Is it ok to do 2 insanity workouts a day?

Hi. I've finished round one of insanity and I feel great. I am into the first week of round 2 and I feel that I should do a little extra since my endurance has really improved. So that's why I'm doing the 7 minute workout on top of each insanity workout. Although,there have been a few days where I ate a FEAST and gained 5 pounds for about a week. (Christmas for example lol) Is it ok to do 2 insanity workouts in one day? I've done it before and I am able to do it, but I've read that you shouldn't over exercise since you will gain back fat instead of muscle. Is this true?


  • Having completed the entire insanity program several times, I would suggest that if you are going to do doubles that you are careful with your diet and macros so you get enough nutrition to support two work outs. When I do doubles and don't get enough to eat I gain.
  • JJJJ25
    JJJJ25 Posts: 37
    Hi. I've finished round one of insanity and I feel great. I am into the first week of round 2 and I feel that I should do a little extra since my endurance has really improved. So that's why I'm doing the 7 minute workout on top of each insanity workout. Although,there have been a few days where I ate a FEAST and gained 5 pounds for about a week. (Christmas for example lol) Is it ok to do 2 insanity workouts in one day? I've done it before and I am able to do it, but I've read that you shouldn't over exercise since you will gain back fat instead of muscle. Is this true?

    No, this is not true necessarily. Conditioned athletes regularly exercise for hours on end and are supremely healthy and fit. However, assuming you have a life and do not want to be spending hours on working out, aim for efficiency over duration. I did Insanity; I know what you mean about having some left in the tank after some of the shorter workouts. That's great but if you are watching your diet you do not need to do additional exercise. If you WANT to - another 7 minutes, as you mentioned, or a walk, or go lift weights as I did some days while doing Insanity - go for it. But you do not NEED to.