Only 4 more days....brace yourselves



  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    And....enter the gym/nutrition snobs that think they have it all nailed down and complain abut folks trying to better themselves. Meanwhile, said snob probably won't be here next year either....

    And most of them never bother to help others anyway.

    I resemble that remark...
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    And....enter the gym/nutrition snobs that think they have it all nailed down and complain abut folks trying to better themselves. Meanwhile, said snob probably won't be here next year either....

    And most of them never bother to help others anyway.

    I resemble that remark...

    Sorry muffin. :(
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    The good news is that it won't last long!

    Unfortunately, you're right, it won't. The fact that a bunch of the resolutioners will filter out by February sucks, because it means that as a people we still haven't mastered the whole "hey let's actually stick to something that will keep us healthy for life" thing and will go to the next quick fad that jumps our way.

    What I noticed at my gym is that they try to go too hard the first few days, I overhear them talking about cutting their calories way too low and exercise them too much and they get burnt out. It sucks that so many people go in blind and when they don't have the results they want, they quit. I was lucky enough to have MFP. That's right, all of MFP's big bullies helped me in the long term. Thanks bullies!

    They come on here like that too! Batten down the hatches, I say.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    The good news is that it won't last long!

    Unfortunately, you're right, it won't. The fact that a bunch of the resolutioners will filter out by February sucks, because it means that as a people we still haven't mastered the whole "hey let's actually stick to something that will keep us healthy for life" thing and will go to the next quick fad that jumps our way.

    What I noticed at my gym is that they try to go too hard the first few days, I overhear them talking about cutting their calories way too low and exercise them too much and they get burnt out. It sucks that so many people go in blind and when they don't have the results they want, they quit. I was lucky enough to have MFP. That's right, all of MFP's big bullies helped me in the long term. Thanks bullies!

    They come on here like that too! Batten down the hatches, I say.

    I say get prepared to help out some unfortunate souls with proper advice and information. Can't make them listen, of course, but a few of them will take heed.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    And....enter the gym/nutrition snobs that think they have it all nailed down and complain abut folks trying to better themselves. Meanwhile, said snob probably won't be here next year either....

    Axe to grind much?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    The good news is that it won't last long!

    Unfortunately, you're right, it won't. The fact that a bunch of the resolutioners will filter out by February sucks, because it means that as a people we still haven't mastered the whole "hey let's actually stick to something that will keep us healthy for life" thing and will go to the next quick fad that jumps our way.

    What I noticed at my gym is that they try to go too hard the first few days, I overhear them talking about cutting their calories way too low and exercise them too much and they get burnt out. It sucks that so many people go in blind and when they don't have the results they want, they quit. I was lucky enough to have MFP. That's right, all of MFP's big bullies helped me in the long term. Thanks bullies!

    They come on here like that too! Batten down the hatches, I say.

    I say get prepared to help out some unfortunate souls with proper advice and information. Can't make them listen, of course, but a few of them will take heed.

    Duh, that's what 'batten down the hatches' means.

  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    The good news is that it won't last long!

    Unfortunately, you're right, it won't. The fact that a bunch of the resolutioners will filter out by February sucks, because it means that as a people we still haven't mastered the whole "hey let's actually stick to something that will keep us healthy for life" thing and will go to the next quick fad that jumps our way.

    What I noticed at my gym is that they try to go too hard the first few days, I overhear them talking about cutting their calories way too low and exercise them too much and they get burnt out. It sucks that so many people go in blind and when they don't have the results they want, they quit. I was lucky enough to have MFP. That's right, all of MFP's big bullies helped me in the long term. Thanks bullies!

    They come on here like that too! Batten down the hatches, I say.

    I say get prepared to help out some unfortunate souls with proper advice and information. Can't make them listen, of course, but a few of them will take heed.

    Duh, that's what 'batten down the hatches' means.


  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    The good news is that it won't last long!

    Unfortunately, you're right, it won't. The fact that a bunch of the resolutioners will filter out by February sucks, because it means that as a people we still haven't mastered the whole "hey let's actually stick to something that will keep us healthy for life" thing and will go to the next quick fad that jumps our way.

    What I noticed at my gym is that they try to go too hard the first few days, I overhear them talking about cutting their calories way too low and exercise them too much and they get burnt out. It sucks that so many people go in blind and when they don't have the results they want, they quit. I was lucky enough to have MFP. That's right, all of MFP's big bullies helped me in the long term. Thanks bullies!

    They come on here like that too! Batten down the hatches, I say.

    I say get prepared to help out some unfortunate souls with proper advice and information. Can't make them listen, of course, but a few of them will take heed.

    Duh, that's what 'batten down the hatches' means.



  • Aw bless. That was me this time last year. Be kind peeps :heart:
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    The good news is that it won't last long!

    Unfortunately, you're right, it won't. The fact that a bunch of the resolutioners will filter out by February sucks, because it means that as a people we still haven't mastered the whole "hey let's actually stick to something that will keep us healthy for life" thing and will go to the next quick fad that jumps our way.

    What I noticed at my gym is that they try to go too hard the first few days, I overhear them talking about cutting their calories way too low and exercise them too much and they get burnt out. It sucks that so many people go in blind and when they don't have the results they want, they quit. I was lucky enough to have MFP. That's right, all of MFP's big bullies helped me in the long term. Thanks bullies!

    They come on here like that too! Batten down the hatches, I say.

    I say get prepared to help out some unfortunate souls with proper advice and information. Can't make them listen, of course, but a few of them will take heed.

    Duh, that's what 'batten down the hatches' means.




  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    YEP...and a lot of new MFP members....only the strong will survive.

    And thank god I have a bench, weights, etc. in my basement and run outside.

    ^ same here!!
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    Glad I can use the gym at the police academy.
  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    I don't worry about such things! I roll my *kitten* out of bed at 5am and take my *kitten* to the gym. Been going to the same dank gym on base a few years now! The one that allows chalk! Every once in a while a new face appears, but most won't last. Even the hardcore gym goers will change to later day workouts! A few new faces will probably appear after the New Year, and if they wanna join the club, I welcome them! If they don't, then they will either quit or move their gym time to later in the day!

    I honestly don't understand why anyone cares! Go to the gym! Do your thing! We all start somewhere! I started as a 16 yr old 145lb little weakling and was intimidated because I felt I was being judged! Apparently I was right!

    I bet a million dollars most people posting on this are fairly new to the gym as well...just because you've been going a year or two doesn't make you an expert!
  • EMPulseKC
    EMPulseKC Posts: 14 Member
    I'm glad I don't have to worry about that...

  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Was that top picture a roller skating rink?
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Should just start all of em--day 1-- heavy leg day-- the DOMS won't make em come back for a good week.
    weed out the weak.
    for those that do show up again--- they make good spotters. ;)
  • EMPulseKC
    EMPulseKC Posts: 14 Member
    Was that top picture a roller skating rink?
    Yep, I go roller skating with my wife, who's on a roller derby team.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    I find that the biggest reason people don't stick to being healthy is that this wasn't the goal in the first place. Too many people just want the look.....Most people just wanna be skinny not healthy.

    So, so true! I think part of the reason why I was never able to lose the weight (and then keep it off) before is because I didn't care much about health, I only wanted to be skinny. Until you become passionate about being HEALTHY, you'll never be able to lose the weight and keep it off.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    And those of you hoping they fail are terrible, terrible people. :angry:

    I embrace my own terrible nature so...yeah. Continues to wait in dark twisted anticipation.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    And those of you hoping they fail are terrible, terrible people. :angry:

    I embrace my own terrible nature so...yeah. Continues to wait in dark twisted anticipation.

    And I can respect that. :drinker: