Looking for a buddy, similar age and goals. 20s around 130.

Hey there!

So I'm already pretty fit BUT I'm looking to really clean up my diet and ideally would like to get down to 115-120, for me it's not so much about 'weight' as I am fairly athletic and muscle weighs more than fat, but measurements. I'm currently around 130 I believe and I'll be honest in saying I am probably going to 'kick start' my weight loss! If you want someone to be buddies with, please msg me!


  • 11aliciamorgan
    11aliciamorgan Posts: 16 Member
    I, too, am new to MFP and have joined to watch my diet intake more closely. I am pretty decent at working out regularly but not-so-grate at eating healthy. I have always weight about 130 and have recently hit 140 after my first year of marriage... SO, I'm looking to trim/tone up and get back down (around) my original weight! I'll send a friend request your way :)
  • KateEMD
    KateEMD Posts: 101 Member
    Hey there! I am in my 20's and currently at around 140. I am looking to get to 130 or 125. I know it is a little different than your goals but if you would like to add me as a friend, feel free.