Getting back in gear after the Holidays

We unfortunately hosted this year... So there were a lot of leftovers. So I've been eating pretty much at maintenance for a week and haven't hit my macros at all. Last night I had a small piece of cake over my goal, which I definitely wouldn't have done a week ago, and I feel myself slipping. Cookies and chocolates are gone, there's still a ton of ham (not enough protein) and cheese, cakes are almost gone, but we're having guests again tonight (which means hubby is making some fancy dish I can't really count calories for) and who knows what else until New Year...

How do you get back in gear? I still want to lose 10 lbs. I haven't gained anything at least, and I've mostly managed to stay under my goal 4 out of the last 7 days, but way below on protein, and it seems it's so slow to lose at this point, it's like I've lost all motivation to lose them.

Can't wait for my routine to start again...


  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    I ate like 4000-5000 a DAY for the past week, so I am more than ready to get back on track too!! Started fresh this morning again. There is no secret or magic button, just re-start what got you at 72 pounds loss so far, rince and repeat! :-)
    You don`t HAVE to eat all the leftovers, you can DECIDE to get back into your routine NOW. (eat less of the fancy stuff and complete with a salad maybe?)
    Have a great day!
  • dstevens19
    dstevens19 Posts: 233 Member
    I hear ya! We had so many leftovers but it's not a crime to get rid of them. I threw away stuff no one was going to miss and I put out of site those items I had trouble controlling. Sent cookies to work with DH and just generally tried to create an Environment for success. We have 1 more party but I volunteered to bring a black bean salad. Don't wait til New Years.start now!
  • Cruxthemystic
    Cruxthemystic Posts: 149 Member
    I'm with ya, holidays can be hard. Got rid of the last of the pumpkin desert today, nothing else left. So off to store to stock back up on the healthy stuff. New resolve to get up and get back moving. Just why can you pack it back on so much faster then you take it off?