Almost 300 and needing help

I stepped on the scale tonight. It's been nearly a month since my last weigh in and I've gained 8 lbs. I'm now at 295 lbs and the depression is hitting me pretty hard.
I've been overweight since I was little (as a baby I couldn't hold down anything other than Vit D milk, so I guess it started there), but a few years ago, after a trip to the doctor revieled my weight of 280, I promised myself I would NEVER weigh more than 300 lbs. The only problem is I have no clue how.
Dieting and working out always seem to make me feel worse. And now that I'm back home (returning to college) my treadmill is in storage and I have nothing but a yoga mat and two 1/2lb weights left.
I need some serious help if I'm going to lose weight (100lbs hopefully), so please, if anyone out there can help me, or would just like to talk, let's do this.

I'm Amanda, by the way.


  • littlelexical
    littlelexical Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Amanda, at 5ft2.5 i got to my heaviest of 317lb (143.8kg) last year... Its hard and depressing - but that you want to change is fantastic ... have you been to a dr to get hormonal type issues checked? PCOS / Thyroid / Insulin resistance / Diabetes?
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    WALKING!! Google the story of Jim Obley...those excuses about treadmills etc are Weak !! Don't make it too hard or too easy for yourself. Google the story of Crystal Phillips. Your depression will start lifting the day you starting exercising and losing. Google the story of River Jack !!
  • goldstruck
    goldstruck Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Amanda,
    I am new here. But i have struggled with depression and it is hard to overcome. I will be here if you need an help. As i learn new things i can share them. One thing that has effected me before was sleep. In the summer i was getting 8 hours of sleep and losing weight. But then i went back to college started getting 5 hours of sleep and started to gain weight even though nothing else changed.

  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    I promised myself that I would never hit that 300 mark either. July 27th of this year I weighed in at 291, I've lost 30 pounds since then. It has been hard lately, but I have to just remind myself that I like the feel of seeing success on the scale more than I like feeding my face. I am stubborn and filling out my calories helps a lot. I kick myself if I go over calories. Right now I'm over on calories for the day...and now I'm going to work out some more...because I can't stand seeing my calories in the red! Good luck with your journey :)
  • amymina
    amymina Posts: 64 Member
    Hello Angela, I am Amy! I am a fellow food addict, and have been where u are. At my highest I was 300.3 lbs, and 15 months later, I am down to around 200. I did it with healthy eating and exercise, no tricks, no gimmicks. I still have a way to go, but if you would like a friend that is on here everyday, I would be more than happy to help. Shoot me a message and ask any questions that you have, as if I do not know they answer, I have some groups on FB that I belong to that I may be able to get the answer from. Some great ways to get going is to start moving, even if it is just walking around the block, finding healthy food you like, and do some food prep ahead of time when you have the time. You can do this!! It is going to take a lot out of you, but like anything that requires effort, it is worth it.
  • walkingforward
    walkingforward Posts: 174 Member
    Hiya. Gary here.

    Just go at it one day at a time.

    I thought it was impossible. I thought all sorts of things.

    Change our thinking and we can achieve things we would not have otherwise.

    Give it a go. change your mind. What can you do ?

    I wanted 3kg weights (6.6lb) so I filled 3 litre plastic milk bottles with water !

    No treadmill but I could walk, so I walked.

    I found I was eating / drinking too much sugar (Coca-Cola and white sugar in my diet) so I cut back (in my case I went cold turkey). I drank water despite it being un-interesting.

    You CAN do this.

    All the best !
  • MissJazzie14
    MissJazzie14 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Amanda,

    I know how it feels to feel depressed especially when it comes to your weight. I was once over 400 lbs. I have just got to the point where I was tired of my appearance and tired of making excuses. How I started my weight loss is going to the gym. I just walked in there and open a gym membership. I started walking for 30 mins. The first time i walked on the treadmill was hard. I was out of breath and felt like i couldn't breathe. I kept stopping but was determine to finish my 30 mins. I can walk 30 mins easily now with a 4.5 incline. Try walking around your neighbor for 30 mins. Talk on the phone while your walking or listen to some music that makes you want to dance (my favorite thing to do on the treadmill). After your first workout you will realize its not that bad. When it comes to dieting, I usually eat what i want except i stay away from fast food and I drink water before my meals and after. I am not fan on water unless its extremely cold, so i may use crystal lite to give my water some flavor or some lemon juice. I hope some of my tips help you. Just remember it takes time but losing 100 lbs can and will come off if you exercise. If you eat a burger from McDonald or drink a soda, don't beat yourself up because things happen but just add a few more minutes to your cardio to burn it off. =)

    If you need a friend, feel free to add me
  • AmandaLynne210
    AmandaLynne210 Posts: 5 Member
    I found out las year that I had a lump on my thyroid that turned out to be benign. I have never been diagnosed with anything but the doctor said if I got the lump removed it would probably help me lose some weight. I know I have hormone issues, but once again I've never been diagnosed. Problem is, if I'd gotten it removed I wouldn't have been able to take my meds for depression. It would effect my hormones WAY too much.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I stepped on the scale tonight. It's been nearly a month since my last weigh in and I've gained 8 lbs. I'm now at 295 lbs and the depression is hitting me pretty hard.
    I've been overweight since I was little (as a baby I couldn't hold down anything other than Vit D milk, so I guess it started there), but a few years ago, after a trip to the doctor revieled my weight of 280, I promised myself I would NEVER weigh more than 300 lbs. The only problem is I have no clue how.
    Dieting and working out always seem to make me feel worse. And now that I'm back home (returning to college) my treadmill is in storage and I have nothing but a yoga mat and two 1/2lb weights left.
    I need some serious help if I'm going to lose weight (100lbs hopefully), so please, if anyone out there can help me, or would just like to talk, let's do this.

    I'm Amanda, by the way.

    Hey Amanda, 28/m. 280 lbs 3.5 months ago, now close to 250lbs.

    #1 thing is you can't expect big results all of a sudden. Know that this is a long term and life long adventure.

    Don't expect to lose 20 lbs / month. You might lose a lot the first months if you go a lot under your maintenance but most of it will be water weight and it won't be sustainable.

    If you're at home, I say you get a p90x video (internet, friend, etc) and follow the program.

    If that's too hard, walk on an empty stomach in the morning for 1 hour/day.

    Don't eat back your calories from walking. Do this every day for 30 days and I'm sure you'll drop a lot of weight!

    As for proper diet, I'm sure there are many female members here who can help you with a healthy diet plan, more so that what I can offer.

    Since I'm a guy, I eat a lot of meat/protein shakes, and lift weights :o. Not sure if that's what you want :p
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    Hi there

    let me help you out. I will be there every step of the way. I can help you with meal plan, workout plan, motivation, support..etc!
    Let me show you simple steps on how to tackle your everyday obstacles. Im here for you and cheering you on with my pom-poms and cheer outfit. lets get this done!
  • mat136
    mat136 Posts: 35
    Hiii alll..
    I am new here...
    Wish you happy new year in advance.. Stay blessed