Anyone ever tried insanity?

Hello I used to work out 5 times a week but I stopped and getting back into the habit of working out,ive recently tried insanity and I cant seem to get thru it,its very difficult... has anyone else gotten thru it with no problem? its not the workouts that I can not get thru ,my chest and throat always starts to hurt when I get 15 mins into it,any ideas??


  • jusmakemesmile
    jusmakemesmile Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, I've been doing the insanity workouts and I know what you're going thru! Eventually your Body develops a tolerance to the intensity but what helps me is drinking alot of water before I start any workout. Also, taking breaks frequently and modifying the hard parts helps alot!
    I Don't know if this helps at all but I'm 225 lbs so if I can do this extreme workout I know you can. Keep It Up!
  • Chapin1997
    Chapin1997 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello.. My name is Eric and I did insanity when I was 50 lbs overweight and getting started is very very hard I my opinion ... The first 2 weeks I couldn't even sit down but then close to the end of the 3rd week I got used to t completely ... It's well worth it because I've lost a total of 38 lbs and I just need 17 more to go .. And as a plus I'm still overweight and I'm actually starting to get abs .. So it's hard but the pay off is amazing ..