Was Santa good to you- with Fitness Related Christmas Gifts?



  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    My boyfriend bought me a Polar FT4 HRM, I'm SO excited!
  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    Yoga mat
    Balance Ball (for development of chiseled abs)
    Almost got a fitbit one, but family couldnt figure out which one I wanted. Tis ok. After christmas sales are on :happy:
  • MicheleWE
    MicheleWE Posts: 179 Member
    I got some clear goggles I wanted so I can ride my bike without bugs in my eyes (can't always wear sunglasses), a Jillian kickboxing DVD, and a punching and speed bag. Can't wait to get started with it!
  • 1waj123
    1waj123 Posts: 15 Member
    I received a Polar FT4 (which I was leaving hints about for the past month) and new downhill skis which I completely didn't expect! (old ones were almost 25 years old)
  • jackie_moo
    jackie_moo Posts: 73 Member
    Got a small tv with USB port so that i can watch/do my workout dvds without having to keep moving my laptop (we have steep staircase up to the attic/gym) :D was suuuuuper happy with hubbys present!
  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    Led band for my arm for early morning runs, a nice hot pink fleece with a high neck, and a garmin forerunner 110! The watch was the only gift I asked for and I am so happy it came! I charged it last night and tried it out on a 5 mile snowy run this morning!!
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    I got a Fitbit Force from very thoughtful and generous friends, which I totally was not expecting. :-)

    As for the accuracy of the calorie burn. Several things to keep in mind.

    1) What it's REALLY GOOD at, and truly designed for, is quantifying your activity from "living your life" -- not necessarily from doing "exercise." So it's a great way to get a handle on your burn if your lifestyle includes moving around doing stuff like taking care of kids, taking the stairs at work, parking farther away from the the store, etc.

    2) So on that note, it's measuring your WHOLE DAY burn, meaning it includes BMR and -- importantly -- NEAT. Personally, I find that incredibly useful, because while I'm super-consistent with my actual "exercise" exercise, my daily activity is wildly inconsistent. Somedays I'm on my feet all day running around gettin' *kitten* done, and some days I'm on my bottom all day except for my planned workout. Having the fitbit will help me do a better job understanding what effect I'm having on my burn, and potentially may help me adjust my diet where necessary to better achieve my goals.

    3) It's frankly NOT good at measuring many types of exercise:
    a) Non-step based movement. Bicycling for instance. A fitbit really can't interpret that movement very well, and won't give you the right amount of credit for it.
    b) Compound movement. Aerobics or dance for instance. The fitbit can tell you're moving around, and will try to interpret each jolt as a "step" but a lot of times you're doing stuff that involves more body parts moving, bearing more weight/stress, and coordinating more than just stepping.
    c) Resistance training / Weight lifting. Again, the fitbit can't really do a great job knowing that, for example, squats take a lot more energy than walking (or for that matter, it doesn't really know that you're doing squats.) And it really can't tell if you're squatting with just bodyweight, or have an overhead bar with 80 lbs on it.
    d) Can't swim with it. :-(

    However, the Fitbit site does let you manually log exercise that you want to track that you don't trust the step counter for, and I'm finding that I trust their database's burn estimates for circuit training and yoga (useful ones for me) MUCH more than I trust MFP's.

    Basically, the Fitbits and other movement trackers are just a really good way to quantify and track movement in your daily life, and to encourage you to get off the couch. They're not for everyone. People who aren't interested in quantifying (or increasing) their NEAT will probably get very little out of one.
  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    Santa was great to me! I got a couple new pairs of biking socks, a new bike jersey and some styling purple riding shorts. I also received a iPod shuffle so I can listen to tunes when I'm on the trainer!:bigsmile:
  • shartran
    shartran Posts: 304 Member
    As usual, I received boxes of chocolates and plates/boxes of homemade cookie creations (I'm a teacher and it happens every year).

    I will be making my annual trip to the homeless shelter to drop off tomorrow:) They are most appreciative to receive so it makes me feel good!
  • lotorwin2
    Yes Fitbit Flex, just setting everything up today. However, cannot find the way to sync to MyFitnessPal yet.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    No. Santa forgot Hip Hop Abs :sad:
  • foxgl0ve
    foxgl0ve Posts: 43 Member
    I got some new workout clothes, and my first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gi (I've been borrowing one from the instructor so far). I'm very excited for a fit 2014!
  • bkw61
    bkw61 Posts: 29 Member
    FOR THOSE WITH FITBIT - The number of calories burned includes your BMR. So if you first put it on at noon, it will be the number of calories you have burned up to that day, excluding activity-related. If you walk more and/or faster, it will add in more calories. But even sitting on your butt you burn a certain number of calories every minute and it includes those. Look at the dashboard for "activity" calories to see what you did above your BMR. Thats why it shows a number when you put it on - it knows your height and weight (from the dashboard) and has calculated your burn up to that minute so far.

    thanks! I just kind of figured that out tonight. But good to know i was on the right track. Not sure i like how it logs it in MFP though. it says I burned 800 extra calories today! Maybe I did as I was busy but seems high.
    Also note to anyone with a Motorola they are doing updates- no date- just soon supposedly- to 4.4 for many phones. Check there website for a list.
  • the_dude00
    the_dude00 Posts: 1,056 Member
    yes. for the first time, some relative remembered I don't like getting chocolate bars and gave me some protein bars instead
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I received a nice Nike jacket, woolrich socks for those snowy runs/walks & the best was the new P90X3 series!!!!! All will be used at a later date when I get the Dr's release to workout again. I had three surgeries within four days & it slows a person up a bit!
  • rbarzat
    rbarzat Posts: 11 Member
    He was! I got a 5 lb. kettle bell, a manual elliptical, a pull up bar (well, not really from Santa but on loan from my little brother!) and a Fitbit Flex that's on it's way to my house as I type!
  • SuperWhoLock24601
    SuperWhoLock24601 Posts: 245 Member
    No...I got a lot of Doctor Who memorabilia. :blushing:
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Santa was great to me, he brought me new running shoes, running pants, socks, a new coldgear running shirt, a jogtog and a fitbit flex. Also got a medal hanger that allows me to hang 13+ racing medals with my bib numbers and I have 2 spots for pictures..

    I made out like a bandit !!