*Rant* Kidney Infections Suck

Ok, so I have a kidney infection. The meds the dr gave me are making me feel funky, my kidneys hurt, and its squadron pt day. When will this day end. I just wanna go home and lay down in bed. Pt did not make me feel better, and at work I can hardly catch a break. I can't even sit at my computer to finish one task before give 5 more. AAAHHH:explode: Ok, I feel a lil better now.


  • FatFarmJ
    I understand how you feel. Just another good excuse to drink water :-)

    I hope you feel better soon!
  • tater8589
    Thank you. I'm on my 3rd 32oz bottle today. I usually drink lots of water, over the weekend I drank soda with friends... stupid sodas lol.
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    I feel your pain!!! I had a kidney infection a few weeks ago and have never felt pain like it. I thought I was going to pass out, lost my appetite and slept for four days.
    Feeling better now though.

    Hope you feel better soon because kidney infections really do suck!!
