Can't believe I'm looking forward to GYN appt Weds!

I have a great GYN, and am going in for a 6 month follow up appointment in the morning.

Now, I've been seeing her for years, and every year she asks about my exercise, etc. And every year, I fudge and say I do a bit of walking. She's very gentle and understanding, but lets me know she wants me to be healthier and lose weight. I never have heeded her advice.

I can't WAIT to show her I've lost almost 7 pounds a month (on average) since I saw her last!! :):):) I hope she notices it on the chart; I can't expect her to remember how I looked, but she can see on the chart what I weighed 6 months ago... :):):)


  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    That's great! Very well done xxx
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I'm sure she'll be pleased, but it's so much more important that you are. Congratulations!:happy:
  • jenn_18
    thats awesome!! cant wait until I can say the same!
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    That's so great! I'm sure she will notice! You should be totally proud of that! :)
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Hehehe, I totally know how you feel!! I have an appt. in December with my gyno who I haven't seen since ... I can't remember. By then it will have been over 2.5 years ago! And I've lost all this weight since then! I'm psyched to see her reaction when she looks at my weight in her chart and sees that I weigh less now than when I first started going to her! It will be the first time that she sees me as "overweight" instead of "obese" too. She's always been really gentle and never pushed me to lose weight or eat better, even after she diagnosed me with PCOS, probably because she thought I was too young to handle it. She tried to give me medication that I refused to take. I'm pretty excited that she'll get to see that even though it took me forever to decide to do something about my weight, I've done it on my own! lol
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    It's been a long time since I had a Gyn appointment.
    Last time I saw him, I was telling him I had just started to loose weight, and I was determined to loose until I was in the good BMI range.... and then I put on quite a bit and I was too ashamed to see him again ( after those words.........).
    Once I'm down to the weight I had at this last appointment I'll ask for a new appointment, which will last a few months until I get one, and then I will be less heavy, and my words won't be empty words or lies anymore :-).
    I hope to have this appoinment next summer ;-)

  • cerdmann
    Chris - I sure hope your appointment went well this morning! I doubt that many women are looking forward to a GYN appointment! You must realize from the GYN vantage point, they probably do not remember faces! :o) But I'm really sure she noticed the change on the weight chart. Hopefully she let you sit up so that you could see the look on her face when she congratulated you for losing over 40 pounds since you saw her last! You've done an amazing job, Chris. Keep up the good work and don't ever let the naysayers (or family, whichever comes to mind) discourage you!

    At 54, with blown knees and heel spurs, I'll never run a marathon, but I'm so very proud of all my MFP buddies who are getting out there and doing terrific things. You and Maryann73 are amazing. I must say, when I was in my 40s I kept thinking that I had more time, more time, more time to get fit and lose weight. When my 47 y.o. cousin died this past summer from ovarian cancer it hit me really hard. Today is the day to get fit and be as healthy as we can be. Even if I never lose another pound, I will continue to exercise and eat right. For me now it's all about being healthy and taking those preventative steps like seeing the GYN and having the boobogram and colonscopy. Yes, it's all uncomfortable but so much better than the alternative!
    Take care,