Tired of hearing the whole foods advice

I am tired of hearing these health nuts go on and on about whole wheat or unprocessed or natural foods. Is there anyone left in the world who doesn't know these foods are typically healthier? We get it, shut up already.

I try to eat healthy but if I want to have white rice or white bread I will have it. I also use plain old factory made sugar in my recipes. I eat candy, Reese's peanut butter cups, potato chips, hot dogs, McDonald's, Taco Bell, KFC. I just eat these foods in moderation.

I am in very good shape with a body fat percentage between 18-19%. I stay this fit by following the tried and true method of a balanced diet, exercise and monitoring my calorie intake.

If you want to live your life eating nothing but home ground wheat germ and free range corn husks, then by all means go for it. But please don't crucify those of us who commit the sin of enjoying all the tastes of life.

And can someone tell me what are all these toxins that people are trying to flush out of their systems?! I hate it when they use the word toxins without explaining what these "toxins" are? It's idiotic, judgmental and patronizing to general population.

This is all just a mindless rant but I had to get it off my chest. If someone truly believes in the health benefits of certain foods they should feel free to spread that advice. It is helpful if they could back it up with scientific evidence but if all they have is a foo-foo good wholesome feeling about it, that's okay too.

What do you think? Feel free to tell me where I'm wrong.


  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    I totally agree. Rant deserved!!
  • gperry227
    Well, it is true that whole foods are better for us. DUH. I'm with you... I know that white sugar, white flour, processed foods are bad for me and put "toxins" in my body. I do like them though and I will continue to eat th em also. I will not deprive myself!!! (Roar!)

    You are not wrong. You are just pointing out the obvious. :)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    I plan to live by the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time, I eat very healthy (much to my children's dismay) but 20% of the time, I can eat that OTHER stuff and enjoy it with no guilt. In my opinion, God gave me taste buds for a reason! And so far, it's working really well for me.
  • ambercole
    Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! I feel the same way!!!!
  • redkoolayde
    All I can say is AMEN! I went with a friend of mine to visit her midwife and she was talking about this all natural peanut butter from Trader Joes which costs $10.00. I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I said I eat Skippy Natural, with real sugar and just eat the portion size of 2tbs max and I am just fine. I agree. I eat a piece of candy here and there and I buy supermarket brand wheat bread or real pasta and I am just fine. I think your rant can be understood by many!
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I also enjoy all kinds of foods in moderation. Honestly, I do not believe people are trying to come off as judgmental but it can really feel that way sometimes. It is one of the reasons I choose to keep my food diary private--to avoid controversy! LOL
  • zeteticgamin
    You make an excellent point - moderation is important!

    For a lot of us, though, moderation is incredibly difficult. I do think this is something of a gender thing - most of the men I know can say "I'm going to eat X calories a day and get X amount of exercise per day" and then just do it. Not that men never have emotional issues with food, but it doesn't seem as prominent.

    For me, consuming 85%+ whole foods (meaning fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds & beans) make all the difference in how I function. I can think better, I feel better and I can maintain a healthy weight. I do this without getting addicted, and I'm far less prone to emotional binging.

    I know I'm not the only one to benefit from the "more whole foods" message, and I often need the reminder (I'm prone to thinking I'm invincible & don't have to watch what I eat & things go downhill very quickly when I go off my plan).

    All that being said - I HATE whole wheat pasta & refuse to eat it. :)
  • Sherry1979
    AMEN!! I agree 100%!!! Whatever works for us as individuals is what we should do. . .and not be judgemental of anyone who chooses to do it differently!! That goes for working out too!!!! Two or three hours a day of hardcore exercise might be what it takes for some people and what they enjoy, and that is great, but for me if I get too intense I start to hate it and won't stick with it. . .just like with the food. So to each his or her own is the way I look at!! Great post, btw!!
  • bfrederick3015
    bfrederick3015 Posts: 33 Member
    Fantastic post! Yes, of course whole foods are better BUT if you really want something then, by all means, go ahead and have it! Otherwise, you risk burning out and giving up or turning into that smug health nut that no one wants to invite to a dinner party. :) Not to be trite, but even the most processed and calorie-laden foods won't hurt in moderation if the rest of your diet is a healthy one.
  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    I agree, I know what I'm suppose to be eating and i know what I like. I will do both.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Totally agree with you. Goody, goody health food fanatics bore the pants off me! :laugh:

    You rant away my friend :flowerforyou:
  • sallyLunn
    I agree. Well said.
  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    I'm glad you all took the "rant" in the spirit it was given. It's more funny than mean spirited.

    Like RaeNicoll, I keep my food diary private for the same reason - to avoid controversy. I don't want to be scolded for having a bowl of Boo-Berry cereal. I also eat Twizzlers as a compromise for not eating a candy bar.

    One thing I have found is that when you eat healthy, you get used to it and actually get to like it. I sometime get whole wheat bread because I prefer it. I eat carrots like people eat potato chips, but sometime I just have to have potato chips.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I have never had one person rant about whole foods not being in my diary.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    AMEN! Long term, not depriving yourself is usually better. :wink:
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member

    All that being said - I HATE whole wheat pasta & refuse to eat it. :)

    Me too! :laugh:
  • tsunami2009
    HAHAHAHAHAHA....Awesome rant. I have health nuts as friends. They all get on me for my sugar and caffeine intake. First off, I find it hard to believe there are people who can survive without caffeine. It is impossible for me.

    I had a friend of mine tell me to stop sugar. How in the hell do you stop sugar? It is everywhere. That is like stopping sodium or something. I can watch my sugar intake but I don't know if I can avoid cupcakes, icre cream, or bread for the rest of my life.

    Now, I am ranting. LOL.
  • iwantmyskinnyjeans
    I agree with everything in moderation and I'll still have the occasional piece of chocolate or candy, however, I try and do so in moderation. After reading the book Anti-Cancer (after losing a few family members to cancer) and doing my own research, I tried to revamp my diet and eat mostly whole foods (and mostly vegetarian diet although I do like an occasional steak). Our bodies can do amazing things to fight disease using food and a lot of the highly processed, full of sugar foods have the opposite affect on our bodies. I haven't been sick in almost a year!

    Either way, I'm not one to push that on others. I'm not into ranting in general!
  • sgeorgia
    sgeorgia Posts: 66 Member
    thanks...you made me laugh. And i too like to have some bad but oh, so good things now and then :-)
  • truckerchic
    truckerchic Posts: 58 Member
    So agree with all the post...Calories are calories not matter where they come from eat to many you will get fat. I have spent way to much money and time trying every "diet" that comes along and the only thing that ever works for me is moderation less in more out, I try to make healthy choices but I wont give up taste and I do treat myself just in smaller doses.
    All that aside who can afford to eat all these whole, raw, gluten free, cage free, sugar free, oraganic, vegan foods, we went to a whole foods store the other day came out with about 7 items for $30 and it was nothing special. For so much "FREE" stuff it sure is expensive, I make the lesser of 2 evil choices when it doesnt really matter to me, I wash my fruits and veggies to remove those nasty toxins and save a cpl dollars other than that it is my body Im here for support not to live someone elses life.
    No one has looked at my dairy that I know of but if they do and want to offer advice fine thanks but like religion and politics dont push it down my throat please

    ahhh deep breath...my rant is done thank you =)