diastasis recti help please!!

I just had my 4th baby about 3 weeks ago and I have diastasis recti, mine was about 2-21/2 fingers apart, and now it's more like 1 1/2-2 (mostly 2) fingers apart, and mostly I've just been pulling in my muscles (pulling my belly button into my spine) and doing planks some too, but my question is does anyone have some other exercises I can do to help even more, and also how close do the muscles have to be until I am able to do any type of ab exercises again? I'm really wanting to get back into working them out and getting my tummy looking better!!! Thanks for any help :-)


  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    The don'ts are crunches, bolting upright from a laying down position, and all of the Pilates ab moves. Do's are splinting, and exercises they call elevators, contractings, and head lifts. They don't recommend the head lifts until you strengthen your transverse abdominals with the elevators and contractings. Also belly breathing during exercise and BMs (inhale and push belly out, exhale and bring belly to spine)

    There is also something called a Tupler technique you can try. Go on youtube and do a search and you will see videos on what to do.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    Thank you, I'll add those too!
  • Health_Temple
    Ok so this is an exercise i learned after i had my baby. Lie on your back and lift your upper body. Put your fingers between your abs and contract the muscles until you feel the gap close. Hold for 10-20 seconds and repeat keep doing this until you can fit only one finger then core exercises can be introduced.