I'm always hungry?

I eat my recommended amount of calories but I'm pretty much hungry every couple of hours throughout the day. I also wake up in the night due to insomnia and am hungry then as well. I eat plenty of protein and fiber during the day and drink lots of liquids but I still get hungry all the time. For example, for breakfast I'll have fruit paired with a vegetable omelette or maybe a protein smoothie or a portion of oatmeal and a couple hardboiled eggs. It's all stuff that should fill me up and keep me full. It's not like my body isn't used to my way of eating; I've been eating small, frequent-ish meals for over a years time but I'm always hungry, even when I don't exercise. It's quite annoying, really. I feel as though I can't stay full for more than two hours. Any advice?


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Try eating bigger meals, but less frequently. Eat plenty of fat and protein...perhaps less starchy vegie and less fruit, more non starchies...

    I used to eat 6-7 times a day and was constantly hungry and thinking about food. I now eat every 5-6 hours, like I described above and barely feel hunger!
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    What's your calorie intake?
  • I eat around 1700 when I don't exercise and 1900-2000 when I do, and I'm maintaining my weight so...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Try larger meals.
  • DynamicDiva
    DynamicDiva Posts: 138 Member
    Depending on your weight and height, you may need to bump up your calorie intake as well. Try this link to assess where you are........ http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    I cant see anything in your dairy - do you weigh your food and log it to make your you're REALLY eating the calories you think?
  • Maaike84
    Maaike84 Posts: 211 Member
    Hard to really make concrete suggestions, because looking at your diary you haven't logged your foods. Why not try with accurately logging all you eat for a while, to truly estimate how much you are eating?
  • I don't have a food scale so I use measuring cups but I use it for pretty much all my food and look up the nutrition data online and then log it in my food diary.
  • If you're maintaining and trying not to lose weight then can you not eat more calories? I tell myself the hunger pains are me losing weight. If you are feeling hunger pains I would assume you are still losing weight?
  • gringuitica
    gringuitica Posts: 168 Member
    Provided your calorie intake is where it should be, I'd recommend adding volume to your meals. For example, I do really well in the mornings with a huge smoothie – and by huge, I mean about 4-5 cups of liquid (water/almond milk blend) – that I can sip on throughout the morning. Or beefing up a lunch or dinner with a big *kitten* salad. Or stuffing a burrito not just with cheese and chicken, but also with lower-cal foods like tomatoes and cilantro, and then topping the whole thing with a bunch of lettuce.
  • ditto. i'm ravenous all the time but slowly learning to distinguish between degrees of hunger. you don't have to eat more btw, the compulsion to eat more is not entirely biological.... although you may have a highly active metabolism, this perceived 'hunger' may be stress or anxiety induced.