300 lbs and no more!



  • rickypo
    rickypo Posts: 13 Member
    Great story. I would love to be part of your journey. I also have 200+ pounds to lose. It is definitely better to have others along on the journey with you. Encourage your husband to do this together. It is rewarding.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    I know where you're coming from other than we do have gyms here, and it's not extremely cold, but I'm a homeschooling mom with 4 kids and I know it's hard with all those kids in the house, but one thing I've found that helps me out is to make plenty of room in the living room and get the kids to join in with you for a workout, just do a workout video or pull one up on youtube, or even just make up a workout of your own I promise they will love joining in mine always do but, whatever you do don't give up and stop!!
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    I'm a mom of one, I hit a little over 355 and now I'm 251.6, so anyone can add me.
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    I googled "work out with kids" and found

    I'm sure there are a lot more articles out there! One day, when I couldn't get to my home workout space and had to occupy my then 3 year old, I put on my HRM and chased him around the house for a half hour....great workout for both of us!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    First off, I wanna say that I love your "for now" goal weight of 250 lb. My highest weight was 307 and I decided to get down to my "usual" 270, and then set small goals along the way (currently at 204 looking to hit 199 and then 180). But when I was at 300 lb there's no way I could have set the goal of 130 or even 180 back then, it would have seemed too far away to really motivate me. I know everyone's different but I think setting & re-setting goals along the way works great!

    ANYWAY...as for the exercise. I don't know how serious the cold/snow is, but I personally LOVE walking the most when it is cold (like 20 to 40 degrees F is my favorite weather for walking) because I HATE to sweat. I started out my weight loss process with walking 1 mile per night in the cold, December 2008. Then worked up to 3-4 miles.

    1-2 miles walked takes less than 1 hour to do even when you're just beginning. If your children are still tiny invest in a jogging stroller...if you have older kids they could come along, too. Exercise is good for everyone even if they don't need to lose weight.

    My own weight loss has REALLY accelerated from counting calories, rather than exercise. And I'll tell you I've lost slightly over 100 lb total, and never set foot in a gym. But I think the two go hand and hand and if you want to look & feel your best it is good to be active rather than JUST changing your diet. My best to you!!
  • seugin
    You can friend me as well if you like. I started at 350lbs at the end of October and am now at 305lbs. I work out 3 times a week at home and eat at a calorie deficit.
  • _zombiegirl_
    _zombiegirl_ Posts: 79 Member
    You've got all those kids - you could do all kinds of things! Working out doesn't have to be boring or "work." Sled if it's cold and snowy. Dance, or work out together! Make a stretching/exercise routine to add to your daily school agenda. When all else fails... bench-press a child! LOL

    My three-year-old daughter joins in on my Jillian Michaels workouts all the time. Kids tend to make it more fun :smile: Plus then you're teaching them something healthy!

    Feel free to add me! Good luck, you can do this!!
  • KLuyk
    KLuyk Posts: 19
    I am at 292 and need help! Thank you for all the tips and advice you gave! I do have a bad case of plantar fasciitis so that is challenging. I am a reading teacher in upstate NY. I drive 75 min. each way to school! I have 2 awesome sons ages 16 & 23 and a husband of 30 years. I want to start drinking lots of water (and get off diet soda) and eat more fruits and veggies daily. I walk a lot during my work day because I go to 2 schools a day and get home at 5 when it's dark. I leave at 6:30 am. I have been teaching special ed and reading for 30+ years but can't afford to retire (can anyone?!) Any advice and encouragement would be very much appreciated.:blushing:
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I am at 292 and need help! Thank you for all the tips and advice you gave! I do have a bad case of plantar fasciitis so that is challenging. I am a reading teacher in upstate NY. I drive 75 min. each way to school! I have 2 awesome sons ages 16 & 23 and a husband of 30 years. I want to start drinking lots of water (and get off diet soda) and eat more fruits and veggies daily. I walk a lot during my work day because I go to 2 schools a day and get home at 5 when it's dark. I leave at 6:30 am. I have been teaching special ed and reading for 30+ years but can't afford to retire (can anyone?!) Any advice and encouragement would be very much appreciated.:blushing:

    Having a disability makes it tough but not impossible to work out. You just have to do your research and keep trying to find those things that you can do.

    I have arthritis in the lower half of my body plus what little is left of my stomach muscles is not enough to hold everything in place. I have to be careful what I do. However...every day I work my legs is some fashion and try to work my abs as much as possible. I just kept searching for things that I could do without injuring myself. I can't do any impact type aerobics but right now I am trying out some chair aerobics...some of them will cause you to sweat! LOL All you need is a good chair and the willingness to try it.

    I use resistance bands for my upper body and don't cut that part of my body any slack...I also bought an inexpensive rower and I use it almost every day. There is some good workout equipment that doesn't cost a lot.

    I wish you well...I know it is tough...what changed it for me was...I took charge of my life...my weight...my fitness.

    It is a journey...with a few crooked paths...you just have to believe that you can find your destination.