Hello looking for friends and motivators

hello everyone my name is Ruth I'm a cardiac nurse in Belfast northern Ireland. I have always been a "big girl" as we say here but a few years ago I got sick and just ballooned and have struggled ever since. I am always the biggest in the room, I am always the fat funny girl on nights out. Well now I'm doing something about it once and for all. I try to find the positives in every situation and I don't believe in feeling sorry for myself ( well I try not to, im only human).

I would love to find some friends on this site so we can motivate each other through the tough times and laugh at them later!


  • msemejuru
    It's wonderful that you are doing something about your health. It sounds like you don't need any motivation, you are motivating me! This site will be very helpful if you log everything. I know you will get results soon.
  • BethFox
    BethFox Posts: 27 Member
    Bah! The "big girl" moniker. Hate it. As if being so labeled is at all kind. Really, that hasn't been a good thing for me since I was 5 years old. At a well padded 5'10" I prefer Amazon, thank you. ;) I'll help cheer you on Ruth!
  • MrsRios
    I sent u a friend request lets support each other on our weight loss journey!
  • romzana
    romzana Posts: 86 Member
    hi pls look at my topics youll find loads and loads of tips to help you lose weigh and how to stop binge eating

    by the way welcome to this site
  • 3dogsand1
    Hi I am with you on your weight loss journery. I am back on for the second time - so together we can stay motivated!!
  • amberchristi
    Welcome! I'm new as well - hopefully we can both be successful!
  • savannahgur
    savannahgur Posts: 235 Member
    Hi everyone, been here a while and well I need some motivation...need some ppl that will kick me in the butt when needed and motivate me to move on days I would rather sit on the couch and do nothing...can you help me??

    If so please friend request me :)
  • Neuroticwench
    Neuroticwench Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'll be glad to be a motivator for you, sending you a friend request. :smile:
  • SkierElle
    Welcome!! Best of luck getting started; I'll send you a request!
  • kbooth
    kbooth Posts: 49 Member
    I am newer to MFP, but not new to the weightloss journey. I started in January 2010 and have lost 28 pounds thusfar; however, I am currently on a "hold". I desperately need the motivation to get myself back in the mindset I had for the first half of the year. I met my original goals (cleared of two medical conditions and ran a 5K), but I still have the weight to loose. My doctor wants me to get down to 150, but ideally, I would love to be about 130...one step at a time, I guess.

    I would love to motivate others as well as find some friends to motivate me. Feel free to send a friend request my way! I would love the company along my journey! :)

    Good luck to all of you!!!