Starting all over again 1/1/2014



  • Hi everyone!
    I'm so excited to start a new year but I can't wait till New Years I started yesterday. I hear good things about this site and I hope to get positive reinforcement from people cuz I (as I'm sure others) have been through a lot in 2013. Mainly <\3 but that's the past a new body a new life new start but always stay humble and true in the heart!
    :) Britt
  • anneya
    anneya Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone. First time writing in this website but I started last week with my diet (life style change). I figured, if I can start now why not?
    When I started this I kind of laid off for a little while but I am back. now I need friends to keep me accountable for my gluttony episodes or my weak spots here and there.
  • I'm starting again too! Lost 45lb 3 years ago and its all back on plus an extra 15 - stress of moving,new job, new life! Gettin married next year and need to shift those lbs!!!!
  • velvetwing69
    velvetwing69 Posts: 10 Member
    Im with ya! Im starting 010114 new year, new start! No doubt Ill be throwing a few back on new years eve so I will be starting fresh new years day. Love to be part of your support team! Please add me :)
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    not a restart but a tweek for me...any feel free to add if you want.
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    I'm not restarting but more like continuing where I left off. I gained 75lbs early this year from stress at work and didn't give a crap what I ate...I've been slowly going back to eating clean (low carb, high fat and protein works great for my body). I'm a very all or nothing type of person as well as a perfectionist. Normally I'll say I'm going to start on the 1st or on Monday but now I've learned to just start fresh the next day and keep doing that. It helps me mentally anyways lol.

    We can all do this.
  • I am starting for the first time!!! I can hardly wait!!! I currently weigh 180lbs...up from 2 weeks ago at 173lbs :/ friggin christmas time....anyways I am a 33 year old stay at home mom of three..Arianna 9, Poppy and Rylan 3.5 body has never been the same.. looking to inspire and be inspired and be accountable! :)

    Namaste lets do this!!!
  • pinkytoo
    pinkytoo Posts: 2 Member
    I, am also starting over. Feel free to add me. We can do this!
  • lilndnfeather22
    lilndnfeather22 Posts: 40 Member
    I am also starting over. I really want to stick with it this time. last time I started well then lost motivation. If you want to add me id love to have friends on this journey.
  • Cece0722
    Cece0722 Posts: 3 Member
    I have decided to start over again once the new year hits. It seems like each time I get on the right track something happens. I am determined to do it this time. My health depends on this. I am so tired of my physician putting me on medication for diabetes and blood pressure. I am trying to become a mother before 2014 is over. If anyone wants to be my buddy and help me through my journey I am all for it. I will be your support team in return.
  • zitamw
    zitamw Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting over again too. Looking for peers to add that are in the same boat for motivation, recipes, support and exercise tips. The only reason I'm starting Jan 6th is to easily keep track of days and exercise during my work lunch. Also gives me a few days to read up, learn, and prep. I prefer to take this time to be prepared rather than jump in and fail because I'm so lost with this whole process. So please add me if you're willing to share this journey with me. We can do it together.

    I like your approach you have to be mentally prepared for certain things. If you are not you end up in the same predicament such as starting over :-)
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
  • kimblum4
    kimblum4 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting over again too. I am so disgusted with myself, none of my clothes fit anymore. I really need support on this journey as my motivation level is really low. It's a MUST for 2014!
  • fitgirldanyel
    fitgirldanyel Posts: 59 Member
    I started over about two weeks ago. I really want this to be the year I get to and maintain my goal weight. Anyone please feel free to add me! :)
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    Why wait? Start this moment!
  • mzco14
    mzco14 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi , me 2!! Don't feel bad - we all fall off but at least we've got the sense to come back and start again. Way to go on making positive changes.
  • I'm with you. I'm starting today.
  • I'm not waiting until Wednesday (although gotta have a glass of champagne tomorrow!) but I'm in! Would love to have some adds as motivation, knowing people could see me not keep up is a big factor :)
  • I've started back up again , after loosing 3 stone at the first half of this year i thought I did really well so I deleted my account but the second half of this year I gained just over a stone, that's not so good sooooo I'm back and I'm going to give it my all, feel free to add me, I start officially tomorrow and don't have any friends yet x
  • sam_sam_24
    sam_sam_24 Posts: 123 Member
    Not to be mean (but it will sound that way), if you are serious about making a change you won't wait until some arbitrary date on a calendar. You'll start today.

    Going crazy eating over the next few days because you are going to start dieting on Wednesday is like maxing out your credit cards days before you start paying off your debt.

    Good luck.

    I totally agree. Start now! Don't wait for the new year! If you wait, you will just keep putting it off! If anyone wants any tips or a friend to help motivate them in their journey, I am always looking for new friends to help motivate me as well. I started my journey in May and have lost 10.5 lbs! I am a Kinesiology Major (I graduate with my B.S. in May!) so if you have any questions I will most likely be able to help!