How to tell if you're to skinny?

I started at 210 I am currently 135lbs(120lbs is actually my goal). People tell me im to skinny now at 135lbs but I truly don't see it. Im afraid I may have body dysmorphic disorder. How can you tell if youre really to thin? Or could it be my family/friends just aren't use to seeing me this way ?


  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    how tall are you?
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Hard to tell not knowing your height.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    How tall are you? Have you looked at what a 'healthy' weight is for your height? And if you want to know the internets opinion - you're gonna hafta post photos... just saying.. and oh, Merry Christmas.

    EDT : you posted photos while I was typing.. okay - yeah you look fine where you are. Again though how tall?
  • Sorry. I'm 5'4

    I just posted pics on my page for better clarification

    I was trying to post them in this topic but I don't know how
  • VickyBoo10
    VickyBoo10 Posts: 6 Member
    I think you would be fine at 120, or even now, but I wouldn't go lower than 120 if I were you
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    Sorry. I'm 5'4

    I just posted pics on my page for better clarification

    I was trying to post them in this topic but I don't know how

    You look more than fine at the weight you are now. However for a 5'4" woman 120 is in the range of healthy.

    And a big congrats on the success of the loss you have already achieved!
  • Thanks for the feedback!
  • Thanks so much for the feedback
  • marioalberto1
    marioalberto1 Posts: 142 Member
    I have the same problem, I still got 10-15 pounds to go and people tell me not to lose any more weight. They say I am too skinny and some say I look sick even thou I have some belly fat still left.
  • It really sucks ESPECIALLY when its your family and friends. I think its because they aren't use to seeing it that it appears that way.
  • From my experience I think your friends/ family may mean well but some people make comments like that based on their own insecurities. Your weight seems perfectly healthy for your height so I wouldn't worry
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I started at 210 I am currently 135lbs(120lbs is actually my goal). People tell me im to skinny now at 135lbs but I truly don't see it. Im afraid I may have body dysmorphic disorder. How can you tell if youre really to thin? Or could it be my family/friends just aren't use to seeing me this way ?

    If you're in the healthy bmi range than no worries. For comparison I'm 5ft, 6in and my maintenance range is 117.5-121lbs.
    There's threads like this in the maintenance section-people saying 'you're too thin now' are very common for those who have lost weight. Head over there and read some of them for some insight :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I suppose the first question is, why 120? 135 is a normal healthy weight for your height (as is 120.) Also, you have "Army Strong" on your profile, does that mean you are in, or planning to enlist? If that's the case, I'd probably stop where you are and focus on strength training. Based on your pics there's no need for you to lose any more weight, you look fantastic.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Congrats on your weight loss!

    You look just perfect the way you are. I differ with others by saying that 120 just might be too small for you. However, you know your body best.
  • Congrats on your weightloss! I think you should ignore what others say and just reach for your goal. For me, I'm far away from my goal weight but I have family and friends telling me to stop because they think I'm taking it too far. I think it's because I've always been the fat one. I've always had chubby cheeks, big arms, etc etc etc. So when I started to loose weight, my cheekbones started to become more noticeable and my collarbones appeared out of nowhere. I think family and friends react this way because the're just so used to seeing bunch of fat on me. I think it's mainly just shock but don't let their words discourage you or sway you from your goals! Keep on going:)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,919 Member
    When the wind blows at 5mph and you move, then you're too skinny.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss!

    I recommend using your body fat percentage as a guide. I use calipers from
    which cost about 20 bucks.

    The site also includes this table:

    Back in 2002 my weight went as low as 140; I'm 5'5". I had gotten as low as 18.8% body fat at age 41, which qualifies as "lean." I got a clue that I had gotten too thin (and also that I didn't know how to dress at that weight) when I literally turned blue during a walk in 55-degree weather. My windbreaker was no longer enough. I had never felt so cold in my life. It took 20 minutes of running in place inside a friend's apartment while wearing a quilted flightsuit before my body core heated up again.

    I'd always had weight issues, so "too thin" was hard for me to wrap my head around.

    My body fat percentage is now 27.6%, which is in the middle of the "ideal" range for a woman my age (55). I'm at goal, which for me is 150, and I feel very comfortable at this weight.

    Bottom line: Listen to your body.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm 5'4" too and am currently bouncing around 130 lbs. 120 lbs is my goal as well. For our height, I believe that as low as about 110 lbs and as high as about 145 lbs is still considered healthy, according to BMI charts. As long as you're within that healthy range, the right weight for you is whatever weight you feel happy, healthy, and fit at. For me, I'm much happier with my body now than when I started a few years ago, but I would still like to be just a little smaller and more fit. So I'm working on strength training and reducing body fat. 120 lbs is my goal, but it's not set in stone; I'm really more concerned about my body fat % instead. I think that 120 lbs would probably be fine for you, but you know your body best. Do what makes you feel happy, healthy, and fit! :smile:
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Congrats on your success!!! 135 and even 120 at 5'4" is not in any way too skinny. Americans are accustomed to looking at their overweight selves so perception is skewed.

    At this point, like others suggested, I would concentrate more on body fat percentage. I'm sure you look great at either weight!
  • harleyjax
    harleyjax Posts: 109 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!!! I'm 5'5, down to 127, still feel and think I look fat. It's the pudgy "mommy" belly that bothers me so much!