For the younger generation of ladies!

Hello ladies!
My name is Justine, I'm 20 years old looking for some fresh faces of motivation!
I stand at a tiny 4'9 and I weigh 147 lbs, started at 171. Please embark on this journey with me! We can do this and we can help each other!

Please feel free to add!
It's nice having people your age with similar goals !!


  • Hey, I'm Maddy and i'm also 20. I'm 5'0'' and 136 pounds.
  • queenjustine03
    queenjustine03 Posts: 28 Member
    Nice to meet you! :D
  • Added! I'm Hayley and I'm 19. :)
  • laxheart16
    laxheart16 Posts: 12 Member
    I sent you a message, but I'll respond here too so others can see. I'd like others to add me as friends as well. My name is Bri. I'm a 20 year old college student at 5'1" and 127 lbs. I'm looking to lose my excess fat and gain muscle tone and definition. I want to be fit and healthy. I'm not too focused on the numbers on the scale anymore, but if I continue to lose, I won't complain :) Nice to meet you!
  • heystephie
    heystephie Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 22 and in my final year of college! Am I still considered being in the younger generation? Haha. Anyway, feel free to add me.
  • I'll be 20 in a little over a week and i'm here for the long haul! Fell free to add me :)
  • lauren_jb
    lauren_jb Posts: 26 Member
    23 but I'm going to consider myself at the top end of young generation. Have tried MFP before but I'm terrible for abandoning it after a blow out... Think some moral support/accountability might help!

    I'm 5 9 and want to get from around 172lbs to 158 I'm gong to give myself till May as a target.

    Would be great to hear from you :)
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    Hello! I just added you and one other young lady. I'm 28 years old. 5'5 and 148 pounds. I have tried so mad fad diets and exercise programs. I think I have had a weight loss experience when I had friends encouraging me. So anyone who needs a good friend and who will be a good friend, then just add me. :)
  • MeeshAshley
    MeeshAshley Posts: 17 Member
    Hi !
    I'm Michelle and I'm 21 years old. I'm 140 and trying to get to 120.
    Add me! I will be doing this religiously, and trying out new recipes/work outs regularly :smile:
  • LeafyGreenGirl
    LeafyGreenGirl Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I'm Danielle and I'm 23. I'm trying to drop between 10 and 20 lbs and would love some more ladies on my friends to go through this journey with :) everyone feel free to add me!
  • Hey everyone my name is Andrea I am eighteen and my goal is to lose 20 pounds! My weight has been pretty much like a yoyo I guess you can say I lose weight and then gain it back so I'm hoping this time I can lose the weight and keep it off. Id love to have some girls my age for support and I'd love to be able to support other people. Add me as a friend and we can chat some more I'd love to hear from yous guys!
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    What if we aren't younger or fun sized? Are we discriminated against?
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member not that young but young at heart. I could help you younglings loose that weight. I can help with a meal plan, a workout plan, motivation and support. ya'll can add me if you dont mind having an oldie as your friend.
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    I've learned a lot on here from people of all ages.
  • aggiegirl121
    aggiegirl121 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello everyone, My name is Tawana and I would like to get to 120 pounds. I am a 22 year old college student who is tired of living my life on the sideline! I am ready to join the party!! I encourage you all to add me as well (You can never have too many positive people in your life). I hope to hear from you ladies soon! :)
  • queenjustine03
    queenjustine03 Posts: 28 Member
    I definitely do not discriminated against any age! I just don't have many my age on my friends. Feel free to add me at any age! I love having new friends and moral support. Im a small little girl with a lot of weight to lose and I'm ready to get going! I've logged into MFP for 33 days steady and I'm not stopping now! Encouragement is what we all need! If we support and help each other out, it's the best way to reach our goals! A realistic lifestyle is the way to go though, therefore, I don't use the word "diet"!
  • Amandaeteel
    Amandaeteel Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I'm Amanda and I'm a 19 year old college sophomore! I didn't gain any weight my freshman year, but have gained quite a bit this second year of college. I'm 5'1" and weigh about 130 pounds. My goal is to get down to 115! I've never tried to lose weight before, so I'd love all the help I can get! Please add me if you have similar goals! :)
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    Hello! I just added you and one other young lady. I'm 28 years old. 5'5 and 148 pounds. I have tried so mad fad diets and exercise programs. I think I have had a weight loss experience when I had friends encouraging me. So anyone who needs a good friend and who will be a good friend, then just add me. :)

    definitely the support.
    I approve this message.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    ya'll seem like within normal range accdg to the BMI calculator...

    sounds like most of you just need to lift the weights and eat on a deficit. with that combo, you will get toned and abs will be visible.
  • alechua
    alechua Posts: 224 Member
    Hi! I'm 22 y/o 5'3, SW: 156lbs CW:118-120lbs(fluctuating) GW:110-115lbs feel free to add :)