Lost 95 lbs, got pregnant, gained 60lbs. Fresh start.

I'm Nikki. I'm a mom of one biological and 2 step kids. I'm married to a wonderful very fit and sexy guy who loves a curvy, fit woman. Here's a bit about my story.

I lost 95 lbs over about a year through calorie tracking and exercise then soon after I got pregnant. During my pregnancy I only gained about 20 lbs until the last trimester when I gained 40 more. Now its been a year and I have been unmotivated and depressed.Between being a new mom, losing my mother to cancer, moving to a new city and getting disowned by my family, I've been having a rough time. I finally have the feeling that I can lose the weight, so I am beginning the process of adjusting my brain into thinking positively about my body and weight loss.

Last time I lost weight, I had to just keep forcing myself to get up and go to the gym everyday, even when I didn't want to. Sometimes I would quit but eventually the time between quitting got shorter and shorter. Eventually I managed to make a habit of it, but my nutrition never changed. Now, I have the nutrition under control (for the most part) but the exercise is harder. I'm starting over again and this time I need to keep track and find motivation from myself and friends.

Anyone else go through something similar or just feel completely lost? I'd love to hear from you.


  • samia633
    samia633 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Nikki

    I gave birth 4months ago so I know what it's like to have to force yourself to go to the gym, I've been only twice since then and that was a struggle! Lol. I've only just gotten serious about losing the weight, have 60lbs to lose ????. Good luck
  • _runbitchrun
    _runbitchrun Posts: 205 Member
    Just started at a gym this month for the first time. You gotta find the activities you like in order to keep at it. For me, I love running, so I save that for last.
    Im super bad at eating. :(

    Welcome, and if you did it before, you can do it again! Plus some!
  • Start small :) I lost 136 lbs through calorie tracking and just walking a few times a week (over the last year and a half). The more you lose, the better you'll feel and more motivated you become to get more active. Even just eating better (as you say you've been doing), is a good start! Keep at it girl - and kudos for losing the 95 originally! You can do it again :)
  • Thanks for sharing with me. I know, its especially hard before baby is one because you almost feel bad for taking care of yourself.
  • Yes, running is how I lost the weight the first time (mostly). I ran 5k per day for around a year and it did wonders. Now I also do weight lifting but my nutrition is ****. I love chocolate. I can't run right now because of my size but I'm hoping I can do other cardio to get the weight down then start running again soon.
  • Thank you. Yes, this may be the best way for me to go to start off with. I don't want injuries, but I sure want my body back. I need to learn to cook again to really improve my nutrition the rest of the way, so that's my next challenge. Congrats on the big loss by the way. :)