would this walking and cardio regiment cut the mustard?

Hello everyone

I have a question im embarking on a new weight loss journey at 349 pounds i want to eat my fitness pal calories for the day,and walk 30 minutes a day at 3.0 3,2 at 2.0 incline followed by the biggest loser cardio boot camp dvd which includes hand weights and areobics it really works up a sweat would i be succesful with doing this.i also have a heart rate monitor but im not sure were to work it in when excercising?

how should i go about losing this weight and also whats a good way to kill night time appetitie

thanks for any advice


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    That regimen is a good start.

    As you get stronger at the boot camp, use heavier hand weights to keep it challenging.

    A HR monitor isn't necessary if you pay attention to your exertion level and maintain a level that you perceive as challenging. The monitor is useful for pacing one's self, but remember that it doesn't know your abilities.

    Night time hunger might be from not eating enough during the day?
    Eating at night isn't bad like some people say.. just make smart choices.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    walking works. for the first 3.5 months i only walked for exercise. and of course ate my mfp calories. and i had lost 43 pounds before i even signed up for a gym. now that i go to the gym, i do miss my outside walks. walking really works. just keep walking. just keep walking.
  • I'm glad to hear that approach works. That is what I'm doing. I can only walk without hyperventatating, but I'm already starting to feel a differance in my breathing. Hears looking to the post 3 month period when I can consider doing something more than walking :)

    43lbs is a lot for 3.5 months. Can I ask what your target calorie goal was?
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    1400 has been since day one. still is.

    1st month: 20 pounds
    2nd month: 12 pounds
    3rd month: 9 pounds
    4th month: 7 pounds
    5th month: 8 pounds

    I started at 278. Today i am at 222.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Weight loss and weight control are largely about diet. Exercise increases your body's calorie requirements thus it will either supplement your dietary deficit (which if you have a lot to lose isn't a big deal...but the less you have to lose this can get dangerous) or allow you to eat a bit more while still maintaining a good weight loss deficit.

    You can 100% lose weight with diet alone...though I don't recommend it. Exercise is essential to overall health and well being as well as your body composition. Walking is great and it is a big part of my own fitness regimen and a great place to start if you're out of shape. It is all I did for a couple of months initially until I was able to work up to more intense stuff. Ultimately though, you'll need to establish some fitness goals that go beyond just wanting to burn a few calories and once you start doing that, a whole world of fitness will open up to you.