Are some people not able to get past a certain weight?

Hi all! So I had a question. I have been on MFP since September and I am about 10 pounds from my weight goal. I am around125 now, and as far as I can remember, this is the lowest I have been in my "adult" life. Is there any way people aren't meant to be at a lower weight. I just feel like my body wont lose any more weight, even though I see that I still have "trouble" areas. I have been stuck here for about 1 month and I am wondering why I am stuck?!?. I am also unable to workout hard since I have back issues. Is my goal of 115 at 5'1" too unrealistic? I know I am blabbing, I am just curious for anyone's thoughts. Thanks!!


  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I always used to think that 135 was my body's set point, until I blew that out of the water this year and am now maintaining in the 118-120 range (I'm 5ft, 6in, 35 yrs old and have had 3 kids). I am now maintaining pretty effortlessly here, so who knows :smile:
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    At that point in time, I believe in more about it being how you are and your physical activity than actual weight. Be healthy, workout/be active, use a measuring tape and lose the scale.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    what's your frame size? I'm your height and I have a large frame, and was losing strength and lean body mass trying to get lighter than 125lb. My strength and energy levels were much better at 130lb and since then I've deliberately gained weight up to 140lb while doing a heavy lifting programme and gained loads of strength and still fit in the same clothes I did at 125lb (and have to wear a belt with my jeans too).

    Ideal weight is based on a lot more than just height. Your frame size (width of shoulders, size of rib cage, width of pelvis) will affect how much you should weigh, as does your muscle mass. I have a large frame and I'm naturally muscular. Someone of the same height who has a small frame and is less naturally muscular may weigh as little as 100lb or even less and still be very healthy, full of life, etc, and would be carrying too much fat at 125lb. So really there's a lot more factors than just height.

    Do you know your body fat percentage? That's a much better indication of how much you should weigh than your height, although it can be harder to get a reliable measurement of it. Leigh Peele's website has some excellent information about body fat percentage, different ways to measure it and also how to do visual estimates for body fat percentage, which also helps you to know at what body fat percentage you can achieve the look that you want. That should help you determine if you need to keep losing weight or stay at 125lb (or possibly even gain some lean mass through strength training, as that's sometimes what it takes to get a firmed-up, fit looking body). Another thing to go by is how you feel, i.e. how your energy levels are, whether you're losing strength or gaining it, and so on.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    There are weights my body fights harder to stay at. But with extra effort, I can bump on by, it just takes longer, maybe a bit more exercise, a bit less food, or changing up the exercise, or changing up the foods. But so far nothing has completely gotten me stuck.
  • sherrynickel
    sherrynickel Posts: 10 Member
    I was stuck at a weight for about 3 weeks, then increased my protein intake. I also increased my walking time by 15 minutes, 3 times a week. Our physician also recommended the increase in protein, but every person is a little different. It worked for my husband and I. The closer you get to the goal weight the slower it comes off, that has been my experience. Don't give up, just stay with your program.
  • knt6742
    It definitely varies from person to person. I'm 5'1. I went from 140 to 105. Now I'm around 112 and want to get down to 100. It's totally possible but I just need to really focus on getting my diet in order.
  • KelleynBradyBoys
    I do think it is possible to loose more. The only question is HOW. After having my baby last October I have struggled with weight and it took a loooong time to get it off. It took me more than a year to figure out WHY. Turns out, I had been consuming too much coffee and too much meat/dairy. My blood sugar is sensitive to fluctuations and I was not addressing that issue. Also, my body does not tolerate meats very well (probably because they are loaded with antibiotics which not only medicate the animals but help them put on large amounts of weight). I would like to see you try an elimination diet and discover what it is you are not tolerating in your daily diet. It can take a long time to figure out but finally, I am seeing the scale move after a long plateau.