How do YOU combine weight loss with (heavy) drinking?

Hey! So I'm losing weight, and thus far it's going quite good.. However I've quit drinking until now, but I plan on starting again soon. I want to sustain my student lifestyle with getting drunk (so not just a few beers/wines) once every 1-2 weeks. I suppose it could be possible (I know it's not healthy) and I was just wondering how other people do it, if people do this at all?


  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Its calories in calories out. a glass of white (120mls) has between 80 to 120 cals.
    a nip of vodka has 65cals.
    beer has around 150 in 330 mls (approx 12 floz) bottle.
    Binge drinking is bad for you but you just do the maths its all in the data base.
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    Work out earlier in the day. Go dancing. Stay hydrated.

    Find an alcohol you like the taste of. Mix with real lime and/or soda water (not tonic!). Make it your drink. Try this: mix an ounce of whiskey with some soda water and a slice of lime. First off, you'll look like a badass next time a guy goes to order you a drink and you say "whiskey soda" (personally, I've always responded "I can buy myself booze. Let's dance instead" because I have a fear of having a guy at the bar think I owe him something). Secondly, it's not exactly calorie free, but it's easier to track and lower than a lot of other mixed drinks out there. Third, it's definitely less calories per drunkenness than other types of alcohol. Fourth: less bloat than wine or beer.

    Remember that being buzzed is much more fun than being drunk. And being the woman who drinks whiskey and gets a little buzzed? So very very much cooler than drinking Mike's Hard Lemonade and vomiting in your hair. And you know, use your judgement.

    For the record I'm typing this while drinking chardonnay and reminiscing about my college days of drinking at the bar and dancing my *kitten* off.
  • johnsonb0921
    johnsonb0921 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi-O! I am going to go ahead and bypass all the judgy "you shouldn't drink to get drunk" that is inevitable with this post, because myself and my husband also enjoy tossing back a few (and sometimes more than a few) adult beverages. Especially when you're in college.

    I think there is obviously something to be said about a) limiting your (heavier) drinking to 1-2 nights per week, and b) being wise about what you're drinking. Stay away from sugary mixers and beverages. A few well-mixed whiskey/vodka/rum and diet sodas can go a long way. Also, as you're losing weight and abstaining from alcohol, you'd be surprised how low your tolerance will get! I am able to get that "warm-fuzzy" feeling on MUCH less alcohol nowadays. Keep to your calorie and exercise goals for the remainder of the week and indulge on your nights out. I think like anything else, it's about indulging - but not OVERindulging (obviously just from a safety standpoint, as well - not gonna give the date-rape lecture here either). And whatever you drink, still track, for sure. Also, eating a healthy meal before going out for the night, and not overindulging in alcohol will help to stave off the inevitable bad decisions you will want to make regarding food (omg, 3am burritos - so bad, yet so good!).

    I have definitely incorporated alcohol into my weight loss efforts, and it's worked for me. I can't drink like I did when I was in college (which is a good thing), but I still have a night or two of 3-6 drinks each week, with an occasional glass of wine with dinner scattered throughout the week. Just keep track and be good the rest of the week! Cheers!
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Hey! So I'm losing weight, and thus far it's going quite good.. However I've quit drinking until now, but I plan on starting again soon. I want to sustain my student lifestyle with getting drunk (so not just a few beers/wines) once every 1-2 weeks. I suppose it could be possible (I know it's not healthy) and I was just wondering how other people do it, if people do this at all?

    Just stop eating and drink constantly. That should do it.

    Not really.
  • johnsonb0921
    johnsonb0921 Posts: 35 Member
    So totally much this.

    Remember that being buzzed is much more fun than being drunk. And being the woman who drinks whiskey and gets a little buzzed? So very very much cooler than drinking Mike's Hard Lemonade and vomiting in your hair. And you know, use your judgement.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    WELL,, I do 2 to 3 hours cardio a day,,, I eat and drink what I want.
    do it, , it works
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    Hey! So I'm losing weight, and thus far it's going quite good.. However I've quit drinking until now, but I plan on starting again soon. I want to sustain my student lifestyle with getting drunk (so not just a few beers/wines) once every 1-2 weeks. I suppose it could be possible (I know it's not healthy) and I was just wondering how other people do it, if people do this at all?

    Just stop eating and drink constantly. That should do it.

    Not really.

    lol I love the tiny disclaimer afterthought. Lolz.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Smoke a little something instead ;)
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    Oh and one of the harder parts for me: alcohol = less judgement + chicken wings/nachos/jalapeno poppers = calorie overload. So, drink more when less food is on the table. E.g. later in the evening. This has been a huge challenge for me now that I have a baby and need to come home earlier, which means that I'm out while the food is out.
  • emmamaybear
    emmamaybear Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for the quick responses! I was definitely expecting more judgy posts.. ;)
    I will definitely be tracking my alcohol intakes and also drinking more strong mixers (vodka diet coke coming my way!). bever had whiskey and soda, but I want to start drinking whiskey and this sounds like a good start.. However most of the time beer/wine is the only alcohol at hand.
    Dancing to burn at least some of it off is a good idea! I mean, I'm dancing obviously, but I could take it up a notch.

    About the calories in - out: I know this, but a night of drinking often ends in 2000-2500 kcal from only te drinks. Seeing as my goal is 1500 and maintenance 2100, I really don't know how to work this out!
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    Hey! So I'm losing weight, and thus far it's going quite good.. However I've quit drinking until now, but I plan on starting again soon. I want to sustain my student lifestyle with getting drunk (so not just a few beers/wines) once every 1-2 weeks. I suppose it could be possible (I know it's not healthy) and I was just wondering how other people do it, if people do this at all?
    Honestly, I don't. I live in a damp county (alcohol at restaurants, but no liquor stores) and I'm kinda glad. It's hard enough losing and sustaining weight loss without adding in liquor. lol
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I don't. I drink a lot less now because I realize the calories in the drinks that I like and I'd rather eat nutrient dense food than drink. And I don't condone what you want to do after being an RA in college and sending a few residents to the hospital to get their stomachs pumped... but you asked, so I'll give you my thoughts: If you want to get drunk on the weekends, you'd have to keep room in your net calories for the alcohol. I wouldn't sacrifice food for it... make sure you get your fill of food so you're not giving up important vitamins then hit the gym on Friday afternoon and burn a few hundred calories to make room for your drinks. Plan ahead for what you will be drinking and don't go over. College is an excellent time to figure out your tolerance. You should be able to figure out how much alcohol you need to be an enjoyable level of drunk without being trashed and incoherent. Aim to burn about that many calories and have fun I suppose.

    ETA: If you mix cake vodka with some water, it tastes pretty good and goes down easy without adding extra calories from mixers.
  • Darknightswifey
    Darknightswifey Posts: 23 Member
    I chose to have4 glasses of wine tonight instead of eating... prob not the best to do but hell, it's only once in awhile!
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Vodka clubs will be your friend ... 69 kcals per drink ... Also, getting *kitten*-FACE-wasted, is so passé ... get buzzed, have fun, and actually REMEBER your night ... And hoard your exercise calories for the weekends/drinking nights ...
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    - keep it to 1 or 2 nights a week
    - change your booze lower calorie drinks. you can get a lot of unnecessary calories from the mix, so try sticking to soda water, diet sodas and if you have to have something with fruit juices, ask for half soda half fruit juice
    - be prepared food wise for a night out.when i know i'm going to be drinking a lot , i have food waiting for me at home that i've made myself something like a curry or pad thai. that way all i have to do is stumble home and eat that instead of being tempted by wings/nachos/etc

    and i agree with being buzzed vs being drunk. buzzed is fun, drunk is hot *kitten* mess :drinker: waking up with strange bruises from having fallen, puking, losing shoes/accessories, etc really gets old

    ETA: it's good to stick with top shelf stuff as well, although it has higher calories you need less of it. if you dont want to spend the extra $$ on top shelf when you're out, then pregame chez toi with the good stuff, get your semi-free buzz on and that way you can sip cheaper stuff when you're out. i also find that i get buzzed quicker at home than when i'm out, so there's less drinks right there

    hendrick's and tonic is pretty good.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I chose to have4 glasses of wine tonight instead of eating... prob not the best to do but hell, it's only once in awhile!

    Booze without food is a recipe for disaster ...

    Alcohol actually lowers blood-sugar, so you can become hypoglycemic if you haven't eaten all day and just drink ...

    Also, you don't want to be known as the sloppy drunk girl ...

    ETA: And stay hydrated! Dehydration leads to hangovers ...
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    WELL,, I do 2 to 3 hours cardio a day,,, I eat and drink what I want.
    do it, , it works

    How the CRAP do you have time for that? lol I mean, assuming you work a forty hour week (and I could be assuming incorrectly) you'd have to spend just about all of every evening after work at the gym!
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    Thanks for the quick responses! I was definitely expecting more judgy posts.. ;)
    I will definitely be tracking my alcohol intakes and also drinking more strong mixers (vodka diet coke coming my way!). bever had whiskey and soda, but I want to start drinking whiskey and this sounds like a good start.. However most of the time beer/wine is the only alcohol at hand.
    Dancing to burn at least some of it off is a good idea! I mean, I'm dancing obviously, but I could take it up a notch.

    About the calories in - out: I know this, but a night of drinking often ends in 2000-2500 kcal from only te drinks. Seeing as my goal is 1500 and maintenance 2100, I really don't know how to work this out!

    Well, I'd like to have my cake and eat it too, regardless physics is refusing to change just for me. If one night of drinking equals almost 2 days of your calories in order to lose weight then no there is no healthy way for you to drink as much as you want and lose weight. You can do the maths and see whether you can bank your calories for your nights out, but for some students the weekend starts on Thursday and finishes on Monday.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    You'll discover that as you lose weight, you will need less to get drunk. I discovered this fact because I had what was my normal night out's worth of drinks and I puked all over an alley before being poured into my buddy's car and being brought home. I was very surprised to wake up in the morning in my own bed with both of my eyebrows and completely devoid of sharpie drawn penises on my face.