What else should I be doing at the gym?

This is my first post on a message board, so sorry if it's stupid, lol.

So, when I go to the gym (I try to go 3-4 times a week) I run the treadmill for 20 minutes. I try to do 10 minutes of 3.5 mph, and 10 minutes of 4.5-5.5 mph, which usually allows me to run between 1.15 miles and 1.3 miles.

After I finish 20 minute cardio, I go up to the weight room, and do leg presses. Now, I'm not very weight training savvy, and I don't know what reps and things like that are... I was never taught that in gym at school, tbh. So I can't tell you the "reps" I do... All I know is, I set the weight to 50 lbs to start out, do that for about 30 seconds, get tired of it being such a low weight that it's to easy, and I repeat that until I get to the 85 lbs. When I get to 85 lbs, I will usually go for about a minute. I've been trying to go to the next weight, too, which is 100 lbs I think? Either 100 lbs or 95 lbs.

After weight training, I go and play racquetball or basketball with my sister (she usually comes with, which is awesome (:)

Anyway, should I do more cardio while I am at the gym? I am losing weight, it's just I feel like I should be doing more than just the treadmill. I am usually at the gym for an hour to an hour and a half, and I tend to go the last hour/hour and a half it is open so I don't run into anybody I know (social anxiety/other issues).

The gym I go to offers a whole bunch of equipment like ellipticals, bikes, etc. I just never really checked into them lol.


  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    Don't be afraid to try some upper body exercises.
  • mbell928
    Hi Katie! This isn't stupid at all. I'm a total gym freak, and let me tell you, weight lifting can do WONDERS for your body. If you are finding it hard to think up a good routine, maybe go around to the machines (chest presses, leg curls, tricep pulls, etc) and test them out. You don't have to go up to a high weight immediately. Instead of going for time, maybe try 2 sets of 12 or 3 sets of 10 to start out on each one. You may want to look up some free weight exercises too, like bicep curls or skull crushers, etc. I've found they do wonders for my arms! Some may think weightlifting will bulk you up, but if you're eating right, you can lift heavy, tone up, and lean out.

    You may want to think about upping cardio to 30 minutes before weight training, even if it's another 10 minutes at 3.5 mph. Also, a heart rate monitor is amazing for knowing how much cardio to do... You want to keep your HR elevated for at least 20 minutes to be in a fat burning zone. The more cardio each week you do, the better!
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Google begginer strength programs. A lot of people start with Stronglifts. You can find the routine for free online, and videos to demonstrate each exercise.

    Good luck!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    strong lifts, starting strength or new rules of lifting for women

    you can do one of those 2-3 times a week and play with your sister the other days because that sounds like FUN!
  • steve_mfp
    steve_mfp Posts: 170 Member
    The only thing i would add is NOT to do cardio before your strength training. I'd do a few minutes to warm up the body and then do some dynamic stretching and then hit the weights first before cardio.

    Too much cardio will deplete your glucose and glycogen reserves in your muscle tissue and hamper your strength training.

    Also if you do get into strength training, never do cardio the day before lower body day.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    I don't know what gyms are like where you live, but here (in Australia) when you join most gyms a trainer will take you for a tour and orient you with the equipment and will write you a program to follow. Why not see if your gym offers that, or maybe buy a session with a trainer to get a program written up? Might help so that you know what to do.

    There are also lots of free programs online which show you videos of how to do exercises and suggest routines for you.