Starting Over... help?

How do you just start over? This is something I need help with. The past few days I have REALLY struggled with binge eating. How do I get it back under control? I just don't know how. I have been on my period and so my body has been really out of whack. I very rarely get my period so when it is here, it is awful. How do I just start over? I need a fresh start, but I need a fresh mindset too. How do I get there?

Sorry for the dramatic post, I am just really at a loss.



  • Skarlet13
    Skarlet13 Posts: 146 Member
    Just start. Each day is a new day.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am sure you will get plenty of opinion which is good but . I will instead share how I do it :-)

    For 2 days I eat my TDEE less exercise calories. I cut out all simple carbs though. I'll eat anything else accept sugar based products. I also try and do gentle exercises - especially those I enjoy doing.
    After 2 days I cut my calories to -500 per day and eat back my exercise. I then cut out the crap completely for a bit (no highly fatty foods and attempt to hit my macros)
    After another day or 2 I cut back to my full deficit (for me this is -1000 per day) , eat back my exercise and try and hit my macros.

    I do this out of experience, I find it difficult to get back on track for some reason once I get off so I first get back in control without putting any unnecessary stress on me - eating TDEE wont cause me a problem and it will allow me to cut out the simple carbs which are really the root of my problem (they may not be yours but they are mine) . Once I am back in control I then shift back into a deficit so that I can the lose weight. I do it slowly though so I don't throw a spanner into the works which my own experience about me shows can happen if I cut back to quickly.

    Good luck, you can do it :-)
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    when you say that you rarely get your period is that because you are already so skinny that you don't have your period anymore or is it because of other medical reasons?

    Also when you say binging, just how bad are we talking?
  • sybeaner
    First, take a breath and determine what your short- and long-term goals are. Remember that there is no quick fix and the only way to get to your goal is to begin. Then, do the following:

    1. Assess the healthy foods you have on hand OR go shop for those healthy foods you know you will eat. Prepare a menu in your mind, on paper, in your phone of what you will consume for three days, or until you get in the frame of mind to do it daily (PLAN for success).
    2. If possible, eat lean meat (protein), veggies, and fruit for the first few days; minimize the consumption of simple carbs (ACT).
    3. Deliberately, add exercise to your day. If you have a gym membership, GO. If not, take a walk outside. If weather will not cooperate, do a minimal routine in your home: jumping jacks, jump rope, planks. Do anything that you feel comfortable with and add to it each day until you work back up to where you were activity-wise.

    You can do this!
  • NuttyforHealth
    when you say that you rarely get your period is that because you are already so skinny that you don't have your period anymore or is it because of other medical reasons?

    Also when you say binging, just how bad are we talking?

    Hi! Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to respond. Keep the comments coming, please! I binge generally in the evening. I consume an extra 1,000- 1,500 calories on top of my daily goal, which is around 1800 or so.

    My period has always been irregular, and my doctor has said that my weight is healthy, so I think I am fine in that area :) Good thought, though.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    Just start. Each day is a new day.
  • LizLSB
    LizLSB Posts: 8 Member
    I'd like to echo the "every day is a new day" idea. After many years of struggling with my weight, this past year has been eye-opening for me. I no longer worry about one day over calories, or one extraordinary meal that blew my calories for the day; I remember that in the big picture, calorie intake and calorie burn happens over time. So I decided to have a three-course dinner last night; today, I will eat healthy and exercise, but by God, I will eat. Food is my friend, and I am not going to get discouraged over spending too much time with my friend one day. I've lost around 70 pounds since January. Change takes time and commitment, but it doesn't require drastic measures. Pick up where you left off and keep going.
  • WhisperingCloud
    WhisperingCloud Posts: 28 Member
    You can do this! I go through periods of binging on my period, and you have to remind yourself that your body is actually burning extra calories then....hence the cravings. Also, besides cravings, I tend to be really irritable and discontent on my period. Tell yourself that your feelings are just feelings, not reality. Just carry on with logging everyday, and exercising if you can, and in a week, you'll have seen results, you'll be through with the hormones, and you'll feel way better!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    For me, it meant logging my food. All my food, everything I ate, no matter how much I was over - just log it all, and then look back over each day. Where was I over? What am I lacking (protein, healthy fats, fiber)? Where can I make better choices? Was that thing I ate that was heaps of calories but little nutritional value worth it (sometimes it is, most times not!)?

    And resolve to do better the next day. But starting the habit of logging everything, every day, was a great start for me. It motivated me to make better choices, and to get moving again.

    Eat well, drink water, exercise, take rest days, get good sleep & have patience. One day at a time. :smile: