My success story finally.....over 90lbs lost!

After a long and trying 3 years, I am finally a success story!

Prior to having children, I was always small. I was 5'3" and 115lbs. In 2002. at 18, I became pregnant with my son. During pregnancy, I had the idea that you should "eat for 2" and I certainly did! I gained 65lbs putting me at 180lbs when he was born. I lost a lot of the weight in the 2 years following his birth and got down to about 135lbs. I was pretty happy at that weight, but knew I still had some to lose.

In 2005, I was diagnosed with depression, possibly delayed postpartum depression my doctor called it. I was put on medication. In 3 months I ballooned up to 180lbs. I was disgusted with myself, but I knew I needed the medication to help me function. I tried to lose the weight I had gained, but failed miserably.

In 2006, I became pregnant with my daughter. I was still taking my medication, but dropped to a lower dose. I was 180lbs at the beginning of my pregnancy with my daughter. During pregnancy, I went up to 235lbs. In the years following her birth, I got down to 215lbs, but couldn't go any lower. I tried logging calories on various sites, before I knew about this site. Nothing was working.

In 2010, with the direction of the doctor, we decided it was best to come off my medication. I felt good, and took it slow. In November 2010, I successfully came off my medication. I started trying to get my body back, and my life. I couldn't play with my children without getting out of breath. I couldn't walk without feeling like I was dying.

Initially the weight started to come off really fast, just by simply tracking on another site. I had a treadmill and used that almost daily. By April 2011, I had lost 60lbs. I was feeling great! But then I gave up......I lost all motivation :(. I maintained at that weight (155lbs) for about a year, then I let go, and gained back about 12 lbs. In December 2012, I got rid of my treadmill.

January 2013, I woke up and said enough is enough. I made a New Years Resolution on a whim, and decided THIS was the year I would lose the remainder of my weight, and with that I got back on track! I started slow, cutting down my portions and limiting my junk food. February 2013, I found MyFitnessPal. I began tracking diligently. I also began walking, outside (best decision ever to get rid of the treadmill!), even tho it was -25C to -30C daily (I live in Northern Canada). My 2 year old Lab was loving my new hobby.

March 2013, I started attending a local Boot Camp for women, starting slow, I attended once a week. Eventually I went twice a week.

April, I got a little more serious with my food logging, and bought a food scale! BEST.DECISION.EVER! Couldn't believe the difference it made!

Running has always been a goal of mine. I've never been able to run, even at 115lbs. I wanted to learn to run. In June, there was a program offered, Learn2Run. I started, not knowing if I would make it through, but I did! I was running 5k! I was more then proud of myself. Unfortunately, at the end of August, when I was running 5K up to 4 times a week, I injured myself, and I haven't been able to run since.

I continued to walk and was also doing 2-3 hour long hikes, and I also continued to attend Boot Camp.

It was November 2013 that I finally met my Ultimate Goal Weight of 125lbs. It was at this point I began lifting weights. Which is now a whole new journey for me.

Was it easy getting here? Hell NO! This journey has been the hardest journey of my life! There were mornings I got up and said I just can't do this anymore, but I got up and logged anyways. There were days I felt like doing nothing, but I put my coat and boots on and took my dog and went for that walk. I found if I sat around thinking about it too much, I wouldn't do it. Most things were done on a whim, just get up and go.

My biggest piece of advice to anyone 'thinking' about getting that body they so desire, or wanting to regain their health, is to STOP thinking about it, stop dwelling on WHEN you will start, just get up and start NOW, not monday, not in the new year, just do it NOW.

I am down a total of 93lbs, and 40 inches lost!

Now for the pictures....because everyone loves pictures!

Christmas 2009, not 100% sure of my weight here, I refused to weigh myself, probably around 225lbs.

Fall 2010, when I initially started my journey. 215lbs

Christmas weight 122lbs!

Thanks for reading my story, I hope to have inspired someone!


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