To try now or wait??

justinswife Posts: 49 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
So I didn't really know where to put this but I figured here would work. This is a pretty personal question but I wanted some input! My husband and I are REALLY wanting a baby. He is several years older than me so we would like to start now. I still have about 30 pounds to go before I get to my ideal weight. The question is should I wait til then to get pregnant? To be honest we have been trying this month(TMI I know but you never know if it worked!). Is there a way to lose or maybe just maintain and not gain a ton during pregnancy? Can I continue to work out as much and as hard? Thanks for the help!


  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Starting a family is stressful and exciting! You definitely need to consult your doctor about exercising during pregnancy, but for the most part, your body during pregnancy can handle your activity prior to being pregnant. So, a person who was inactive and got pregnant shouldn't start a rigid exercise program. I have always heard also that you should knock your effort down to 80% of what you did pre-preg.

    As for when you do, I don't think anyone can tell you *when* to get pregnant. :) Good luck on your journey!!! Children are the most incredible gift.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I really don't know about the weight loss during pregnancy. I know your body requires more nutrients for the baby and you don't want to not give your baby everything it needs. I'll leave others to give advice on that part. I would guess its possible, just not sure how.

    As for the exercising, as long as all is well with you and the baby, you should be able to continue exercising. I don't know how hard you exercise now, and slowing down might be something to be called for, but in general exercising while pregnant is actually good for you.

    Personally, I would try for a baby if you want one. Discuss any thoughts or issues with your doctor and you should be ok. Good luck!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    They say if your body is used to working out then you should be ok but I know I have had to slow down alittle in my pregnancy. I am only giving you advice from how I feel, but do what you feel is right. I know I was about 20 lbs or so from my goal weight but we decided to atleast try and it took me 6 months to get pregnant. So there is a chance that you wont get preggo right away. Some sites say that technically your only supposed to gain 25lbs...that whole "eating for two' is out the window. In my case I am 5 months pregnant and have only gained about 6 lbs
  • Everyone is different whether they gain maintain or loose during pregnancy. I know women who fit all three categories, it all depends on your own body.

    I agree though that you should discuss this with your doctor.
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    I'll third the opinion to keep in close consultation with your doctor, but also that if you want a baby, start trying now. You could get really lucky and get pregnant right away! Or you could be still not pregnant two years later, like me.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    It is ultimately up to your doctor but mine urged me to keep working out and because of this I only gained 15 lbs I had an easy and fast recovery after a c-section and lost the baby weight in 4 weeks. I know it was all do to getting healthy before getting pregnant and maintaining that lifestyle, I was not at my goal when I got pregnant so I'm sot saying to wait till then just maintain your healthy lifestyle. My previous pregnancies weren't so good and I wasn't living a healthy lifestyle then. Your doctor may not want you to keep up the same intensity but then I don't know what you're doing. I kept walking and lifting light weights, nothing strenous but it was enough to keep me feeling good and from not gaining much weight. As far as if this the right time, you are the only one to know for sure. Go with your gut.
  • I got pregnant after I lost a lot of weight and it was frustrating for me because it was like all that hard work was erased and I started back at square one. You can eat healthy during pregnancy and stay active so that you don't gain too much weight. Some people only gain 15-20 pounds and then most of it is lost when the baby is delivered!
  • Meag83
    Meag83 Posts: 43 Member
    Most people take the eating for two thing way overboard. You really only need a few hundred more calories when you are pregnant. A good Dr. would recommend you not gain a lot of extra weight, 15 lbs. would be plenty!

    Good luck!
  • I agree to check with your doctor first and I've heard that if your body's used to working out before pregnant, you should be able to during pregnancy. Swimming is supposed to be a pretty low-impact exercise that many pregnant women are capable of doing.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Depending on your size before you get pregnant, you could possibly lose at the beginning and not gain a little during. I was 197 when I got pregnant with my last. I lost 11 pounds just by vowing to weigh myself every week on my own. I walked a little bit but didn't do anything vigorous. My doctor was ok with me losing because I was bigger to begin with. When I delivered, I had only gained 21 pounds. It all came off in the first month. I think if you talk to your doctor and make your concerns known, he/she can help you decide what's best for your pregnancy and working out. When you do get pregnant, don't treat it like you can eat whatever you want and it will come off that much easier. You only need 500 calories extra when you are pregnant. Good luck to you!
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