green vegetable craving is related to or if it is at all. Cause I also have hypothyroidism celiac reactive hypoglycemia.

Thank you for you generosity in reading considering sharing writing all that good stuff!


  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    I can't say I get cravings for any foods that I actually don't like to eat. I do get cravings for plenty of healthy stuff so can relate to that but only stuff I actually enjoy eating in the first place :)
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    Not an explanation, but I can relate.
    I hate the taste of blackcurrant, but roughly once a year I REALLY want a glass of ribena.
    Same with baked beans, and coca cola.

    Anyway, I give in to these rare cravings, just to see if I still don't like them, and guess what, I found that I quite like baked beans now! Yay for expanding my tastes!

    The only time I crave vegetables is when I'm on holiday, and I've eaten at restaurants/fast food places for a few days, because I usually have vegetables with every meal, and plenty of them too, but eating out doesn't give me nearly enough.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    No. Not for things I don't like.

    Are you pregnant? :laugh:
  • stoj8
    stoj8 Posts: 5
    my cravings vary ..but its usually carbs I crave,
    examples..oats with honey, fruits, and the worst..i try to stay away from 75% fruit jam spread on fresh hot bread!
    its easy to reach your BMR in one sitting.. and no amount of exercise can undo that in one day, takes 3-4 days of corrective action & guilt !!!!! best to keep away from bakeries!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    That's different. Normally when you experience cravings of, say, Twinkies, it's because you want something healthy and eating the healthy snack can kill the cravings for the bad food. So perhaps similarly, if you're craving kale, have you considered drinking a lot of whiskey or beer? You never know... :drinker:
  • mrsgrimsdale
    Try nori seaweed or sushi wrapped in same. High in nutrients and iron but tastes nicer. Personally I never crave food I didn't lie in the first place.

    Edited for typo
  • rsw1022
    rsw1022 Posts: 1
    Glad someone posted this. I've been pondering the same questions for a long time now, except with eggs and pears. In general, I do not like eggs (I do not like green eggs and ham, sam I am). I don't particularly like them scrambled, fried, poached, or boiled. If I do eat them it's because they're surrounded by a ton of other stuff I do like: like in a scramble with a ton of vegetables, or on an egg sandwich with BACON. I also make quiche a lot, but again, lots of veggies and other yummy stuff in there. And I seemingly have insatiable cravings for eggs. When I do attempt to eat hard boiled eggs because I want a relatively healthy, high-protein snack I feel like I am gagging through it.

    With pears, I've never liked them. As a kid my dad ate them a lot and I hated them. Recently, I've been walking through the produce aisle and look at the pears and my mouth starts watering. When I do give in and eat them I hate the texture, the grittiness of the skin, everything about them, but feel oddly satisfied afterward.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    Nope. Things I like but I'm not totally crazy about... sure. Maybe. But things I don't like... no way, lol. There aren't that many though.
  • MississippiMama87
    MississippiMama87 Posts: 204 Member
    When I see people eating raw oysters, I crave them so badly! I want to like them, but I never quite do. I doubt I'll ever stop craving and/or trying them. Ha.
  • Melindabelle
    I'm so happy I'm not the only one. I typically hate greens, but for the last few days I've craved them. Today I finally broke down and went to a local restaurant and got some turnips for lunch and in that moment, they were awesome! I wish I'd gotten more! It's just crazy to me because I've never really like greens. I wonder what it is that my body could be missing?