Get Running!

Hello Everyone!

Two years ago I downloaded the Get Running App and I abolustely loved it! It's pricier than most running apps (2.99), but it's so much more pleasant then other ones I've tried. Anyway, I literally went from struggling to BREATH after a one minute run, to be being able to run twenty minutes non-stop. I felt like a superstar! Then that star fizzled out and died. You see, I still had a couple weeks to go in the program (as I never reached a full 5k),, but I was so proud of myself for running that long I figured I could take a break. That break has lasted two years. To be fair, I was pregnant the majority of this year and I had a baby boy in October SO now I have NO MORE EXCUSES. I'm looking for friends to keep my motivated as I'm about RESTART today, but I also want others to join me in this journey. Trust me, even though the app is 2.99, it's so incredibly worth it. If you're from Michigan, maybe the ultimate goal will be to run marathon together?! Gulp.


  • Santasmincepie

    I'm in a similar situation to you, only without the baby (congratulations by the way) although I do have a disabled son so that limited my workouts to term times only.

    Like you, I started not being able to run a minute and found myself running for 20 not long after. It's addictive isn't it? When my kids are back to school I'm aiming to start up again, go to the gym for a workout and then finish with a run. Well, in theory anyway. I'm seriously going to have to look at my diet too...far too much cheese and pastries in the fridge at the moment.

    Good luck.
  • C55H104O6
    C55H104O6 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for replying! It's totally addicting, but I'm afraid that I might fall off the band wagon again. Hopefully you can get your workouts in as I know how hard it can be with children! Do you prefer to workout in the morning or the evening?
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    You're welcome to be my friend if you want. I run a lot (it's addictive :p) and I have two kids.

    It's awesome that you want to get started again- like you said before, one minute of huffing and puffing can lead to really amazing results :)
  • Liiinas
    Hi! I went from not being able to run for 3 minutes straight to preparing for my first half marathon this year. I love running and I'd be happy to add you :)
  • C55H104O6
    C55H104O6 Posts: 5 Member
    Please do add me! I am hoping to do the Mad Warrior Dash in July. Crazy I know!
  • Santasmincepie
    Thank you for replying! It's totally addicting, but I'm afraid that I might fall off the band wagon again. Hopefully you can get your workouts in as I know how hard it can be with children! Do you prefer to workout in the morning or the evening?

    In the morning when I've dropped my son off at school. I'm a lone parent so have no-one to look after the kids after school and to be honest, with their homework and my own, plus housework and cooking etc, there's no time in the evenings anyway - let alone justifying paying for a babysitter to go to the gym.