How many calories? So confused! Need help D:

Okay so I have a 7 month old and while pregnant I gained 33 kilos and have only lost 10 so far (everyone says breastfeeding makes you lose weight like that but all it did was make me stuff my face and I didn't lose it fast like I was promised!) I'm 20 and 5'7 and weigh about 90 kilos now and wanna lose about 25 more kilos. anyway I just recently weaned my bub off breastfeeding so now I want to get serious about diet and excerise and lose weight. Anyway so mfp said I should eating 1290 calories a day but it just doesn't seem like much so I was thinking maybe I should eat 1500 calories, but then I was reading that it's real bad to eat below bmr so I googled my bmr and it was like 1700 calories so should I eat my bmr? Is it bad to eat below it? Now I'm totally confused how much I should eat a day. I also am planning on going on the treadmill an hour or so.. I just don't know I'm really confused and I keep reading things on Google and getting even more confused. Help? I really am not sure how much calories I should eat..


  • lovebig30
    lovebig30 Posts: 167 Member
    I never eat below my bmr which is around 1700 calories and try not to net less than 200 below my calorie goal. average calories eaten a week 2300 and lose. ive averaged a little less than a lb a week since july and over 5% bf lost.which is the rate iam happy with as there has been many days of being way over my calorie goal. you have to find what works for you I cannot eat 1200 calories a day and not be cranky and lighheaded
  • jusmakemesmile
    jusmakemesmile Posts: 9 Member
    I don't know if I can help you much on this subject considering I'm recently figuring these things out, but mfp only gives you daily calories based on weight, height, how many pounds/kilos you want to lose weekly etc. You have freedom to choose how many calories you will take in daily, 1500 is a good amount of calories but you have to keep in mind that even if you eat 2500 calories you could lose just as much weight if you ate healthy foods that burned your metabolism.
    Anything below 1200 calories is considered starving so whatever calorie window you choose above 1200 is generally okay for weight loss if filled with healthy foods. Of course still be reasonable with the amounts you allow.
    Hope you get it together soon :)