46 and need to loose 45 lb.. friends needed :o)



  • Hello dear OP. I can relate to a lot of what you say and if I can help support your journey in any way please ask. I wish you all the best. I know you can do it! x
  • Sondicalondi
    Sondicalondi Posts: 57 Member
    49 here and have found MFP a great source of inspiration! Feel free to add me, I am pretty good at supporting others. Picture yourself on the beach, happy, like you want to be. You will do this!
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    Feel free to add me, will help if I can. It isn't really that hard and I don't eat only vegetables...lol. Just set a goal and log the calories, don't overeat, start exercising and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve. Seriously, it's that easy if you have the willpower and desire. I am feeling pretty good about my appearance these days, in a few months you could to. It really is a mind over matter thing. Change your lifestyle and it will happen. I'm 50 and needed to lose about the same amount. Just jump on board and do it...NOW! Why wait? The sooner you start the sooner you'll feel better about yourself. There are no tricks or gimmicks, eat less...it works. If you think you have to eat something you hate for the rest of your life you won't be able to maintain it. Make sure you are reasonable and it will work. If I did it anyone can. Good luck!!
  • ECoastDreamer
    ECoastDreamer Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. Another 40-something here. I have twice as much to loose, but am determined to take it one day at a time and celebrate mini-milestones along the way. every 5 pounds will be celebrated and my first MAJOR milestone is to hit under 200 (199; 48 lb. loss). I would welcome friends to join me on this journey and keep me accountable and motivated also!
    My vegetable list is quite limited as well. I enjoy raw "salad" vegetables, potatoes, corn and green beans. My weakness is carbs!! I love breads, pastries, & potatoes. I love fresh fruits but have to be careful because of the quantity of natural sugars (turn into carbs).
    BTW - I have just created my profile and will begin my journey tomorrow.
  • I'm new here too. I was also planning to start on the first of January (I need to get a paycheck in order to buy some "healthy" food). I'm 46, a mother of two (17 & 8). My husband and I are going on 20 years of marriage and I have at least 50 lbs to lose. I don't know anyone here either: I am looking to meet someone- preferably female, so my husband has no issues- as an accountability partner who knows what it's like to need to lose more than 5-10 pounds. If interested, add me. Thanks. //(•_•)\\
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    Welcome! Please feel free to add me....another 40something here. I have 2 20 something kids....no grandkids yet, but someday. I am also going to the Bahamas in 2014, but in April with a group of ladies from work.

    We can do this!
  • I am 42 and need to loose 60. I am here for you too! I will admit that I have fallen off the wagon but am committed to a new start!
  • I also totally need more friends, I have a lot of lurkers on my board. Some messages are months old.. :/
  • WallyH4EverVersion
    WallyH4EverVersion Posts: 172 Member
    I'm 46 ... I log everyday , few times a day; and log in, everything I have eaten.. the good and the bad too... :laugh: I need to loose another 50 pounds more ... I have already lost 22 pounds !!!:bigsmile:

    As for you not liking vegetables, I have found that by just cutting my portions I am able to eat everything I have always enjoyed. Moderation has always being a big problem for me , but MFP has help me tremendously in this aspect. I now, have began to understand the correct amounts of food I need, instead of what I think I want.

    I'd love to meet new people who log everyday and can make me accountable in this journey to health , wellness and let's face it, looking good and fit , so friend me if you're interested.
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    Congrats on the new babies in the house!! So exciting!! Start today logging everything! When I started on March 8, 2013, I had already had a large 52 oz coke & a couple steak & cheese burritos... That was Day 1! You'll have better days & some not so much, just log it all!! Look for ways to get the veggies in, maybe it's in a smoothie with a handful of spinach that you don't taste! Carrots are sweet to add to spaghetti sauce, a little bit goes a long ways. Tomato sauce is a "vegetable!" Start out small. I love grilled zucchini with marinara!! The more veggies you eat, the less cravings you'll have for chocolate....it's all about the magnesium. The sodium in foods can be reduced with the potassium found in foods (meats & veggies) that cause bloating, but you can also offset that with drinking 1/2 your body weight in oz for water.

    Just start logging!! :)

    Add me if you'd like. :)
  • I hear you! everyday is a struggle but we cant always make it about our weight and what we eat. We have to find new things to consume our time so maybe if we all 'ban' together we can accomplish this :)
  • dietonthego
    dietonthego Posts: 87 Member
    Please feel free to friend me. We have a few 40's and 50's that have the same challenge. Maryann
  • MDF247
    MDF247 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm getting old. It takes a tremendous amount of effort for me to lose anything. I'm probably just doing it wrong, but I AM going in the right direction! We're all in it together. :)
  • You can friend me.
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    Hi all, I'll be 44 on 1/5 and began mfp last year on 1/7. I've lost 37 lbs (though resting at 32 now). I work full-time and have a 10 year old son. My goal is to do better menu planning and start exercising regularly.
  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    You are in right place and you are ready to do it. Just start seeing urself the one who is losing weight constantly . Go window shopping and keep day dreaming about all those sexy clothes on you . Take picture with ur phone . keep looking them . You dont need to do miracle just one day at the time . You dont have to be hungry for beginning I would suggest Low carb to loss lot and not be hungry and later on you can modify it .Please feel free to add me
  • dezb64
    dezb64 Posts: 109 Member
    Congratulations on the grandchildren. Please feel free to add me
  • fitaholic718
    fitaholic718 Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me. I only ask that if you anyone adds me they are active and supportive.
  • JaneE1967
    JaneE1967 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I'm the same age with similar goals. I have my sisters wedding to attend in March so the pressure is on. Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend if they are serious about support that goes both ways. :drinker:
  • dawkinsc2
    dawkinsc2 Posts: 18 Member
    I agree Rob...I started 12/25. No time like today!