Indoor cycling is a right pain in the *$$

Literally - I have one of those rear wheel clamps that you set your road bike into and cycle indoors in those cold winter weeks.

But because you don't tend to rise out of the seat or take the pressure off the saddle like you would when freewheeling outdoors at times, your *kitten* is constantly pressed on the saddle and that can really hurt after 45 minutes! I am wearing padded cycling shorts as well.

What to do - I'll maybe try swapping the razor blade style road saddle for my more padded mountain bike one for indoor sessions.


  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I had my mountain bike on a trainer and found all kinds of pains here and there that I hadn't notice before. I put my racing bike on my trainer and it solved everything. I can ride 3-4 hours indoors with no problems on my road bike. World of difference.