Why did you get FAT & why did you decide to turn it around?



  • kenkl
    kenkl Posts: 26 Member
    Obviously if you joined MFP, you have the drive and motivation to lose weight and stay fit.

    Why did you get fat (initially) and why did you decide to lose that weight ?

    What was the turning point?

    I've always been fat, to varying degrees in my life. How that happened? Poor food choices, as a result of a lack of good information about what's actually healthy to eat. I don't think it really counts as an ED, but my relationship with food was pretty unhealthy. I ate when I was bored, happy, sad, stressed, relaxed, whenever.

    One little fact I'd never properly absorbed until recently is that weight management is 80% (or more) diet, and only 20% (or less) exercise. Sad, but there it is. Learning that little piece of information was my "turning point". It was a tremendous relief - I didn't have to beat the crap out of myself with exercise to lose weight after all! I wish I'd known this ten years ago! I'd have saved myself a lot of pain and hospitalization (sport-related injuries/damage).

    One of the big things that motivate me is that a friend of mine, who is slightly heavier than I am, recently had a stroke. She's only 12 years older than me, so it was a huge wake-up call. Something must be done, so here I am.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I got fat purely from a lack of education. I had heard the obvious "mcdonalds is bad" and "bread is bad" and "candy is bad", without any explanation. Portion control - I did not know about that either. I figure just eat what I want, and how much I want so i could die happy.

    I decided to turn it around basically because of my social anxiety. I noticed it was getting progressively worse, so when I asked myself "why am I scared to go out" the only answer I had was my weight and fear of judgement/hurtful comments regarding my weight. When I started, I compiled a list as to why I want to stick to losing weight which included the following

    - To feel confident in front of a camera
    - To wear whatever I want without feeling like covering up my tummy
    - To look good naked/improve sex.
    - Avoid diabetes, which is very high in my family.
    - I figured that if i did not do anything, I would only get bigger and bigger until I became bed bound and essentially useless to society.
  • tealgrove
    tealgrove Posts: 36 Member
    I have ALWAYS been heavy but got FAT in the last 15 years. Yo Yo dieting most likely made it worse. I quit smoking and found food. Not an excuse just the reality. I believe I gave up one addiction for another.

    When I couldn't walk up the stairs to my bedroom without being out of breath and my mind was constantly thinking about food and where I could get it. I decided I needed to do something. Clearly my health was being impacted and my entire body hurt from head to toe. It was time.

    I walked into an Overeaters Anonymous Meeting and began the journey to fix myself.
  • xoxolivia_
    I never use eat healthy and exercised regularly, you don't gain weight overnight nor lose it. I just got fatter and fatter over the years, since I was a kid. But I reached my highest weight of 215lbs from just not going anywhere. I have always been unhappy about my weight but never done anything about. As of May 2012, I have been eating healthy and exercising everyday. I found out someone I knew had to get a limb removed due to diabetes, they later passed away. That was a wake up call I guess you could say, I also found someone on instagram/tumblr that lost 80 lbs, I use her as my inspiration.

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  • lilredhead314
    lilredhead314 Posts: 52 Member
    I gained weight because I thought that since I ate healthy I could eat whatever I wanted. I always thought I was overweight and healthy, but I took ballet class and I realized that I wasn't healthy as I thought I was.
  • Violettaff
    Going without a lot as a child but being spoiled by grandparents when I was with them which started the comfort eating.
    Larger portions than are really necessary. Being a chocoholic and not being able to resist buying it when I stopped for fuel.
    An underactive thyroid problem creeping up over a ten year period and being ignored by the doctors on the basis of stupid blood tests instead of looking at the whole raft of symptoms I was enduring and thinking I was losing my mind!
    Back to comfort eating - and swallowing down anger, sadness and disappointments with a "whats the point" food/choc medicine.

    And now - after managing to self treat and get my thyroid supported and relieving the symptoms I did lose half of the 2 stone I put on but have slipped and I need to try and lose 28 lbs but no silly very low cal diets or anything that is not sustainable- I have joined here for support and will be buying a FitBit 1 to help me along.

    I am fed up with seeing photos of myself where I have felt at time OK ish and then the photo shows a different person. I am fed up with thinking that things will fit OK and then they are tight and look awful.

    So - here I am at 50 weighing 12 stone at 5,2 - my goal is to lose a 1lb a week - and reduce my 41, 35, 41 inches down - hopefully.

    I am sensibly starting from the end of this coming week when all Xmas food has gone at work and home and things are back to normal.

    Happy New Year All
  • lorygonzalez
    Why did I get fat? Stopped caring for myself, marriage, 2 kids 9 and 12, postpartum depression after the birth of my 9 year old. Since that I have never really felt the same. Ate what I wanted although I gained 80 lbs I still ate and stopped exercising.

    Why did I decide to turn it around? Tired of caring for everyone else and taking care of Lory last. I am 42 years old and need to make lifestyle changes not only for my health but to be a better mom and better wife. I am a nurse practitioner and it is embarrassing that I do not practice what I preach. The craziness needs to stop!
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I slowly put on weight since I graduated high school. basically moving less and eating more, but at a rather slow rate (roughly an average of 40 calories a day over the whole period). I lost about 30 lbs in 2005 when I started working out again ad watching what I ate - not exactly by counting calories, but I watched portion sizes and checked serving sizes of any packaged food. In 2006 I stopped exercising when my stationary bike broke, and got lax about watching the portions since I was "in shape." I put the 30 lbs on and then another 20, reaching my highest weight of 250 lbs. in summer of 2012.

    There were a few things that got me serious about my health. First, friends and family were encouraging me to get into shape. Second, my blood pressure (which had been normal all my life) went high and my doctor put me on a diuretic. Third I got a great deal on an Xbox 360 with Kinect, which inspired me to get exercise software and actually start moving.

    In a little over a year I have gotten back to my High School weight and gotten my BP back to normal (without the need for meds).
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    having a left leg injury. Wheelchair for a year....
  • pineappley
    I got fat because I ate too much when I studied. Unfortunately, going to medical school made it worse...well, at least for the first year and a half. It wasn't until I nearly hit 200 that I knew this was getting out of hand. So, I started exercising and watching my diet thanks to MFP.
  • Tffanie4712
    I got fat because I THINK when you get pregnant it's eat time 250 gained from 160!!! EAT SLEEP SLEEP EAT EAT WHILE SLEEPING I know I know that's pretty crazy ,but that's what I did while I was pregnant. I said no more i don't want to be the fat mommy. Came across this website and decided to join. It's full of wonderful people with great advice pushing you towards your goal.
  • mrsyako
    After my second son was born I just lost interest in exercising, also didn't care to much about what i ate, because I never really had a weight problem. Then when he turned two I had my first fibro flare and that made working out difficult. It still is now, but last February (2013) I committed myself to working out and trying out my fitness pal. I was able to lose 30 pounds in 3 months. Had a horrible fibro flare in May and yet again lost interest. But I have been feeling pretty good and I'm ready to give it a go yet again!!
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    I was born with skinny genes and remained skinny into my early 20s. Weight started creeping up before I got pregnant with my second son a couple years ago (due to poor lifestyle, no self control, and indulging in too many beers). My second son was born 12/12/12. I realized it was *real* problem (vs. just a small problem) when I started wearing sweatpants and hoodies everywhere, and not wanting to leave the house or buy new clothes. I have a pot belly and I know it's from a lack of portion control and from indulging in too much beer. (Picture the twangiest country music, beer drinking song you can - and that's what I'ms surrounded with). ha. :) My actual DIET is not that bad - we hardly eat any processed foods. I just eat TOO much.

    Anyway, it's silly not to be able to feel sexy in regular clothes. Time for a change.
  • tinakowalik
    tinakowalik Posts: 73 Member
    I became very anemic, I didn't realize for a long time, so I had very little energy and didn't move too much. 30 pounds later...plus pregnancy weight. After getting on iron, which is looking to be permanently, I gained back my energy. My self confidence in my body was low. I hated how I looked, and the weight I had. So I picked up a jillian DVD, and shredded it all off and more. At first it was to get the sexy body, now it's for health and endurance, and to go further than yesterday! And now muscle is showing, so now I'm ready and excited to start toning more!
  • PopeyeCT
    PopeyeCT Posts: 249 Member
    I got comfortable and lazy. My health needs to be improved.

    I retired 3 years ago. It's like I had finally met my life goals and I had the American Dream...I could sit on the couch and watch baseball and eat all the hot dogs and apple pie I wanted. No reason to ever exercise and no reason to care about what I looked like.

    Then a couple months ago I realized that I had to rest after going upstairs to get another snack. One flight of stairs left me out of breath. Somehow I had gained 70 pounds. And my doctor put me on blood pressure medication and told me bluntly... keep doing what I'm doing and it's about 10 yrs off my life. I did some soul searching and decided that I met all the life goals I had and now I was bored, and I want to be able to go do stuff. I don't want to be bored. I want to make a bucket list. And half the stuff on my bucket list I wouldn't be able to do unless I got healthy again and back in shape.

    Or if you want the philosophical version: Life is a journey, not a destination. If you treat it like a destination then when you get there you don't have anything to do but sit in your rocking chair waiting to die. So I'm going on another journey.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    For me I think it happened due to being raised in a convenience foods culture. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame culture rather than myself and my parents who raised me. But I think that's what happened. I grew up in the 80's and 90's in a middle class home where it was the norm to dine out many times per week, everything from McDonald's to Olive Garden, and grabbing quick snacks and never learning about healthy foods or how to prepare them. Cooking meant Ragu pasta and grilled meat with mac n' cheese. Baking equaled cookies or cake from a mix. I was drinking soda (often diet! LOL) from toddler age. It was honestly just the norm for me and most of those around me since I was very young, and I never saw a big need to change it. I've been overweight since childhood but obese since my mid teens. I considered it very "normal" for me honestly. I had good bloodwork and other tests at the doctor and I ALWAYS had very high energy levels.

    I am 37 now. I gained and lost some weight here & there over the years, but was almost always in the 250+ lb range. I actually adopted some much healthier eating habits in my late 20's and early 30's, but I was still VERY ignorant of what was best for me diet-wise and seriously had no clue about proper calorie levels or exercise calories, etc, until I joined MFP. I lost 45 lb before starting MFP (from my all-time high weight) and joining this site happened because I was kind of ticked off at my body. I'd adopted such healthier habits and started being more active and eating "right" so I didn't understand why the pounds weren't falling off me like some of my friends/acquaintances. I was very frustrated when I joined this site back in March and fortunately with calorie counting I've lost more weight in a shorter time and am on my way to no longer being obese.
  • whoajulie
    I'm new to this site. I had the app for about two months now, but just now realized duh- there's a website. :D
    So I thought I would post.

    My turning point was when
    A) my jeans were no longer fitting and instead of trying to lose weight I bought a bigger size, and
    B) getting engaged in September.

    That's probably really cliche to say that I'm "shedding for the wedding", but really it's more than that.
    Sure, I want to look good in my dress. I mean the camera does "add ten pounds" or whatever they say. But really I am motivated to keep the weight off and stay healthy. I really did a 180 on my diet and exercise, and joined an all womens' gym with my cousin. It's great!
    It's also nice that my fiancee has been trying to eat healthier as well. Helps keep me motivated..
    Hopefully I can keep up with it.
    I'm down 12 pounds so far, and have also lost an inch on my other measurements.
    We are starting a "Biggest Loser" competition in January at my gym, and I totally want to win! :)

    Can't wait to start reading everyone's stories on here. Looking forward to chatting with you all!