Sugar withdrawal



  • acar65
    I can relate to the ineffectivness of tapering off sugar. Moderating just does not work for me--I admire those people that can keep a bag of candy/chocolate in their desk drawer for several months, just dipping into it a few times here and there. I would consume it all in one sitting. I cannot have sweets in my home---the strong desire to eat it takes over and I haven't learned any tactics to be successful in fighting those urges. I just give in and then feel terrible about myself afterwards. I suspect many folks on these discussion boards fall into the same pattern.

    I have resolved to break my sugar addiction this year and I suspect it's just as difficult physically and emotionally as many other addictions. I broke the caffeine addiction earlier this year and during the first week I was physically sick---headaches, nausea, even dizziness. But after about 4 days the symptoms began to subside and now I don't miss it. I'm hoping that after a few days off sugar, the cravings will cease and even more hopeful that long-term success means I can pass up anything with sugar when confronted with the choice.

    I just joined this site to find the support necessary to accomplish something that for me is huge. I have very little (really no) will-power when it comes to sugar/sweets. I'm sure there is some deeply rooted cause to my pattern of overeating, but I guess I'm going to stay on the surface, depend on those struggling with the same issues to offer support and guidance, and take this one day at a time.

    I am enjoying reading everyone's posts---I find some level in motivation in this. Thank you--
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    OP posts request for advice coping with distressing situation.
    Veteran members post advice on alleviating distressing situation.
    OP gives veteran members a verbal middle finger, says "you're no experts, I've done all my research, I know exactly what I need, I don't want your advice!"

    Yup, I'm on MFP. Reassuring that I didn't slip and fall into an alternate reality today.
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    OP posts request for advice coping with distressing situation.
    Veteran members post advice on alleviating distressing situation.
    OP gives veteran members a verbal middle finger, says "you're no experts, I've done all my research, I know exactly what I need, I don't want your advice!"
    Yup, I'm on MFP. Reassuring that I didn't slip and fall into an alternate reality today.
    Is a headache, hangover and food hangover after Christmas all that distressing or that unusual really?

    Distress? Middle finger? Alternate reality? Tired and batty? Failure? Gosh fairly dramatic language used for something so trivial as headache and intend to cut the mars bars of my daily menu!

    Surely cutting junk isn't all that dramatic idea?

    No, I didn't like the advice to go get added sugar - It won't benefit me at this point of time. All the other middle finger assumptions are made by you.

    What makes a member veteran? I have been member for awhile, and was looking for support from like minded people. The fact that someone have posted 5000 posts on MFP doesn't mean I will take their advice.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Or you could eat the foods you enjoy, in moderation.

    People, why do you insist on making this thing harder than it needs to be?! The odds are already stacked against you, don't add more unnecessary restrictions and rules becasue it only leads to failure. Ok, end rant, must take a break from MFP, it's driving me batty today :ohwell:
    why do you insist they do like you do? Perhaps their goals are different. Like the girl wanting to give up diet coke earlier today. Perhaps (as she stated) her reasons weren't weight loss related. Perhaps folks have more than goal. And maybe, just maybe, they differ from yours?

    nm, I'll bow out.
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    It does suck at first. Keep lots of fresh veggies and other non-extra sugary snacks around and have one every couple hours to keep your blood sugar level. Give it a few more days and you should notice a difference in cravings. Make sure to get in your daily amounts of water too!
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member

    nm, I'll bow out.

    :wink: Don't! The fact we didn't agree on the subject of sugar, doesn't mean I can't appreciate the fact you took the time to reply, and the obvious fact that you are fit (profile picture) and that care enough to get involved!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    OP posts request for advice coping with distressing situation.
    Veteran members post advice on alleviating distressing situation.
    OP gives veteran members a verbal middle finger, says "you're no experts, I've done all my research, I know exactly what I need, I don't want your advice!"

    Yup, I'm on MFP. Reassuring that I didn't slip and fall into an alternate reality today.

    To be fair, she didn't ask for any advice (though I understand, I'm the Queen of dishing out unwanted advice). I assumed she was looking for support, based on where she posted her thread.
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member

    To be fair, she didn't ask for any advice (though I understand, I'm the Queen of dishing out unwanted advice). I assumed she was looking for support, based on where she posted her thread.

    Dish away! I like reading it even if I don't agree in the end.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member

    nm, I'll bow out.

    :wink: Don't! The fact we didn't agree on the subject of sugar, doesn't mean I can't appreciate the fact you took the time to reply, and the obvious fact that you are fit (profile picture) that care enough to get involved!

    I should also probably put a disclaimer on all my posts today that I'm on 3 different prescriptions right now, including one with codeine, for a nasty cold/cough (dr. thinks I may actually have pertussis-lovely :grumble: ), so I'm a bit 'off' today. I probably should step away from the keyboard :tongue: :laugh:
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member

    I should also probably put a disclaimer on all my posts today that I'm on 3 different prescriptions right now, including one with codeine, for a nasty cold/cough (dr. thinks I may actually have pertussis-lovely :grumble: ), so I'm a bit 'off' today. I probably should step away from the keyboard :tongue: :laugh:

    Hope you feel better soon!

    I am bit sensitive off the sugary stuff myself
  • _Giselle_
    I definitely try to keep my sugar intake to a minimum because I'm insulin resistant. It is hard at first of course but blueberries and raspberries are my favourite things to beat the craving with when it hits. When I have stayed clear of as much sugar as I can stay clear of (you obviously can't completely avoid it) and I eat chocolate or sweets I get a headache from that instead.

    Hope you're feeling better soon! Hang in there. Maybe try so fresh air? Go for a walk?
  • just_Jennie1
    Or you could eat the foods you enjoy, in moderation.

    People, why do you insist on making this thing harder than it needs to be?! The odds are already stacked against you, don't add more unnecessary restrictions and rules becasue it only leads to failure. Ok, end rant, must take a break from MFP, it's driving me batty today :ohwell:
    why do you insist they do like you do? Perhaps their goals are different. Like the girl wanting to give up diet coke earlier today. Perhaps (as she stated) her reasons weren't weight loss related. Perhaps folks have more than goal. And maybe, just maybe, they differ from yours?

    ^^ This right here a billion times over.

    My husband was talking to someone a few weeks ago who's a "PT" and she asked what we do at the gym and he told her and she said 'Oh no no no no no no nooooooooooooo! That is NOT what you want to do. Compound lifts are what you need to do!" without asking him what his goals were.

    Anyway, OP: I (try) to limit my sugar intake as well. I don't put added sugar in anything (I was the type of person who put sugar on sugared cereals), I don't buy anything with HFCS and make sure if there IS added sugar that it's so far down on the list of ingredients and the grams per serving are so small that it really doesn't have an impact. It is difficult when you first start out but after a week or so you won't even miss it any more. Now I can have sweets in the house and not feel the need to touch them (don't get me wrong, I do indulge but not in excess like I used to)
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    I feel bit better, thanks for all advise. Will stock up on berries tomorrow. Waiting on DS to go to bed and will go for a walk after story time.

    I got very happy and exited about my new job, it's really awesome! I did skip gym followed by lunch on my desk - my normal routine to try to socialise more. To fit in. There are always sweets and we are very international team - the novelty factor seems to be more tempting. Once I have one, I find it hard to stop. There are always sweets around and it's just easier to say firm no.

    I just don't feel as energetic or happy as few months ago, and really want to get back on normal and my normal is eating pretty basic foods without added sugars (including artificial) It suits me well.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Lets put it this way, I spend last few weeks having good few nights out, drinks, tons of yummy food and very little goodies. My body craves good sleep, veggies, fish, fruit, long walk on the beach, good workout

    Eating Mars bar won't help my headache in any way. Getting some fresh air and wholesome food is what I need.

    Thanks for all supportive comments.

    Go have an orange or fruit or something. It sounds like your blood sugar is crashing.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I feel bit better, thanks for all advise. Will stock up on berries tomorrow. Waiting on DS to go to bed and will go for a walk after story time.

    Just a minor point to be made here. I posted that you should eat some sugar. I guess you thought I meant added sugar, even though that's not what I said? The berries you plan on stocking up on? They contain sugar. So... You're basically going to follow my advice, or at least part of it, right?
  • pierrena
    “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”
    ― Ann Wigmore

    The Importance of Fitness and Nutrition in Our Lives
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    No intention to cut natural sugar or carbs at all! Only the added stuff as HFCS, sugar, aspartame, dextrose, maltose and other added stuff I don't know the meaning of.

    Fruit, wholegrains, legumes cause me no harm and I have no intent to cut them. I had fruit today as I do every day - I won't be low carbing
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am getting myself off added sugars, day 2 and I feel so low. I have been eating poorly for awhile, and badly need to get back on feeling good & eating better.

    My head is so sore, I have no energy for anything today! Tell me it's going to get better!

    I am tempted to get a painkiller

    A little bit of sugar is much healthier for your body than *any* painkiller.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    OP posts request for advice coping with distressing situation.
    Veteran members post advice on alleviating distressing situation.
    OP gives veteran members a verbal middle finger, says "you're no experts, I've done all my research, I know exactly what I need, I don't want your advice!"
    Yup, I'm on MFP. Reassuring that I didn't slip and fall into an alternate reality today.


    Oh, woe is me! I'm afraid of sugar, so I'll kill my liver instead.
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    Killing a liver? How dramatic! What kind of pain killers do they sell around your area? It will take allot more then one aspirin to do any liver damage.