Why am I not ecstatic?

I just reached the halfway point of my weight loss goal of 80 lbs. Instead of thinking about how much I've lost I seem to only be able to focus on how far I've got to go and it is depressing me. I am trying to celebrate this milestone. I know I've come a long way but I'm still 40 lbs overweight. I still have a hard time seeing the difference although people compliment me on the weight loss often.

I'm trying to focus on how much better I feel, how much easier it is to climb the stairs and walk. It has taken me six months to reach this milestone and I hope to reach my goal weight by fall. Its not that far away really and it hasn't been horrible. You would think the weight loss itself would be motivation enough but it just seems to be meaningless numbers on the scale.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any thoughts? Help me find the joy!


  • PeanutButter929
    wow that's awesome! you have every reason to be happy with your success! what are you going to do to reward yourself? buy a new outfit?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Well, I'm proud of you, even if you can't be proud if yourself right now. I agree with PeanutButter9, you should treat yourself to something lovely. I just had an amazing spa pedicure, manicure & chair massage yesterday. I feel so pampered. Is there anything you couldn't (or wouldn't) do 40 lbs. ago that you could do today to celebrate?
  • theycallyoumister
    theycallyoumister Posts: 222 Member
    wow that's awesome! you have every reason to be happy with your success! what are you going to do to reward yourself? buy a new outfit?

    Agreed! Personally, I find that I was so intensely focused into the rhythm of getting to the goal that sometimes I felt a void of "what now?" once I got there. Give yourself some time and perhaps space. You've done it...congratulations! :smile:
  • donnymom
    donnymom Posts: 32 Member
    Maybe you are just tired. You should do something for yourself! Buy a new outfit, shoes, get a haircut. Go to lunch with an uplifting friend! Learn a new language, read a new book! Find something to bring out your inner joy! The holidays can be very stressful and depressing, so you need to surround yourself with positive energy!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Take some pictures of yourself now, and compare them to pics from 6 months to a year ago. Keep it somewhere you can see it often. Your mental image of yourself has likely not caught up with your true image.

    And congratulations. Losing 80lbs is an amazing feat!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Try not to focus so far ahead. 40 pounds is a huge victory. Enjoy it and think of all the things you can do now that you could not do 40 pounds ago. Last spring for me walking a mile in 15 minutes seemed impossible.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    This is why I strongly suggest that people take progress pictures, body measurements, etc along the way. If you haven't already done this, start now because there's a good change this last 40 will take a bit longer to lose and you will continue to have that frustrated feeling along the way. The best cure for that is to look back and really see how far you've come. We don't notice it becasue there are small subtle changes every day when we look in the mirror. But when you pull out that old pair of pants that used to be your favorites or look at last year's Christmas pictures, you can really tell the difference.

    I also like the idea of setting goals besides x amount of pounds or size x by a certain date. Find something that is more of an NSV goal like signing up for a 5k or trying new fitness equipment or a sport or class you've always wanted to do. Set small goals and think of rewards you can give yourself for reaching them.

    Be proud of what you've done and what you plan to do in the future!
  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    Maybe your mind hasn't caught up to your body..i know a few people who , even after losing almost 100 lbs still struggle with body image. They don't see the progress. just where they were or how far they have left to go. Their mind still sees a heavier self. you have done AMAZINGLY! Be very proud of yourself and push through this "hurdle". Take those progress pics as suggested!!!! You got this! :)
  • Dittomom
    Dittomom Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for all your support. It has been very helpful. I decided to post a pic on FB and ask for suggestions on how to celebrate and the feedback was phenomenal. I really appreciate all of the support I've gotten today!
  • Dittomom
    Dittomom Posts: 21 Member
    Maybe your mind hasn't caught up to your body..i know a few people who , even after losing almost 100 lbs still struggle with body image. They don't see the progress. just where they were or how far they have left to go. Their mind still sees a heavier self. you have done AMAZINGLY! Be very proud of yourself and push through this "hurdle". Take those progress pics as suggested!!!! You got this! :)

    I really think this is a big part of my issue. It is hard to believe that some people struggle after losing 100 lbs but I do. It helps to know that others struggle with the same thing. I have tried comparing pictures but I just don't see it :( I know I am thinner. I have lost 3 jean sizes in the same brand/style of jeans. I just can't see it. Feeling better and tomorrow is a new day.
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    You should be proud of all your hard work :flowerforyou:
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    look at old pics. look at the new you. you should be very proud of yourself. buy new clothes. smile. you're doing a great job and by now it should be habit, the rest of the pounds will come off in no time. just keep doing what you're doing.