Ah, Christmas. The way I used to eat.



  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I did NOT feel well last night, after eating all of the rich, carbohydrate-loaded-to-the-max food. I got bloated, and very uncomfortable...to the point that I was having difficulty walking around, because of all of the gas in my abdomen. (TMI? Sorry...that's the way it was.) Although I'll be eating left-overs during the next few days, I'm so happy to be back on track in general. Yes, it was just one day, but my body really didn't like it. I'm so glad that I usually eat pretty healthy most days. Now to try and fit in a workout of some kind today....
  • threehorses9
    threehorses9 Posts: 16 Member
    Cant Talk and drink beer at the same time.... sorry
  • miss_henrie
    miss_henrie Posts: 6 Member
    I experienced everything everybody here has said. I didn't eat as much as I would have in years gone past but still many more calories than I have been eating and really heavy foods. And geez louise didn't I pay for it. Bloated, uncomfortable, lethargic and generally blah. Back on the wagon today and I feel so much better already. I honestly don't know how I ate all that crap before.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I'm at a point now where I allow myself to eat a little more of the heavier foods during the holidays, but even then my body tells me to stop long before my mind wants to. The cool thing about listening to my body is not having the guilt and extra pounds the next day.

    Best wishes to all of you who continue to maintain - whether yesterday was a cheat day or whether you ate according to your normal plan. If you did what was best for your heart soul AND body (or if you didn't but you got back in the saddle today) then I commend you for sticking to it!
  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    So glad I don't eat the way I use to. The goodnews is the desire is no longer there. I do not feel like I am missing out on anything. Thankful for the change to my mind and body!
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 438 Member
    i need pepto. my tummy is not used to this kind of mistreatment anymore.

  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    i need pepto. my tummy is not used to this kind of mistreatment anymore.

    ^^ I Agree, I enjoyed it while it lasted, but man my stomach has been in knots for the past three days.
  • Rien5
    Rien5 Posts: 51 Member
    I basically eat crackers,cheese,cookies/sweets all month (like three sweets a day we have all these cookies, cakes and candies) and then get back to my regular diet. I only gained 1/2 lb because I'm maintaining my exercise and trying my hardest to maintain calorie's but its so hard!
  • Interesting topic...
    I gave up sugar a while ago and try not to eat processed foods. I do have a treat at the weekends though.
    I was looking forward to Christmas and had long awaited cheese and crackers on Christmas eve. I also had special cheesy treat biscuits from the UK shop, chocolate and a glass of wine...
    Well on Christmas day morning I felt horrible! sick, and felt like I had a food hangover. I don't think my body likes rich foods anymore which although sad is probably a good thing long term...
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I unleashed my inner fat kid today and ate whatever I wanted. I'm glad I found the feeling of being stuffed unpleasant and got bad wind from it. It's good motivation to avoid pigging out on that scale again. I am still glad I had an all out day though, I had fun with it and I'm prepared to go back to healthy eating tomorrow.

    this is how I felt . I had a 3 day hiatus from calorie counting and at the end of those three days what I remember most is not how good the food was but how bloated and miserable I felt . I was glad to get back on track again...