Sick Fat & Nearly Dead



  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I saw that he lost 100 pounds in 60 days and figured thats a damn good start when I have almost 300 to lose. Thats over 1/3 of my journey. But im just worried about the after and what would happen when I start eating again. I feel like I eat a well balanced diet now.

    Why don't use just make a commitment to a lifestyle change, eat in a modest caloric deficit, hit your macro's for each day, measure and weigh out your food, log everything, and get some exercise in. Walking to start would be great, this is exactly the approach I took when I start and at 560 lbs, I could not walk from room to room. It took me alittle over 3 years (100 lbs. a year average) but I suffered little, ate well, and created an environment of sustainability for the long term..... Just my two cents..... Best of Luck...
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    Wouldn't it be much easier and less painful for anyone that has to live with you, to learn how to eat real food, learn about nutrition, portion control, and lose weight in a healthy way?

    Good advice. That movie is nothing more than a ploy. Juicing can be a great way to supplement a diet as part of a snack but definitely not as a meal replacement. You will lose lean mass doing this, I can 100% guarantee you. This will make it even harder to lose in the future.

    Just like she said..learn healthy eating habits, portion control and exercise. There isn't much more to it than that. I watched this documentary back when I was 221lbs 30% bodyfat and I fell for it too. Went out and bought a Jack lelane (spelling) juicer and 200$ worth of fruits/veggies. It didn't last a week. Was a complete disaster.

    What I finally did was I sat at the computer and studied over and over. Learned everything I could about calories/macronutrients, protein synthesis and other topics. I studied for 2 months, cleaned out my house of all the crap, went shopping, got a gym membership and started my journey.

    Through education I was able to go from 221lbs 30% bodyfat to 164 lbs 12% bodyfat from mid Feb-Aug.

    Don't fall for these gimmicks. Same goes for weight loss pills and fad diets. The answer is right under your nose.
  • burlingtongrl
    burlingtongrl Posts: 327 Member
    I have a friend who said it changed hi s life. He lost a ton of weight, but he had lots to lose and he ate very poorly. He juices once a day now and really cleanec up his diet...lots of veggies and mostly organic foods. I don't think you need to go all in, but that's your call. Best of luck.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    300 pounds just seems like forever away.

    Don't focus on 300lbs.

    For now, take this one day at a time and see if you can make good choices today.

    When you wake up tomorrow, do it again.

    We are friends on here for a reason..... :smile: QFT!!! breaking it down to each day is the only way to achieve this long term... Do everything you can do today to be as successful as you can and lay your head down on the pillow each night knowing you did just that and get a good nights sleep and get up tomorrow and do it again. This was and still is my approach.....
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I watched fat sick and nearly dead last night and it has me wanting to try a 60 day juicing detox. I just know if it tastes disgusting I wont be able to do it. I dont have enough will power to eat nothing plus drink something disgusting. Any thoughts? Anyone seen the movie? Also if I go back to normal calorie counting after the 60 days won't I just gain a bunch of weight back? Only juicing for 60 days will prove to my body thats all it needs and once I start eating again it will go crazy is what im thinking

    I can tell from the questions you're posting you already know the answers OP.

    Juice fasts are a temporary fix. Most people will gain back the weight they lose and more. It does not 'boost your metabolism' or remove 'toxins' from your body.

    The best thing is to eat at a calorie deficit (you can probably go for 25% below TDEE initially, as you need to lose a lot) whilst incorporating cardio and weightlifting (to retain muscle mass and maintain your BMR.)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    300 pounds just seems like forever away.

    Don't focus on 300lbs.

    For now, take this one day at a time and see if you can make good choices today.

    When you wake up tomorrow, do it again.

    We are friends on here for a reason..... :smile: QFT!!! breaking it down to each day is the only way to achieve this long term... Do everything you can do today to be as successful as you can and lay your head down on the pillow each night knowing you did just that and get a good nights sleep and get up tomorrow and do it again. This was and still is my approach.....

    And while I don't know for certain, I suspect that Ed didn't have a single day where he consumed nothing but juice.

    OP, you *can* be successful at this, but it's doubtful this "documentary" holds the keys to your success (and is more likely that it will be detrimental to it long-term).
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I have a juicer for sale.
  • Isn't it way better to be patient and go forward step by step?
    I do not understand these people doing weird 60-90 days crap diets and workouts to get somehow
    shredded and molded, powerpeeing on their health.
    It took them 20,30 40 years to get that fat, so whats the big deal if it takes a year per 100lbs?
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    If you want to try out juicing, maybe try a smaller goal to start (like substitute one meal every other day or just do it for breakfast) and if you like it, increase and if not, then don't. If you decide down the line to do something more drastic you would already have a start to help you get into the swing of things. It sounds difficult and unsustainable to jump in to something from not doing it at all to doing it exclusively for 60 days. I think juicing can be a great way to supplement nutrition and weight loss but would be wary of having such a long-running goal when just starting out.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I enjoyed the movie, maybe I'm a sucker but I found it inspiring.

    Not for the methods, I agree it is too extreme, unsustainable and unnecessary for most people, but I found the guy engaging and his influence on other people was healthier than, say, Morgan Spurlock (Supersize Me).

    A caloric deficit will do it just as well for most, taking it step by step and making good consumption and exercise choices a habit rather than a chore is my aim both for losing weight and for life generally.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I watched fat sick and nearly dead last night and it has me wanting to try a 60 day juicing detox. I just know if it tastes disgusting I wont be able to do it. I dont have enough will power to eat nothing plus drink something disgusting. Any thoughts? Anyone seen the movie? Also if I go back to normal calorie counting after the 60 days won't I just gain a bunch of weight back? Only juicing for 60 days will prove to my body thats all it needs and once I start eating again it will go crazy is what im thinking
    Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead is basically an infomercial. EVERYONE involved in the project stood to gain financially from the "juicing" being the reason for success, as Joe Cross and the doctor in the movie are partners in the company that made the movie, and the brand of juicer they used is one of their corporate sponsors.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    300 pounds just seems like forever away.

    Don't focus on 300lbs.

    For now, take this one day at a time and see if you can make good choices today.

    When you wake up tomorrow, do it again.

    We are friends on here for a reason..... :smile: QFT!!! breaking it down to each day is the only way to achieve this long term... Do everything you can do today to be as successful as you can and lay your head down on the pillow each night knowing you did just that and get a good nights sleep and get up tomorrow and do it again. This was and still is my approach.....

    And while I don't know for certain, I suspect that Ed didn't have a single day where he consumed nothing but juice.

    OP, you *can* be successful at this, but it's doubtful this "documentary" holds the keys to your success (and is more likely that it will be detrimental to it long-term).

    You would be correct no juice detoxes done on my part... just change my relationship with food, ate within a set caloric intake and got moving. The rest is the results of my hard work.... :drinker:
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    I started juicing yesterday. I'm only doing it for breakfast and lunch. So far I love it :)
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Although the 300 pounds seems overwhelming, just remember that a year from now you will have wished you started today. Time will pass wether you lose the weight or not. It took a long time to put in on, and takes time to take if off.
  • Just be careful and keep track of your vital signs. Some of those shows can be so overly dramatic.:smile:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I watched fat sick and nearly dead last night and it has me wanting to try a 60 day juicing detox. I just know if it tastes disgusting I wont be able to do it. I dont have enough will power to eat nothing plus drink something disgusting. Any thoughts? Anyone seen the movie? Also if I go back to normal calorie counting after the 60 days won't I just gain a bunch of weight back? Only juicing for 60 days will prove to my body thats all it needs and once I start eating again it will go crazy is what im thinking

    I saw that movie and it had me SO convinced that it was a legitimate way to get healthy... I even bought a juicer.... I couldn't do it for more than five days. Half the stuff tastes awful, i had terrible diarrhea and my stomach was grumbling constantly. I looked into it with my own research and found that it's an awful thing to do to your body. You're preventing yourself from getting proper nutrition and the lack of fiber is bad for the digestive tract. I didn't see how 60 days of that could benefit me in any way so I stopped immediately. Since I found MFP I started doing a lot of research about health, weight loss and nutrition and I can assure you, juicing is a waste of time and will not help you reach your goals in a healthy and realistic fashion. You will be getting minimal calories so you WILL lose weight pretty quickly, but you'll be so hungry you'll most likely pack on the pounds once you're finished and start eating the same exact quantities of foods you were eating before. Be patient, eat FOOD at a caloric deficit, lose weight slowly and train yourself to eat less forever.

    Pay attention to this!
  • Never watched the movie but any 'diet' where you only eat one thing for X amount of days and "can lose millions of pounds by doing it" screams scam to me.

    Sure I like to have smoothies. I make one after I get home from the gym in the morning but I eat real food the rest of the day. No way could I ever just drink some sort of juice thing for all my meals. I'd die of starvation.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I saw that he lost 100 pounds in 60 days and figured thats a damn good start when I have almost 300 to lose. Thats over 1/3 of my journey. But im just worried about the after and what would happen when I start eating again. I feel like I eat a well balanced diet now.

    Why don't use just make a commitment to a lifestyle change, eat in a modest caloric deficit, hit your macro's for each day, measure and weigh out your food, log everything, and get some exercise in. Walking to start would be great, this is exactly the approach I took when I start and at 560 lbs, I could not walk from room to room. It took me alittle over 3 years (100 lbs. a year average) but I suffered little, ate well, and created an environment of sustainability for the long term..... Just my two cents..... Best of Luck...

    This may only be Ed's "2 cents" but it is the cheapest, BEST advice you're going to get. Good luck.
  • Saw it. Not sure if it's legit or not. From what I got, he was trying to rid himself of sickness and get off of a crap load of meds ...which is ultimately what happened, if it's true. (Besides him forming new habits in getting fit for life.)
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Thanks 4 all of the responses. I guess ill just stick with if its not something im willing to commit to for life then dont do it. And juicing would never be a life commitment so im not going to do it. 300 pounds just seems like forever away.

    You will get there. Setting small goals along the way will help. Everything that happens between now and the end goal are what makes this experience such an amazing and empowering one.