Looking for dedicated friends to kick off the New Year

Hi all!

Using MFP to track calories and exercise I was able to lose about 28 lbs ☺ However, motivation after my wedding, then the honeymoon and now after the holidays has dropped significantly and I have added about 12 lbs back :( I really want to jump back in there and accomplish the goals I have set! Starting today I will be logging and exercising again!

I really want to find friends to help keep motivation up both for me and them! So please add if you are serious about making losing weight!

A little about me - I'm 28, recently married, currently in grad school and have struggled with weight ever since I graduated college and got a "real job". When I was younger I was always busy - in high school I did track and field and cross country, in college I worked waiting tables while I put myself through school... however, as soon as I graduated and started a new job in industry, I sat more and exercised less and less while eating the same amount of food if not more (people would always bring food into work to share). As I noticed the weight increase I would try to change it by exercise and it would work for a while .. but eventually I would "take breaks" from my running and over the years my weight would fluctuate up and down until it hit an all time high about a year and a half ago - I was about 35 pounds heavier then when I graduated college and 50 pounds heavier than when I graduated high school. Using MFP I was able to lose about 28 lbs and I am very proud of that! However, I have recently gained 12 of it back and I don't want to go down that path again... so I am determined to start again before I gain everything I lost before!


  • KBGAgent
    KBGAgent Posts: 165 Member
    I'll do my best to provider encouragement if you want guy pals.
  • 11aliciamorgan
    11aliciamorgan Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Destanie!
    I haven't been on here much longer than about a week but am really likely what the site has to offer. Thanks for posting. I can completely relate to gaining some LBs after the wedding day/holidays! I worked my booty off to get cut and slim for the big day and ended up gaining a lot of my weight back after the big day. I'll send a friend request your way :)