SO discouraged



  • cookingcriolla
    I'm sure alot of us can relate! Whenever I planned on going on a diet I'd start to think about all the things I would think I'd never be able to eat again or for a while and try to get everything in before the diet! LOL. Take it one step at a time, this week try to increase your water intake or make a menu with foods you like that are figure friendly or try to set a goal to exercise this week, next week add something else. I can say that writing down what you eat helps you alot.
    Good luck, let us know how you make out!
  • canderson76
    I joined just a few minutes ago and ur my first post i've read. As i sat in the reclincer this am and looked down at my belly (where i carry most of my wt) i was grossed out. I dragged my treadmill and eliptical out and got to work. I was amazed with all the energy i've had today. My house is spotless lol. You can do this!! It has to be your choice and remember baby steps. Change in eating habits and physical activity is where i'm starting my choice! Good Luck
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I LOVE THIS!!:

    "Own the Day. Every day is a new opportunity to make good choices. If you slip and eat a cookie, that doesn't mean you have an excuse to jump in and eat the entire bag. If that is, in fact, what happens, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start over the next DAY, not next WEEK, or next MONTH. "

    One day at a time gorgeous, that's all you have to focus on. Make a change for the better, just today. You can do this! x
  • justahorsen
    I just have two things to say for advice....

    1) never think you have to "cut out" any food...just use portion control...I am an ice cream junkie and I will not live the rest of my life without ice cream, BUT I now use portion control and don't sit down and it a whole pint (or half gallon on bad days)....

    2) pause yourself... if you find yourself heading for the kitchen to "find something to eat" stop yourself, drink a large glass of water, wait 10 minutes THEN decide if you are still hungry or just eating for "something to do"......
    it seems to be working for me. (and I'm 60)
  • TORtheCarrot
    I think the big thing is this website helps you pay more attention while eating the things you like to eat. Staying on top of food and exercise makes you consider things before eating them instead of regretting them after.

    I just started, but think it is a good way to find support in approaching living a healthy lifestyle.

    It also is helpful for me, I am trying to go a week without eating dairy to see if I am allergic it, (I have a food allergy I can't pinpoint so my Dr. recommended a food diary while eliminating likely foods) and I kept putting this trial off cause I like cheese, ice cream, pizza, and everything, but keeping track gives me more motivation to go a week and do a good job.
  • peggybrant
    peggybrant Posts: 144 Member
    Have you prayed to God for guidance? He has helped me my addictions.