Tired of hearing the whole foods advice



  • sallyLunn
    Or, you can just eat Twinkies. http://articles.latimes.com/2010/nov/08/news/la-heb-twinkies-diet-20101108

    The guy lost 27 pounds eating nothing but snack cakes just to prove a calorie is a calorie.

    Better him than me.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I eat mostly whole organic foods, with as little processing and added sugar as possible. This is to control diabetes, high cholesterol, and other serious health issues which runs in my family. It is my choice and what I choose to give my children/family. I am certainly not fanatical about it and don't preach at anyone over their choices. I even had a Dunkin Donuts creme filled donut last week that someone brought into the office. Delicious, but for me, rare. :flowerforyou:
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I'm often amazed that I've lived as long as I have and remained healthy since eating is soooooooo bloody complicated:

    Don't eat meat
    Eat nothing but meat
    Only eat turkey: everything else will kill you
    Eggs are a miracle food
    Eggs will kill you
    Sugar will kill you
    Artificial Sugar will kill you
    HFCS will kill you
    Salt will kill you
    Fat will kill you
    Refined/processed foods will kill you
    Mercury in fish will kill you
    Eating late at night will make you fat (and being fat will kill you)
    Eating grains will make you fat.
    Eating pasta and rice will make you fat
    Eating potatos will make you fat
    Eating fat will make you fat
    Eating carbohydrates will make you fat.
    Only rolled oats are healthy: all other derivatives will kill you.
    You must drink water every 15 minutes or you'll become dehydrated (and that will kill you)

    You know, as a child I used to go for hours and hours on end with no water in sight and then, if we were thirsty we'd drink from the garden hose. And in college I survived on eggs, mac & cheese and ramon noodles. It's just a matter of sheer luck that I've survived. LOL

  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    Great response lessertess. It reminded me that I forgot to mention that I drink tap water, yep straight out of the faucet, no filter, nothing.

    I do have certain habits that I follow that I think keep me healthier but is almost never mentioned.

    1. I don't let uncooked meat go near other non-meat foods, or use the same utensils.

    2. I don't eat at non-chain restaurants unless they've been in business a long, long time. Chain restaurants are extremely paranoid about being labelled as unsafe to eat at and tend to have strict guidelines about how food is handled.

    3. I don't buy the first package on a shelf that may have been handled by who knows how many people.

    I'm not a germaphobe. It is just that statistically speaking not following these rules is much more dangerous to my health than processed foods. Typically the worst you can expect is a little food poison but why risk it.

    I do make exceptions. I have a soft spot for eating breakfast at greasy diners but I only do this like once a year.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I'm often amazed that I've lived as long as I have and remained healthy since eating is soooooooo bloody complicated:

    Don't eat meat
    Eat nothing but meat
    Only eat turkey: everything else will kill you
    Eggs are a miracle food
    Eggs will kill you
    Sugar will kill you
    Artificial Sugar will kill you
    HFCS will kill you
    Salt will kill you
    Fat will kill you
    Refined/processed foods will kill you
    Mercury in fish will kill you
    Eating late at night will make you fat (and being fat will kill you)
    Eating grains will make you fat.
    Eating pasta and rice will make you fat
    Eating potatos will make you fat
    Eating fat will make you fat
    Eating carbohydrates will make you fat.
    Only rolled oats are healthy: all other derivatives will kill you.
    You must drink water every 15 minutes or you'll become dehydrated (and that will kill you)

    You know, as a child I used to go for hours and hours on end with no water in sight and then, if we were thirsty we'd drink from the garden hose. And in college I survived on eggs, mac & cheese and ramon noodles. It's just a matter of sheer luck that I've survived. LOL


    Your laptop computer will kill you.

  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I recently and unfortunately bought the book "Skinny *****" thinking it may be an interesting perspective on eating and nutrition. Boy was I wrong. This book promotes vegan diet and is sooooo restrictive. Maybe this kind of torture works for some, but not for me. I'm proud that I have cleaned up my diet, but I'm not gonna stop enjoying the foods that I love. I like the 80/20 idea.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I'm often amazed that I've lived as long as I have and remained healthy since eating is soooooooo bloody complicated:

    Don't eat meat
    Eat nothing but meat
    Only eat turkey: everything else will kill you
    Eggs are a miracle food
    Eggs will kill you
    Sugar will kill you
    Artificial Sugar will kill you
    HFCS will kill you
    Salt will kill you
    Fat will kill you
    Refined/processed foods will kill you
    Mercury in fish will kill you
    Eating late at night will make you fat (and being fat will kill you)
    Eating grains will make you fat.
    Eating pasta and rice will make you fat
    Eating potatos will make you fat
    Eating fat will make you fat
    Eating carbohydrates will make you fat.
    Only rolled oats are healthy: all other derivatives will kill you.
    You must drink water every 15 minutes or you'll become dehydrated (and that will kill you)

    You know, as a child I used to go for hours and hours on end with no water in sight and then, if we were thirsty we'd drink from the garden hose. And in college I survived on eggs, mac & cheese and ramon noodles. It's just a matter of sheer luck that I've survived. LOL


    You are soo funny, and your comments soo true!:laugh:
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    I'm often amazed that I've lived as long as I have and remained healthy since eating is soooooooo bloody complicated:

    Don't eat meat
    Eat nothing but meat
    Only eat turkey: everything else will kill you
    Eggs are a miracle food
    Eggs will kill you
    Sugar will kill you
    Artificial Sugar will kill you
    HFCS will kill you
    Salt will kill you
    Fat will kill you
    Refined/processed foods will kill you
    Mercury in fish will kill you
    Eating late at night will make you fat (and being fat will kill you)
    Eating grains will make you fat.
    Eating pasta and rice will make you fat
    Eating potatos will make you fat
    Eating fat will make you fat
    Eating carbohydrates will make you fat.
    Only rolled oats are healthy: all other derivatives will kill you.
    You must drink water every 15 minutes or you'll become dehydrated (and that will kill you)

    You know, as a child I used to go for hours and hours on end with no water in sight and then, if we were thirsty we'd drink from the garden hose. And in college I survived on eggs, mac & cheese and ramon noodles. It's just a matter of sheer luck that I've survived. LOL


    this made me lol
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member

    What do you think? Feel free to tell me where I'm wrong.

    YOU ARE SO....................not wrong!!!
    I agree with you 100%. Although while I am losing weight I am being more particular. But I do realize eating a piece of white bread is not going to ruin my life!

    I'm going to the store and buying some french bread from the bakery in honor of your post!!!
  • smedlund
    smedlund Posts: 122 Member
    Great response lessertess. It reminded me that I forgot to mention that I drink tap water, yep straight out of the faucet, no filter, nothing.

    I do make exceptions. I have a soft spot for eating breakfast at greasy diners but I only do this like once a year.

    I drink water straight out of the tap as well. I also love a good greasy spoon!

    I tend to eat more whole grains and "healthy" stuff but I've always been a person who would choose the veggies and doesn't like white bread and tend to eat a diet closer to a vegetarian. That's my choice though and I don't push it on anyone because I don't want someone to push something like a meat only diet on me. Besides, how you complete your weight loss is up to you! :)
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    HAHAHAHAHAHA....Awesome rant. I have health nuts as friends. They all get on me for my sugar and caffeine intake. First off, I find it hard to believe there are people who can survive without caffeine. It is impossible for me.

    I had a friend of mine tell me to stop sugar. How in the hell do you stop sugar? It is everywhere. That is like stopping sodium or something. I can watch my sugar intake but I don't know if I can avoid cupcakes, ice cream, or bread for the rest of my life.

    Now, I am ranting. LOL.

    First of all, I do love the rant. Everyone who talks about "whole foods" as if there is nothing else in the world to eat. We are all going to swing by the Taco Bell drive thru for a couple tacos (I am also a big fan of the Crunchwrap Supreme) once in awhile, and there is no reason to feel guilty about it.

    Second, just in response to the above comment... there's a way to live without caffeine. I have to do it. Heart related. But, it does suck, especially when I want a cup of coffee (decaf just isn't the same).
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    Whole foods may be better for you but also in Moderation you can still get fat while eating whole foods! It depends on what you add to them and how much you eat if you are eating 4 servings of anything you are gonna gain weight! I'm an example of that. i eat very healthy and love whole grains etc. But I came from a family of nine kids and well if you wanted food you had better eat it quick and if you wanted seconds make sure it went on your plate with firsts. I have never had an idea of portion I always thought that eating healthy was all I needed to do but portions killed me. So shut up health nuts thats only one part of being healthy!
  • BareFootTrucker
    I love this topic. I started my diet on Sept. 23 and have lost 19 lbs. I am using the Smart for Life diet, and although the cookies really are good, I prefer savory foods over sweet foods. So to have a sweet cookie every 2 hrs was really getting on my nerves. I want some spicy taco bell darn it!

    So about a month in I started figuring out as best I could what I could eat that would take the place of a cookie while keeping the same nutritional values, AND I started eating a bean burrito on a regular basis. I have also been eating a crunch wrap supreme and a few other items from their menu a few times a week. So far I am still losing about the same the same per week, but the month that I added in the occasional taco bell I actually lost MORE weight.

    One of the reasons that I am so happy I found this site is because it makes it so easy to figure out what you can eat and still stay within your intake goals for the day, and I am happy to find out the the intake can be as tasty as you want it, as long as you are moderate.

  • KerryB1977
    KerryB1977 Posts: 86 Member
    Thank You so much I am just like you and yes I may be eating "unhealthy foods" but losing 33 lbs isn't anything to sneeze at. Losing weight will lower my risks of diseases like diabetes,heart disease, etc. and what works for me may not be anyone else's cup of tea but I feel fantastic! Good job on your journey too.:drinker:
  • someday120
    couldn't agree more lol
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this. I recently thought I had to eat 100 percent clean in order to achieve my fitness goals. Not only did I realize I could not sustain this, I realized I didn't want to either.

    I read a story somewhere about an individual who decided to eat clean all the time. They told the story about visiting a restaurant, ordering something, and feeling disgusting afterward because what they ate was not "clean". I couldn't imagine. While I don't eat out at restaurants a lot of the time, it is inevitable that I will sooner or later. Two things bother me about trying to eat clean off a restaurant menu. The first is the salads are usually just as expensive as an entree, and taking them home is a pain because they go soggy. Secondly, I love food, all kinds of food, and all I can think of right now is a thick steak I had at a restaurant, covered in some creamy buttery sauce, and topped off with shrimp.....OOOOOH delicious!

    I listen to my body. Some days, my body craves that nice big fresh salad. Some days it craves a plate of raw veggies. Then, there's days I want some sugary cereal. Some days I can't even fathom eating bread because I don't want something too filling, then there's times when I just want a sandwich with nice thick cut bread.

    The other thing I have been trying really hard NOT to do is eat later at night. The more I'm working out, the more I realize I'm hungry at night. Again, I'm trying to listen to my body.

    Oh I like beer and wine too :) I've also come to really like the full flavor, heavy, tasty craft beers. No light beer for me.

  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Judging by the number of obese people in this country, it's pretty clear that not everyone understands the difference between healthy food and total crap. And since this is a website dedicated to helping people lose weight, plenty of people are going to push the benefits of healthy, natural, organic foods.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I personally get tired of hearing "but your taste buds change over the years, so if you try it again you just might like it."

    Um, NO!

    I will never eat whole wheat pasta. GROSS! I will never choke on an onion or asparagus. NASTY!!!

    I also love potatoes and only have sweet pototoes a couple times a year.

    I eat as good as I can...meaning, I eat lean meats, fruits, veggies, etc...but if I want to dump cheese on everything, back off! I am under my calorie goal, I am losing weight, and who made you my dietician?

    I tried eating 100% clean foods 100% of the time, and I "quit" within a week. I have some great recipes, but sometimes I just wanna satisfy my sweet tooth and I am going to do it.

    And I will seriously slap the next person that tries to tell me to stop eating meat and go vegan. Do I look like a hippie to you? I'm an omnivore, and I will eat my burger! :bigsmile:
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    I think there's a yes-and-no side to this whole thing (pun intended- LOL).

    On the one hand, while you still CAN lose weight eating ONLY "bad" foods (e.g. twinkie diet), you may be depriving your body of the things that it needs to function properly and well. So trying to make little changes, like eating whole grain bread instead of white and whole grain pasta instead of white CAN help- they ARE better for your body and fill you up longer so you end up eating less. I never eat white bread anymore, and very rarely eat white pasta.

    On the other hand, everything in moderation rules the day. I think it is absolutely unreasonable to expect that you'll never again eat fast foods or greasy foods or white foods or sweet sugary foods, etc. None of it, in moderation, and fitting into your cals/etc. for the day, is going to kill you. I've made some healthy changes, and I will pass on some things that I would have gorged on before. But I never deny myself, either. And I think that's where the fine line is.

    Losing weight by eating fast food every day just isn't healthy, and it isn't going to work, because you are going to want to eat more than you are allotted. One meal could very easily be your whole day's worth of food. But yelling at someone for eating something is not ok. Maybe they planned it and thought about it and that's totally ok!!

    I know sometimes I feel like I need to justify what I'm doing when I go out. Like if we do get fast food, I want to explain to everyone around me that I swear, I don't eat like this all the time, usually, but I'm so busy I don't have time to make dinner and I put it in my diary already and planned out so I won't be going over so it will be ok! And that feeling is just not cool, and we should never be making others feel like they have to justify to anyone other than themselves what they are eating and why.
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    I agree with you completely! This is a rant that has been going on inside my head a lot. I know it is important to have things in moderation and to read labels but I think some people take it a little too far. If going out to dinner with friends or having a drink with the girls becomes more complicated than fun because of scrutinizing the menu then what's the point. Some food is available not for the nutritional benefit but just for the joy of eating it. So I say 'eat up' in moderation!